Topic: It's So Need
bergeia's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:24 PM
awful 10 hour shift, with 8 of it to go, and im sick as a dog,lol.

SkaryKoolAide's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:30 PM

Flirting School 101

The guys in here......suck at flirting and it's time they learned it not being vulgar.....It's a fine art and done right........women will be weak in the knees...and you will be the talk of mingle....

lol its harder to flirt online then it is in real life dammit. ive got this comedic timing about me that i cant j use '...' lol

nurjoyce's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:30 PM

awful 10 hour shift, with 8 of it to go, and im sick as a dog,lol.

awwwww honey, do you need some chicken soup?

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:38 PM

awful 10 hour shift, with 8 of it to go, and im sick as a dog,lol.

Ya might want to lay off on some of the "bad" stuff or you are going to end up like the Duke. No fun for sure. Take care and drink lot of water it won't rust your pipes but might help clear your system. Little shut eye probably wouldn't hurt.

bergeia's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:42 PM
shut eye is always enjoyed lol. as for the duke, meh, im alright for now,lol

Dan99's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:50 PM
I wish i was working a shift as short as 10 hours!

bergeia's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:51 PM
lol. hell dan lets go enlist into the army again. at least then were guaranteed sleep eventually. lol

Dan99's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:55 PM
I cant do it again, i have never done it before. The British army is getting so small these days i dont think they would want me anyway. With all the cut backs going on it would probably be a toss up to see gets to carry the rifle..

bergeia's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:56 PM
lol ww2 soviets. thats a shame, youre country is gonna get taken over by france lol. plus germany has been bulking its army up too,lol.

Dan99's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:57 PM
Thats ok, you yanks will bail us out again!

bergeia's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:58 PM
lol its what we do,lol.

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 09/18/08 04:00 PM

Flirting School 101

The guys in here......suck at flirting and it's time they learned it not being vulgar.....It's a fine art and done right........women will be weak in the knees...and you will be the talk of mingle....

lol its harder to flirt online then it is in real life dammit. ive got this comedic timing about me that i cant j use '...' lol

Of course you can big let feral sit on your lap and see the first thing that pops up...gigglesnort

Dan99's photo
Thu 09/18/08 04:04 PM

Of course you can big let feral sit on your lap and see the first thing that pops up...gigglesnort

Ok, now you have shown us how not to flirt, whats next?

missy51970's photo
Thu 09/18/08 04:09 PM
{{{Deb}}}} i know youre in here somewhere .... omg.. i also know this is off topic so forgive me... but Kayz is out at the salon getting her hair cut off.. Its almost to her waist.. well it was when she left here an hour and a half ago... Im a lil freaked out... not sure why , bur had to tell youtears

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 09/20/08 06:35 AM

Of course you can big let feral sit on your lap and see the first thing that pops up...gigglesnort

Ok, now you have shown us how not to flirt, whats next?

lol lol

Oh your just mad cuz nothing would pop out if someone did this to dan.....lolrofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 09/20/08 06:37 AM

{{{Deb}}}} i know youre in here somewhere .... omg.. i also know this is off topic so forgive me... but Kayz is out at the salon getting her hair cut off.. Its almost to her waist.. well it was when she left here an hour and a half ago... Im a lil freaked out... not sure why , bur had to tell youtears

OMG that is a sad day....I remember I had to attend a convention in San Diego and when I cam home my youngest who's hair was to her knees was all cut off. I asked Rob what the heck why did you have it cut off. He said he didn't feel like brushing it...grrrrrr

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 09/20/08 06:37 AM
How's your class going sweetie? You want I should take a couple of these boys in the back and teach them the 'down low' smokin

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 09/20/08 06:39 AM

{{{Deb}}}} i know youre in here somewhere .... omg.. i also know this is off topic so forgive me... but Kayz is out at the salon getting her hair cut off.. Its almost to her waist.. well it was when she left here an hour and a half ago... Im a lil freaked out... not sure why , bur had to tell youtears

((( Missy ))) You're her MOMMY .. THAT'S WHY!! She'll look beautiful and sophisticated :wink: flowers

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 09/20/08 06:43 AM
Flirting is a very effective way to meet people, especially online. Whether you are writing an online dating profile, emailing someone or just chatting, flirtation can be the key to success! There are several ways in which a person can flirt, so that they get the results that they are looking for.

Flirting Online: First, it is very important to present yourself in a confident and cheerful manner. People, who come across as being introverted or lack confidence, are simply not as attractive as those who are outgoing are. So, when trying to meet someone online, be the confident person that you are and you will be surprised at what happens. After all, there is nothing wrong with reaching out in a positive way to people who you want to meet.

Secondly, it is essential to appear as someone who can be approached. Whether it is in something that you say or how you say it, it is important to make people comfortable with communicating with you. For instance, it is a good idea to write your online profile in such a way as to encourage people to correspond with you. If you look and describe yourself as friendly and easy going, it makes people more relaxed and more likely to talk to you or write to you. There is sometimes a fine line between making you sound interesting yet not intimidating.

Thirdly, if you are asking someone questions, try to phrase them so that they encourage a response from the person who you are communicating with. After all, conversations are not meant to be had alone, but rather be a balanced exchange of communication between people.

Fourth, you should be attentive to making your profile or communication casual rather than too formal. People tend to feel turned off or intimidated by people who seem like they are above them somehow. Sometimes when a person is too formal, they come across as being stuffy or not approachable. It is important to just be yourself and not be overly formal.

Another area to focus on when flirting online involves common interests. People bond better when they find common denominators between themselves and others. It may require a bit of effort but it is worth it to find out what common interests you share with the person you are talking to or writing to. The sooner two people discover what they have in common, the better things will be.

When meeting someone online or in person for that matter, let your creative side be imaginative in how to initiate and continue conversation. There are several ways to break the ice and start communication with someone. Be more creative than to ask a person what time it is. You should let your creative wheels turn a bit so that you are more impressive to your date.

Finally, flirting online requires some practice. Throw some things out there, test various approaches and see which ones work and which ones don’t. Online flirting is easy… just be you and see what great things happen!

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:10 AM
^^ those your words Deb? think