Topic: Middle class Americans don’t really own anything. | |
Edited by
Thu 09/18/08 06:23 AM
Do something about it, mail congress...start a march, mail the whitehouse. The more people that bring the issue to the forefront the more the issue is going to be paid attention too...or continue to whine about the countries decline on an internet forum, really I don't care. I have been in contact with my Representatives and senators offices. I am still waiting for a reply. I am here to converse with my fellow Americans. I am very politically active. You assume to much my friend. It's not polite to call names...what’s your beef? Think before you speak chief. Sorry, did I say you didn't do those things? I simply stated take it to a more public forum if you want people to hear the issue and far I see an issue and absolutely no resolution. You want my two cents on the issue, we pay taxes to fund numerous causes most notably the war...less known is the school system, road work (you know, when you have gigantic holes in your road) and public works (water systems, energy alternatives and public transportation). The majority of the taxes are taken to the war, with a minimal percentage being set aside for public works and a bit more for schooling (which is up since about 6 or so years ago). The problem is we're paying outrageous amounts in taxes to fund a war that not many people agree with, some taxes are necessary while others are null...the war I think is null, while public works among other taxable resources are necessary. Did you know that the Federal Reserve is a private bank? It is no more federal than Fed Ex is. Not one dollar of your federal income tax goes to any government cause. Your federal income Tax money and mine goes to the federal reserve(private bank) to pay the interest on all the money that the U.S. government barrowes (ON CREDIT) FROM THAT PRIVATE BANK. CREDIT IS THE ENEMY AND WHY IS THE U.S. GOVERNMENT INDEBTED TO A PRIVATE BANK??????????? Look it up it’s all true. The government is in debt with other countries, and yes federal income tax does go to government causes. Just not as much goes to some as it goes to others, the war being the highest eater of taxes to date. By "look it up" you mean some sort of website that is completly dedicated to one point of view and not an open point of view? Because I know federal income tax goes to government services, while yes the majority goes to the war...some still goes to public works and other causes. Yes it is used to pay debts the US owes, that is not the sole cause of federal income tax. |
So if you are saying that once a home is paid off you should not pay taxes on it, how do you propose that the schools are funded, the roads get paved, ect ect..... What is your solution to this? FLAT TAX. So you DO believe in socialism then. and why should I be penalized if I chose NOT to own a home? Why should I pay a tax like that based on MY choice to NOT own a home? I agree with Lily on this one, flat tax is a horrible're pretty much putting everyone in one group, and being as diverse of country as the US is that simply wouldn't work. While doing away with silly taxes would work but it would be a very long process. Flat tax would simply put the country more in debt then it already is. It would pump tons of cash into the economy. |
It would pump tons of cash into the economy. How? How would it create more than what we are already doing, since you would have to cease all other taxes to begin with? |
So if you are saying that once a home is paid off you should not pay taxes on it, how do you propose that the schools are funded, the roads get paved, ect ect..... What is your solution to this? FLAT TAX. So you DO believe in socialism then. and why should I be penalized if I chose NOT to own a home? Why should I pay a tax like that based on MY choice to NOT own a home? I agree with Lily on this one, flat tax is a horrible're pretty much putting everyone in one group, and being as diverse of country as the US is that simply wouldn't work. While doing away with silly taxes would work but it would be a very long process. Flat tax would simply put the country more in debt then it already is. SMALLER GOVERNMENTS DOES NOT SPEND AS MUCH. THE GOVERNMENT WASTE MONEY. |
And here's another thing you don't understand... If I purchase a home for 190K and the property value decreases to 130K...MY TAXES GO DOWN.... Your still paying on something you "own". |
Well I see you have no solutions to your issue, so happy idealologying......
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It would pump tons of cash into the economy. How? How would it create more than what we are already doing, since you would have to cease all other taxes to begin with? For a long time (roughly 20 years now), I've been a supporter of the Flat Tax here in the United States. I've always been good at math, and I've always been in a low-income tax bracket, so I don't dread tax time quite as much as other Americans might. And now, with all the computer programs designed for taxation purposes, there is less reason for anyone to dread the Tax Man. Regardless, paying taxes is always something of a chore for me, that I would rather do without. There are so many rules and exceptions to follow. So to me, a simplified tax code is the way to go. And it is difficult to get much simpler than a flat tax, a single flat rate that all taxpayers pay on their taxable income. There are many benefits to a flat tax rate. Efficiency is probably the most compelling. More complicated tax systems require complicated algorithms and long lists of rules to follow. They don't cost money to fill out (unless you are doing them on-line), but they do cost time. They cost time to fill out and time to be processed. A flat-tax system would cut that time dramatically, and all those man-hours saved could be spent doing something far more productive. However, there are some very real, not so obvious, consequences to making such a dramatic change in our tax system. The first would be the almost complete dissolution of the IRS. The IRS is not just a governmental institution bent on inspiring fear in the citizenry; it is composed of people whose livelihood comes from working in the tax industry. Most of them would lose their jobs. Some people have suggested we could retrain them and send them down to the border to enforce it, so perhaps that is one possible solution. However, there is a key word in the above paragraph that points to the problems that would result from implementing a flat tax suddenly. It is "tax industry." The tax industry consists of more than the IRS. There are entire companies like H&R Block, that are devoted to dealing with taxes. Additionally, we have tax attorneys. And I'm sure there are many others. All these people would lose their jobs with the stroke of the President's pen when he signed such a tax bill into law. |
Edited by
Thu 09/18/08 06:55 AM
Do something about it, mail congress...start a march, mail the whitehouse. The more people that bring the issue to the forefront the more the issue is going to be paid attention too...or continue to whine about the countries decline on an internet forum, really I don't care. I have been in contact with my Representatives and senators offices. I am still waiting for a reply. I am here to converse with my fellow Americans. I am very politically active. You assume to much my friend. It's not polite to call names...what’s your beef? Think before you speak chief. Sorry, did I say you didn't do those things? I simply stated take it to a more public forum if you want people to hear the issue and far I see an issue and absolutely no resolution. You want my two cents on the issue, we pay taxes to fund numerous causes most notably the war...less known is the school system, road work (you know, when you have gigantic holes in your road) and public works (water systems, energy alternatives and public transportation). The majority of the taxes are taken to the war, with a minimal percentage being set aside for public works and a bit more for schooling (which is up since about 6 or so years ago). The problem is we're paying outrageous amounts in taxes to fund a war that not many people agree with, some taxes are necessary while others are null...the war I think is null, while public works among other taxable resources are necessary. Did you know that the Federal Reserve is a private bank? It is no more federal than Fed Ex is. Not one dollar of your federal income tax goes to any government cause. Your federal income Tax money and mine goes to the federal reserve(private bank) to pay the interest on all the money that the U.S. government barrowes (ON CREDIT) FROM THAT PRIVATE BANK. CREDIT IS THE ENEMY AND WHY IS THE U.S. GOVERNMENT INDEBTED TO A PRIVATE BANK??????????? Look it up it’s all true. The government is in debt with other countries, and yes federal income tax does go to government causes. Just not as much goes to some as it goes to others, the war being the highest eater of taxes to date. By "look it up" you mean some sort of website that is completly dedicated to one point of view and not an open point of view? Because I know federal income tax goes to government services, while yes the majority goes to the war...some still goes to public works and other causes. Yes it is used to pay debts the US owes, that is not the sole cause of federal income tax. Not one dollar of your federal income tax goes to any government PROGRAM. Look it up. The money has already been barrowed WITH INTEREST from the FEDERAL RESERVE - A PRIVATE BANK. |
I don't have an issue with people who don't pay their taxes getting their houses taken from them. Here's why. If as you say they own the house outright, and they for whatever reason can't pay the taxes they have equity in their homes that they can take out an equity line of credit, and pay the taxes. If they are still paying the bank for their house, they can roll the taxes intot the payments to the bank. If you cannot afford the taxes on your house then you cannot afford your house and you should not buy it, if you have things in your life happen, you should downsize... It's called the free enterprise system for a reason. I'm sick and tired of people wanting all of their freedoms and yet want someone to help them when they get in over their heads. THAT'S NOT THE FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM. THAT'S SOCIALISM. Which is fine too, but you don't get it both ways. You can offer up all the therories you want but if your not part of the solution, you are part of the problem... "they have equity in their homes that they can take out an equity line of credit, and pay the taxes." Wrong... not all people have equity in their homes. So, becoming more indebted to a bank (Debt is a form of slavery in case you didn’t know) is your solution. I never said we should give homes to people. That would be Socialism. I'm saying if a man or women works their butt off and Pays OFF THIER HOME TO THE BANK (VERY AMERICAN AND VERY FREE INTERPRISE) they should not have to keep paying on that home TO THE GOVERNMENT. I HATE SOCIALISM AND ALL THE OTHER ISM'S OUT THERE JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO. If your home is paid off that is PURE equity.... Get your facts straight.... I don't hate socialism, but you can't live in a society that caters to both, that's all I'm saying. Lets see now: Social Security is socialism light . should we get rid of that? The V.A. is a socialistic program by the government for Vets. Should we get rid of that? By the way go to a V.A. Hospital as a vet and try to get a major surgery done...the red tap literally kills you . That is the democrats dream socialized medicine. More like population control if you ask me. What a joke. |
I don't have an issue with people who don't pay their taxes getting their houses taken from them. Here's why. If as you say they own the house outright, and they for whatever reason can't pay the taxes they have equity in their homes that they can take out an equity line of credit, and pay the taxes. If they are still paying the bank for their house, they can roll the taxes intot the payments to the bank. If you cannot afford the taxes on your house then you cannot afford your house and you should not buy it, if you have things in your life happen, you should downsize... It's called the free enterprise system for a reason. I'm sick and tired of people wanting all of their freedoms and yet want someone to help them when they get in over their heads. THAT'S NOT THE FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM. THAT'S SOCIALISM. Which is fine too, but you don't get it both ways. You can offer up all the therories you want but if your not part of the solution, you are part of the problem... "they have equity in their homes that they can take out an equity line of credit, and pay the taxes." Wrong... not all people have equity in their homes. So, becoming more indebted to a bank (Debt is a form of slavery in case you didn’t know) is your solution. I never said we should give homes to people. That would be Socialism. I'm saying if a man or women works their butt off and Pays OFF THIER HOME TO THE BANK (VERY AMERICAN AND VERY FREE INTERPRISE) they should not have to keep paying on that home TO THE GOVERNMENT. I HATE SOCIALISM AND ALL THE OTHER ISM'S OUT THERE JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO. If your home is paid off that is PURE equity.... Get your facts straight.... I don't hate socialism, but you can't live in a society that caters to both, that's all I'm saying. Really, is that why people that bought their homes for $190.000 and now find that their homes are only worth $130,000 cant get a loan?. Check your facts hun. STILL... if the home is PAID IN FULL to the bank, the fact that it lost value is not the ISSUE here. The FACT IS that they have 130,000 dollar line of equity!!1 That is ONE HUNDERED AND THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN EQUITY LINE THEY CAN BORROW AGAINT TO PAY THIER TAXES. |
Try a reverse mortgage. My best friend is a loan underwriter and she explained to me that people in retirement years are able to get a reverse mortgage, which allows them to use thier line of equity as a credit line. Thier homes CAN NEVER be taken from them and they have a line credit in which to use for emergencies and taxes.
So live in the no class, or poor class like I
do... and you won't have to worry about a thing. ![]() Alot of us would not know what to do, if we lost every thing. It has allways been this way since the begining of time. Someone has allways taxed or owned someone. But we truely do not own anything. Think of it this way... if you don't pay taxes you will not have the services offered that the taxes pay for. (Police, roads, I could go on) JMO |
I think this is a topic for the Political Forum...
Settle down Killer! JMO ... don't be hating on the baby... ![]() |
I don't have an issue with people who don't pay their taxes getting their houses taken from them. Here's why. If as you say they own the house outright, and they for whatever reason can't pay the taxes they have equity in their homes that they can take out an equity line of credit, and pay the taxes. If they are still paying the bank for their house, they can roll the taxes intot the payments to the bank. If you cannot afford the taxes on your house then you cannot afford your house and you should not buy it, if you have things in your life happen, you should downsize... It's called the free enterprise system for a reason. I'm sick and tired of people wanting all of their freedoms and yet want someone to help them when they get in over their heads. THAT'S NOT THE FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM. THAT'S SOCIALISM. Which is fine too, but you don't get it both ways. You can offer up all the therories you want but if your not part of the solution, you are part of the problem... "they have equity in their homes that they can take out an equity line of credit, and pay the taxes." Wrong... not all people have equity in their homes. So, becoming more indebted to a bank (Debt is a form of slavery in case you didn’t know) is your solution. I never said we should give homes to people. That would be Socialism. I'm saying if a man or women works their butt off and Pays OFF THIER HOME TO THE BANK (VERY AMERICAN AND VERY FREE INTERPRISE) they should not have to keep paying on that home TO THE GOVERNMENT. I HATE SOCIALISM AND ALL THE OTHER ISM'S OUT THERE JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO. If your home is paid off that is PURE equity.... Get your facts straight.... I don't hate socialism, but you can't live in a society that caters to both, that's all I'm saying. Really, is that why people that bought their homes for $190.000 and now find that their homes are only worth $130,000 cant get a loan?. Check your facts hun. STILL... if the home is PAID IN FULL to the bank, the fact that it lost value is not the ISSUE here. The FACT IS that they have 130,000 dollar line of equity!!1 That is ONE HUNDERED AND THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN EQUITY LINE THEY CAN BORROW AGAINT TO PAY THIER TAXES. Got ya ...but that is only if it's paid off right. Even if you do barrow against the home your still paying for something that you should not have to. There should be no property tax it should be some other type of tax that cant take your home away. Thanks for the information. |