Topic: Hippie's Holistic Healing Hut | |
Here is your Daily Feng Shui Tip for Friday, September 26
Football tickets, tailgates and tuitions, pain at the pump and the holidays bearing down; sometimes it pays to read these tips. If you are finding your finances to be unstable, you can create a greater sense of peace by proactively cooking up a little cool cash by turning up the heat on your stove. The stove is said to be sacred in Feng Shui, as it is the appliance of abundance (it cooks the food) and is also believed to have wealth building powers attached to each burner. In fact, the burners themselves are seen as active and specific money generators. Each and every day, for 27 days, stand in front of your stove and turn all of the burners on high. As they are heating up, visualize your financial condition doing the same. Then begin using all of your burners equally to ensure that this cure is providing you with maximum earning potential. PeAcE & ![]() |
Happy Friday GEHC!
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Here is your Daily Feng Shui Tip for Saturday, September 27
I keep reading and hearing about how high the rate of diagnosis of children who have either ADD or ADHD is in this country. And prescriptions of pharmaceuticals to quell this nature are skyrocketing as well. In any child's room you ideally want to try and keep the color scheme focused around healing and harmonious shades of both blue and green. Positive images should also be scatted throughout, as they will encourage your child to bloom and grow in a wonderfully supportive manner. However, these rules must be adjusted for the hyperactive child. Inside their room you'll want to try to bring balance to an overactive temperament with what would be termed 'extreme Yin,' or really soft fabrics, and colors such as pale gold and yellow. Pale colors have been proven to quiet a racing mind, with pale yellow specifically proven to help subdue the mind for serious study and restful sleep. The next time you consider handing over a Ritalin, why not first roll up your sleeves and paint the town yellow? That might be just what the doctor ordered! PeAcE & ![]() |
oooooooohhhhhhhh! Love this topic! Thanks!
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Here is your Daily Feng Shui Tip for Sunday, September 28
I think I love this time of year the best (I say that at the turn of every season though!). I love the crisp, cool mornings and how the days are starting to slightly shorten while darkness descends just a bit earlier each evening. And I love all the beautiful seasonal fruits and vegetables that are available for the novice cook like me. Whenever I start to think about tinkering in the kitchen, I remember cautionary advice that a sage Shui master once gave me. He said that it was considered taboo in almost every Asian tradition to bang or hit utensils on the side of the pan while cooking, as this changes the extraordinary energy of the food. He also warned that you should never, ever swear or curse while cooking, as that will infuse the cuisine with churlish and negative energies. He offered that when anyone is cooking, they should stand and be grateful to the food for the gift of nourishment that it will bring, and for all the activity it allows our cells to perform in support of our being. He told me to pray over each meal, not only thanking my higher power, but also thanking the spirit of the food itself. I thought this such a beautiful teaching, and aside from a few sailor-like slips where the cursing is concerned, I have embraced this slightly different sort of cooking technique ever since. PeAcE & ![]() |
I would like to encourage anyone who may have any holistic healing advice to please share with us here @ Mingle. And remember, we will accept graciously all areas of the holistic sense.
Thank you, GreenEyedHippieChick aka Shelly PeAcE & ![]() |
Here is your Daily Feng Shui Tip for Monday, September 29
With all the Fall festivities kicking into high gear around this time of year, I sometimes find I just can't say 'No!' to anyone or anything and end up bending over backwards to meet all obligations. All that bending without a Yogi in sight can sometimes be a big pain in my ... back. If you, or someone you know, suffers from a little minor lower back pain, then why not try a cure from the world of Feng Shui? One way to ease an aching back is to bury nine pieces of white chalk in a small bowl containing a small amount of uncooked rice. Place the bowl under your bed directly beneath where the painful area of your back is and now leave it there for at least the next 27 days. Chalk it up to experience, this cure really works! PeAcE & ![]() |
Here is your Daily Feng Shui Tip for Monday, September 29 With all the Fall festivities kicking into high gear around this time of year, I sometimes find I just can't say 'No!' to anyone or anything and end up bending over backwards to meet all obligations. All that bending without a Yogi in sight can sometimes be a big pain in my ... back. If you, or someone you know, suffers from a little minor lower back pain, then why not try a cure from the world of Feng Shui? One way to ease an aching back is to bury nine pieces of white chalk in a small bowl containing a small amount of uncooked rice. Place the bowl under your bed directly beneath where the painful area of your back is and now leave it there for at least the next 27 days. Chalk it up to experience, this cure really works! Wow this totally rocks, thanks I will try it. PeAcE & ![]() |
Here is your Daily Feng Shui Tip for Tuesday, September 30
There is a number combination in Feng Shui that, when activated, is believed to bring incredible luck from the heavens above. In fact, this specific combination contains the number six, widely believed to also be the number accorded to 'Heaven Luck' or heavenly fortunes. Six is regarded as one of the three auspicious numbers in this tradition. The other two fortunate digits are one and eight. The theory is that whenever these three numbers occur in any combination, great and fantastic fortunes will follow. Remember this Feng fact the next time you want to personalize your license plate, or can pick your own telephone number. When your number's up, your number's up -- just make sure that it's 1,6,8, or any combo thereof! PeAcE & ![]() |
Here is your Daily Feng Shui Tip for Wednesday, October 1
Henry Ford, an innovator, genius and true believer in himself and his inventions introduced his now infamous Model T on this day in 1896. No matter what make or model you are driving these days it is always a good idea to take a little protection along with you for the ride. Affixing a small mirror (akin to the one you might additionally use on your sideview) to the center of the back bumper is said to repel and deflect all negative energies and is believed to keep you safe anytime you take to the streets. Now you can cruise with energetic control. PeAcE & ![]() |
ahhh Power of the Bagua ....
*lighting dark blue candles*
I am curious how holistic medicine deals with grief and mourning. I have always felt that all emotions are a part of life and should be embraced. Your thoughts?
i would say embrace them unless the become debilitating...then consume copious amounts of St. John's Wort
I am curious how holistic medicine deals with grief and mourning. I have always felt that all emotions are a part of life and should be embraced. Your thoughts? |
Here is your Daily Feng Shui Tip for Friday, October 3
Today I am thinking about my son Robert. He lives a more than a few hundred miles away from me, so it's truly important to me to do something from my home base that will bring bright and happy energies to his. This year I am going to send some sweet wishes with some smoky signals. I will find a picture of Robert and I enjoying each other's company and put that in a wooden frame. Wood is the element that represents family in Feng Shui -- makes sense when you start to think about roots and branching out and growing from the same family tree! I will put the picture into the 'Family/Friends' area and light a green candle (green being the color associated with all of these sibling energies) in honor and celebration of our fabulous bond. As the candle burns down I will hope or pray that the coming year for my son will be among the best that he has ever had. And as the flames burn lower and the smoke of this wish passes to the universe, I'm certain that those dreams will definitely come true. I love you! PeAcE & ![]() |
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sending positive energy across the planet, to you..
do you feel it? |
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Here is your Daily Feng Shui Tip for Monday, October 6
The beginning of October is associated with the energies of Libra according to the Western Zodiac. This sign is said to rule both the lower back and the kidneys. If you are suffering from any sort of kidney ailment (and only after consulting with a qualified physician), you should you consider using the energy around you to heal from the outside in. First, be sure that your home is not water deficient in any way, as that represents or translates to kidney deficiencies as well. Fix all leaky faucets and toilets in the home and workspace (this will save water as well!). Eat black beans, soy, kidney beans (duh!), blueberries and blackberries while avoiding excessively spicy foods. Finally, put a white vase filled with blue flowers directly inside the front door of your home to stimulate a healthy flow of energy and bringing balance to the body. All of these efforts can help flush any anxiety caused by kidney ailments away and restore vital Chi to those important organs. PeAcE & ![]() |