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Topic: everybody/ nobody
no photo
Wed 09/24/08 02:55 PM
everybody likes pop tarts,nobody likes someone else's farts....:laughing:

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 09/24/08 02:56 PM
Where are all the "where are all the good man" threads today? Enquiring minds want to know.

Jess642's photo
Wed 09/24/08 02:59 PM

Where are all the "where are all the good man" threads today? Enquiring minds want to know.

They were busy being chivalrous and independent...:wink: laugh

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 09/24/08 03:01 PM
Everyone likes a boomerang to throw. Nobody likes a boomerang girlfreind yknow.

Jess642's photo
Wed 09/24/08 03:02 PM

Everyone likes a boomerang to throw. Nobody likes a boomerang girlfreind yknow.

They just keep coming back!

Throw em away and wham!! you get smacked in the back of the head when you turn around!


longhairbiker's photo
Wed 09/24/08 03:04 PM
Everybody likes babies, puppies, and the word "Free". Nobody likes cleaning up after two out of the three.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 09/24/08 03:07 PM
everybody likes a funny joke. nobody like a nasty bloke.

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 09/24/08 03:11 PM
Everybody likes bee puke on toast. Nobody likes a dried out rump roast.

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 09/24/08 03:13 PM
Edited by longhairbiker on Wed 09/24/08 03:16 PM
Everbody likes whip cream and chains. Nobody afterwards likes the aches and pains.

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 09/24/08 03:13 PM
Edited by longhairbiker on Wed 09/24/08 03:19 PM
Everybody likes a good morning constitution. Nobody likes an empty roll of tp to bring it to fruition.

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 09/24/08 03:15 PM
Edited by longhairbiker on Wed 09/24/08 03:22 PM
Everybody likes some money in the bank. Nobody likes to take it out put it in their gastank.

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 09/24/08 03:34 PM
Nobody likes getting stuck in a rut. Everybody likes a padonkey donk butt.

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 09/24/08 03:57 PM
Burma shave.

Mafomagic's photo
Wed 09/24/08 04:01 PM
I like green eggs and ham

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