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Topic: McCain Ad FactCheck
JasmineInglewood's photo
Fri 10/31/08 11:33 AM
Everything McCain does during the course of this campaign has been an insult to those of us with a brain cell or two. His campaign has been gimmicky and wishy-washy.

One minute he thinks negative advertising has no place in this campaign, the next he decides to screw that because he's behind in the polls...

He tells David Letterman he cant be on the show because he has to RUN to Washington to save the economy that he knows precious little about and next he's on the show supplying as an explanation when that lie is found out, "i screwed up *dopey grin*"...

He selects Sarah Palin as a ploy to win attention to his campaign and to snag what he must've presumed to be stupid disillusioned Hillary supporters and now that plan has backfired...

He stokes the masses of his base with innuendo trying to install a sense of mystery and fear associating with Obama with terrorists and "hating america" and then when that crap is called out and he realises the american people see through that bull**** he's forced to backpeddle

Now the latest campaign gimmick has been to call obama a socialist but then when asked if he actually does think so, he back peddles yet again.

McCain isnt about Country First, McCain is about throwing random pieces of **** and seeing what sticks for the sake of winning at any cost, I cannot understand for the life of me why anyone would want that man as leader of the free world. His entire premise has been to treat the electorate like they are idiots and will fall for anything, had he run this campaign with a modicum of consistency, honour, and integrity i wouldn't be so passionate about NOT seeing him or Sarah Palin for that matter anywhere near the White House.
But thankfully the majority of americans seem to have had an education beyond the 6th grade.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 10/31/08 11:42 AM

Everything McCain does during the course of this campaign has been an insult to those of us with a brain cell or two. His campaign has been gimmicky and wishy-washy.

One minute he thinks negative advertising has no place in this campaign, the next he decides to screw that because he's behind in the polls...

He tells David Letterman he cant be on the show because he has to RUN to Washington to save the economy that he knows precious little about and next he's on the show supplying as an explanation when that lie is found out, "i screwed up *dopey grin*"...

He selects Sarah Palin as a ploy to win attention to his campaign and to snag what he must've presumed to be stupid disillusioned Hillary supporters and now that plan has backfired...

He stokes the masses of his base with innuendo trying to install a sense of mystery and fear associating with Obama with terrorists and "hating america" and then when that crap is called out and he realises the american people see through that bull**** he's forced to backpeddle

Now the latest campaign gimmick has been to call obama a socialist but then when asked if he actually does think so, he back peddles yet again.

McCain isnt about Country First, McCain is about throwing random pieces of **** and seeing what sticks for the sake of winning at any cost, I cannot understand for the life of me why anyone would want that man as leader of the free world. His entire premise has been to treat the electorate like they are idiots and will fall for anything, had he run this campaign with a modicum of consistency, honour, and integrity i wouldn't be so passionate about NOT seeing him or Sarah Palin for that matter anywhere near the White House.
But thankfully the majority of americans seem to have had an education beyond the 6th grade.

Yep... got just a bit o edumcation.

You sound just like an MSNBC reporter...

And you just listed in allmost exact order the democratic party line.

conviently leaving out the part Obama played in all this...

Senator Obama has also played americans for fools... from the 'they gonna say I'm different', to 'hey look at me I got an INFOMERCIAL (i.e. SalesPitch) who..hoo' Oh and lest we not forget 'I will firmly support Campaign Reform'... OOPS... I need more money so... No reform... But american - I never lie.

Face it folks ya got a choice between micky mouse and donald duck... which one do you prefer as president?

JasmineInglewood's photo
Fri 10/31/08 11:49 AM

Everything McCain does during the course of this campaign has been an insult to those of us with a brain cell or two. His campaign has been gimmicky and wishy-washy.

One minute he thinks negative advertising has no place in this campaign, the next he decides to screw that because he's behind in the polls...

He tells David Letterman he cant be on the show because he has to RUN to Washington to save the economy that he knows precious little about and next he's on the show supplying as an explanation when that lie is found out, "i screwed up *dopey grin*"...

He selects Sarah Palin as a ploy to win attention to his campaign and to snag what he must've presumed to be stupid disillusioned Hillary supporters and now that plan has backfired...

He stokes the masses of his base with innuendo trying to install a sense of mystery and fear associating with Obama with terrorists and "hating america" and then when that crap is called out and he realises the american people see through that bull**** he's forced to backpeddle

Now the latest campaign gimmick has been to call obama a socialist but then when asked if he actually does think so, he back peddles yet again.

McCain isnt about Country First, McCain is about throwing random pieces of **** and seeing what sticks for the sake of winning at any cost, I cannot understand for the life of me why anyone would want that man as leader of the free world. His entire premise has been to treat the electorate like they are idiots and will fall for anything, had he run this campaign with a modicum of consistency, honour, and integrity i wouldn't be so passionate about NOT seeing him or Sarah Palin for that matter anywhere near the White House.
But thankfully the majority of americans seem to have had an education beyond the 6th grade.

Yep... got just a bit o edumcation.

You sound just like an MSNBC reporter...

And you just listed in allmost exact order the democratic party line.

conviently leaving out the part Obama played in all this...

Senator Obama has also played americans for fools... from the 'they gonna say I'm different', to 'hey look at me I got an INFOMERCIAL (i.e. SalesPitch) who..hoo' Oh and lest we not forget 'I will firmly support Campaign Reform'... OOPS... I need more money so... No reform... But american - I never lie.

Face it folks ya got a choice between micky mouse and donald duck... which one do you prefer as president?

The one that puts Sarah Palin as far away from the whitehouse as humanly possible. And McCain to live out the remainder of his bitter cynical years in a nursing home somewhere.

Also you dont have to have been watching msnbc to see through the McCain crap. these are actual facts that have been out there for anyone to remember should they choose to. I don't have msnbc and rarely watch televison.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:02 PM

Everything McCain does during the course of this campaign has been an insult to those of us with a brain cell or two. His campaign has been gimmicky and wishy-washy.

One minute he thinks negative advertising has no place in this campaign, the next he decides to screw that because he's behind in the polls...

He tells David Letterman he cant be on the show because he has to RUN to Washington to save the economy that he knows precious little about and next he's on the show supplying as an explanation when that lie is found out, "i screwed up *dopey grin*"...

He selects Sarah Palin as a ploy to win attention to his campaign and to snag what he must've presumed to be stupid disillusioned Hillary supporters and now that plan has backfired...

He stokes the masses of his base with innuendo trying to install a sense of mystery and fear associating with Obama with terrorists and "hating america" and then when that crap is called out and he realises the american people see through that bull**** he's forced to backpeddle

Now the latest campaign gimmick has been to call obama a socialist but then when asked if he actually does think so, he back peddles yet again.

McCain isnt about Country First, McCain is about throwing random pieces of **** and seeing what sticks for the sake of winning at any cost, I cannot understand for the life of me why anyone would want that man as leader of the free world. His entire premise has been to treat the electorate like they are idiots and will fall for anything, had he run this campaign with a modicum of consistency, honour, and integrity i wouldn't be so passionate about NOT seeing him or Sarah Palin for that matter anywhere near the White House.
But thankfully the majority of americans seem to have had an education beyond the 6th grade.

Yep... got just a bit o edumcation.

You sound just like an MSNBC reporter...

And you just listed in allmost exact order the democratic party line.

conviently leaving out the part Obama played in all this...

Senator Obama has also played americans for fools... from the 'they gonna say I'm different', to 'hey look at me I got an INFOMERCIAL (i.e. SalesPitch) who..hoo' Oh and lest we not forget 'I will firmly support Campaign Reform'... OOPS... I need more money so... No reform... But american - I never lie.

Face it folks ya got a choice between micky mouse and donald duck... which one do you prefer as president?

The one that puts Sarah Palin as far away from the whitehouse as humanly possible. And McCain to live out the remainder of his bitter cynical years in a nursing home somewhere.

Also you dont have to have been watching msnbc to see through the McCain crap. these are actual facts that have been out there for anyone to remember should they choose to. I don't have msnbc and rarely watch televison.

so then if I believe that Obama put out as much crap...

I am uneducated?

McCain has also put out some right on the money facts... these also are labeled as 'crap'... (in the media) yet when checked against things like oh... THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.. One finds out that for example. Obama stated 'McCain voted for a reduction in oil company taxes'.

In 2005 when that bill "reduction in oil taxes'came to congress McCain voted - NO.

Obama voted - YES.

Which one is lieing?

Winx's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:07 PM
Edited by Winx on Fri 10/31/08 12:08 PM

Unable to respond the the original thread the same old posters post the same old crap.

Please, respond to McCain ad misrepresenting Obama's tax plan. You might also consider reading the Obama tax plan as well.

Not that...oh never mind.

Read it...

VERY distrubing...

The math is much more interesting when you put it up against REAL WORLD numbers.

Like the number of small business owners that actually take home 30,000 or less but WOULD PAY TAXES ON THE 250,000 OR MORE THEIR COMPANY MAKES...(just one small sample).

Someone on here once called a few people sheeple and libretard or some such thing. I begin to understand why.

If the shoe fits... Keep walkin in it... Eventually the sores you receive will cause you to throw it off for more pratical shoes.


I don't know what you are talking about when you say the owner that takes home less then $30,000 will pay taxes on the $250,000 their company makes.

It's my understanding that it's the person's income that is taxed and not the company's. He always refers to people's income.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:12 PM

Unable to respond the the original thread the same old posters post the same old crap.

Please, respond to McCain ad misrepresenting Obama's tax plan. You might also consider reading the Obama tax plan as well.

Not that...oh never mind.

Read it...

VERY distrubing...

The math is much more interesting when you put it up against REAL WORLD numbers.

Like the number of small business owners that actually take home 30,000 or less but WOULD PAY TAXES ON THE 250,000 OR MORE THEIR COMPANY MAKES...(just one small sample).

Someone on here once called a few people sheeple and libretard or some such thing. I begin to understand why.

If the shoe fits... Keep walkin in it... Eventually the sores you receive will cause you to throw it off for more pratical shoes.


I don't know what you are talking about when you say the owner that takes home less then $30,000 will pay taxes on the $250,000 their company makes.

It's my understanding that it's the person's income that is taxed and not the company's. He always refers to people's income.

Small business owners in large numbers file their business and personal taxes under an umbrella that means they file both as their individual income...

He refers to it as a persons income cause it would be disastarous for him to admit those 34 million or so that would be affected by this...

Or he just doesn't know that part... (hard to think that SOMEONE in the Democratic Party is not aware of it)

And those business owners are bout to get slammed if America votes this way.

Winx's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:17 PM

Unable to respond the the original thread the same old posters post the same old crap.

Please, respond to McCain ad misrepresenting Obama's tax plan. You might also consider reading the Obama tax plan as well.

Not that...oh never mind.

Read it...

VERY distrubing...

The math is much more interesting when you put it up against REAL WORLD numbers.

Like the number of small business owners that actually take home 30,000 or less but WOULD PAY TAXES ON THE 250,000 OR MORE THEIR COMPANY MAKES...(just one small sample).

Someone on here once called a few people sheeple and libretard or some such thing. I begin to understand why.

If the shoe fits... Keep walkin in it... Eventually the sores you receive will cause you to throw it off for more pratical shoes.


I don't know what you are talking about when you say the owner that takes home less then $30,000 will pay taxes on the $250,000 their company makes.

It's my understanding that it's the person's income that is taxed and not the company's. He always refers to people's income.

Small business owners in large numbers file their business and personal taxes under an umbrella that means they file both as their individual income...

He refers to it as a persons income cause it would be disastarous for him to admit those 34 million or so that would be affected by this...

Or he just doesn't know that part... (hard to think that SOMEONE in the Democratic Party is not aware of it)

And those business owners are bout to get slammed if America votes this way.

Hmmm...I have a few friends that own their own businesses.
I'm going to see what they think. An ex owned his own business when we lived together. I don't remember him filing it that way.

JasmineInglewood's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:23 PM
Listen sir,
I wasnt saying that because you support McCain that you are uneducated, you can support McCain for any reason you wish as that is the point of democracy. If you could please re-read what i said, i was saying that anyone who believed or fell for any of McCain's campaign gimmicks, which i named, is stupid. I make no apologies for that because McCain himself, i believe, is trying to cater to the less discerning elements of the population, and he knows it.
Tell me sir do you believe that obama is a terrorist? or that he hates america? do you believe that McCain was sincere when last year he said negative campaigning has no place in this election? do you believe it was necessary for McCain to lie to Letterman and "suspend" like his immediate presence made the difference between the bailout going through or not? if not then i do not call you stupid.

My point isnt about nitpicking at every single mis-statement and gaffe that is made by either side because there are so many from the McCain side i would spend all day here rebutting any you come up with from the Obama campaign. I'm talking about the underlying premise of running an entire campaign based on the notion that the electorate is dumb.

Also, i admit i havent been made aware of the specific point you are referring to and will do further research. flowerforyou

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