Topic: camel
Robert29's photo
Mon 03/26/07 01:17 PM
Two polish guys are looking to buy a used car. They only have 50 bucks.
The salesman tell them "THe only thing I have is this camel. A shiek
traded him in on a Mercedes. Hes really trained well. He stops on the
red lights, goes on the green. Steer with the reins."
They take the camel and when the salesman is on his way home he sees
the two guys on the street. No camel. He asks where the camel is and
they reply "We were sitting at the red light when someone yelled Hey
look at the assholes on the camel. We got off to look and the light
turned green."

ccrzyolfool's photo
Mon 03/26/07 06:19 PM
so wrong funyy but sooo wrong