Topic: Two stories which one do you believe?
Redykeulous's photo
Mon 03/26/07 11:06 PM
There are two Genesis creation stories - which one do you believe?

Web links read whichever one you like they give both stories.

no photo
Mon 03/26/07 11:08 PM
I don't have to read the links brother, I believe the one in the bible.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 03/26/07 11:11 PM
They're both in the Bible, want to read it from there? Go ahead.
These links just make them a little easier to decifer.

no photo
Mon 03/26/07 11:27 PM
OK I will check it out...

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 05:20 AM

hmmmmm checkin....

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 09:52 AM
Most scholars no longer believe that Moses wrote the first 5 books of
the Bible, but rather that there were 4 separate authors (possibly a

This article at wikipedia covers this topic in a broad sense, with links
to more specific aspects of it:

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/27/07 02:05 PM
Well this is interesting.

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 03:54 PM
Wittyandwishful. You say 'most Scholars?' I am inclined to disagree with
that. Who did that survey to determine 'most?' Then Redykeulous. That
suggested material is very long and complex to read. That will be like a
'course.' What is the jist' of what they're saying about the creation?
What are the contradictions? Whatever it says and 'whoever' wrote the
first five books. Did they not use to memorize whole letters (books)
verbatim. Do not the writings contain predictions that are faithfully
fulfilled. Eg. "Israelites will ask for a king" They will be a 'wonder
and atonishment among nations. I believe in the writings because of
fulfilled predictions which, to my knowledge, no other book is able to
produce. Other holy books mostly speaks of a 'good' way of like along
with prescriptions for rituals. People reading these other books attack
the Bible. How about attacking these other books. Where did they come
from? Who wrote them? How long were they written. Could the authors
write? Were they literate? How succesful are their philosophies? How
long have they been in existence? Give these books the same torture that
the Bible is given?

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 03:56 PM
If the seeming contradictions are: (1) The wind of

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 04:00 PM
God moved upon the face of the earth to create and (2) The Spirit of God
moved upon the face of the earth? The original Hebrew translated
'Spirit' means 'wind' of 'breath' So that is not a contradiction. It
means The Creator's breath' moved. What would you have liked them to
say. The Hebrews said things they could have understood in their
culture. And we have to ask, dexcendants of who got the message what
they meant.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/27/07 04:35 PM
To me the 'wind' or 'breath' is just the essence of Gods atomic present
molcular make up flowing over the existence that He has created and
altering the physical make up of what presently is.(Sorry. The scientist
in me).

But I follow with Greiving with the fact that the bible is the oldest
text(followed deeply today), that should be held in some respect,
especially to the point that it does hold facts, not just

no photo
Tue 03/27/07 06:15 PM
to find the meaning of questionable words one must look at the origional
greek and hebrew scriptures. what you and i think it means is
irrevalent. What does it say? thats the question. this is where study
and prayer come in.
it could be a message to you out of context, from God, but for the
bible truth,....

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 03/27/07 08:27 PM
I do so enjoy the intelligent quotient here, you are all most
interesting. I was refering to a few things.

1. How the polytheistic point of view is so prevailent. That the one
god was worshiped in three different forms. I reasearched just a little
about this, and found that they were actually prayed to seperately. Not
that you would find that in the Genisis story, but, oddly, none of you
noticed that the creator was referred to in plurality.

2. So do you believe that Eve was created FROM Adam or at the same time?
Was Eve subserviant to Adam or equal?

3. One story does not incorporate the forbidden tree of fruit, the other
does? How does this affect your belief regarding their/her sin?

You may say these have no bearing on any basic Christian beliefs, but
look and think again. Is this part of the bible literal? If so, which
story is literal? Was God really singular or plural. Further research
indicates some contradicion over ancient vocabulary, some say it was
three Gods, one of whom was feminin in nature and therefore Adam and Eve
were created at the same time "in god's image" so that both persona's
would be accounted for. In non biblical stories of Genisis, it was also
believed that they were endowed with the spirt or the third god, which
gave them souls. It would seem to make sence in one story but not the

Was it man's idea to change the polytheistic nature of God, thereby,
excluding the equality of woman to man or was it simply that the story
having been told word of mouth for so long, got distorted? Since we can
never know, which do we take belief in?

These, to me are very big issues in deciding how much of the Bible is to
be taken literally, and how much is actually "inspired" by God?

MikeMontana's photo
Tue 03/27/07 08:31 PM
Whats the confusion? Nearly every Genesis story is duplicated. In fact,
nearly every story in the 1st five books of the bible are in duplicate
with subtle differences.


The 1st set was broken up by moses. The 2nd set was dictated by the
angels. Who knows which one is which.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 03/27/07 08:33 PM
Somebody watching the Colbert report posted that man. Wikipedia is not a
legidimate scource. Anyone can edit it, colleges and SCHOLARS will not
allow it as a source.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 03/27/07 08:36 PM
Im with wheezer there is only one god and he is my god!

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 01:44 AM
Redykeulous! These topics are hard and long courses. By I will try to
(1) The Hebrews are the messengers of this creation story. Their
message ended up in a book called 'the Bible' But is THEIR MESSAGE to
give and their story to tell. Should we not ask them what did their
ancestors mean by this or that? You see how I spelt Bible starting with
a capital letter? That is because it is Western culture to do so. Or the
West now leads that way. Just so, the name of The Creator was dealt with
in the plural for respect. The people from whom we got the message
NEVER said that the Creator is plural. It is mainly the West who acts as
though we can TEACH the messengers or their ancestors (who heard and it
is they who wrote it)what, what they wrote mean. Isn't that rediculous??
In BC times, inspite of what the west now believes, from the message it
was, like the Muslims say: "God is 'ONE.'Inspite of HOW it was
translated in the English and how the English feels about the "Let US
make man" and the "God said. (Mighty Ones said.)As a matter of fact
english dictionaries say Elohim plural of Elohao, means mighty ones for
famous or powerful people, and to the Hebrew singular Diety Yahweh (The
Eternal self existent One.)So God was not to them Polytheistic. Elom is
Monotheistic!! It is true that most Christians say God is three. But
other Christians say NO! "That is the very thing God laboured to tell
Hebrews not say like the other pagan nations. A god for everything with
a head god over all." They had this pennance to learn (or words to the
effect) "Hear oh Israel (Yisreal) Yahweh our Elohim is ONE; I only am
the Yahweh Elohim (Lord God) before me there was no God formed neither
shall there be AFTER ME. By the way Jesus (Yahshua) is said by some
groups to be the SAME GOD in human form starting from his birth.
(Isaiah: 9:6) A tough one. So some say they will take the side of Jesus
teaching "Our Father which art in heaven.....ask the father for what you
want and tell him I send you. I am the door to the FATHER. So they call
the OFFICE of BORN JESUS, 'the son. Anyway back to the topic. Abraham,
his ancestors and his descendants, call the Almighty, ONE and not three
or more.
Adam and eve created together or not? Ask the writer again. The Hebrews
NEVER believe that they wrote to be understood, that two were created at
the SAME TIME. They list the topic 'Male and female created He them"
then they went on to explain how. He made a human first (some believe
that being was sexless as God is having been made in his image and
likeness)That human was called Adam. Then from that human, He made the
woman, Eve. Then there was male and female. Whether that is so or not.
Adam was there first. "For Adam was first created.."
About equality? There must be a captain on board.And that captain is the
Adam. But suppose Adam's wife is a Doctor? How can Adam tell her what to
do on medical science? She was made one like him to help him (a help
Mikemontanna? God nor Angels, did not himself write annything except the

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 01:55 AM
TEN COMMANDMENTS on tablets of hewed stones that Moses took twice to
Him. Angels writing anything is probably Mormon doctrine. I have to read
how the book of Mormons is claimed to be originated again.
Back to toopic? If I say I made two kites. Well that is the topic. then
I go on to explain how. then I go to the subtopics to explain. I made
one first and then the other. That is how Adam and Eve subject is.
Proof texts: "Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God [is] one LORD;
Isa 43:10 Ye [are] my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I
have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I [am]
he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:24 AM
1Ti 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.