Topic: ultimate application
nikki_cole's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:32 PM

1. Full name (You want me to know right now)
2. Age
3. Height
3a. Is it in proportion to a medically acceptable body weight? (Y/N)
4. Eye color
5. Natural hair color
6. Current hair color
7. Have you ever had a sex change?

8. City of Residence
9. Best Contact Phone Number
10. Cell Phone (if different than above)
11. Open to text messages (Y/N)
12. AIM:
13. Email:

14. Do you have any siblings?
15. What is your religion?
16. What is your political persuasion?
17. Do you have a history of mental illness?
18. Have you ever cheated on a partner?
19. How many piercings (not including ears) do you have?
20. How many tattoos do you have?

MULTIPLE CHOICE Answer the most fitting answer

21. Do you currently have a source of income?
A. Parents, I'm going to school and they help
B. Parents, I'm a trustafarian.
C. I'm unemployed and waiting for my gov't check
D. I got a job til I find a career.
E. I got something pays my bills.
F. I got something that pays my bar tab.

22. Furthest level of education?
A. I dun dropped out of skool.

B. I learned enough to make a living.
C. I went to college and I still work at a gas station.
D. I'm actively furthering my education.

23. What kind of car do you drive?
A. I prefer people power (walk/ ride bike/ rollerskate)
B. I take the bus
C. It gets me to where I need to get to.
D. It gets others out of the mud and snow drifts

24. How many past sexual partners have you had?
A. None
B. Very Select Number
C. A number I personally find acceptable
D. Unacceptable amount

25. Do you smoke? (please choose from following)
B. No/ Not anymore
C. Seldom
D. Only when I drink
E. About one or two a day
F. +5 a day

26. Do you drink? (Please choose from the following)
B. No/ Not anymore
C. VERY Seldom
D. Only at Sunday dinner
E. Just a couple when I pop down to the pub.
F. I get tipsy weekly
G. I get drunk monthly
H. Only on days that end with "Y"

27. Do you have kids?
A. Never Ever Ever
B. Not yet but maybe
C. Yes, they live with me most always
D. Yes, they live elsewhere sometimes
E. Yes, they live elsewhere most always

28. Do you workout?
B. Walking to fridge, tires me
C. I do progressively easier 12ounce curls
D. I just try to eat healthy and avoid exercise
E. Jumping to conclusions, running my mouth, and backstabbing while climbing the corporate ladder is enough for me.
F. Once a month
G. Once a week
H. A few times a week
I. Daily

29. What kind of sense of humor do you have? (Choose ALL that apply)
A. Baby's doing baby stuff.
B. A picture of a cat and a garbled mispelled phrase
C. Knock knock...
D. Knock knock.... Someone just got hit in the balls
E. Knock knock... That's the sound Knoxville's balls made when he got tasered.
F. I like a witty turn of phrase
G. A man walks into a bar....
H. A Kike, A Spic and a Dothead walk into a bar
I. A dead baby walks into a bar....

30. Whom do you currently reside with?
A. By Myself
B. With the parents/ parent types
C. With a roommate or two
D. My kids.
E. My cat army

31. Do you cook?
A. I burn water
B. I stop at toast and coffee
C. Frozen Dinners
D. I can pair my EZ Mac with some Tuna Helper
E. I can follow a simple recipe
F. I can take raw veggies and meat scraps to make a tasty stew
G. The Iron Chef has me on speed dial.

32. Favorite book & subject matter?

33. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

34. Do you have any irrational fears? How irrational?

35. What is your current favorite movie of all time?

36. List your favorite few genres of music:

37. What is your idea of a perfect date in three sentences or more?

38. Explain why I should pick you as my partner:

39. List any special skills that you may have that are relevant to this position:

40. What do you want out of a relationship, specifically one with me?

List the details of your past three relationships starting with the most recent.
Were you in love?
Reason for breakup:

Were you in love?
Reason for breakup:

Were you in love?
Reason for breakup:

I hereby certify that the information given by me in this application is true to my knowledge and I give you the authorization to verify it using any means you deem appropriate. I understand that by filling out this form and submitting it for review does not guarantee that I will be chosen.

Date Applicant Signature

Do not write below this line, this area will be used to take notes when conducting interviews.

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:35 PM
Good luck to yourofl rofl rofl

nikki_cole's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:37 PM
LOL my bestfriend just made that freakin thing hahaha I laughed so hard when I read it I figured I had to post it for you all to see hahaha he posted it to a site hes on and is just looking for someone with a sense of humor to reply to it :smile:

adirtygirl's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:39 PM
how will he pay me to fill this sucker out????laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:40 PM
Oh, it didn't seem that way because it wasn't posted in jokes & funny stories!!

nikki_cole's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:40 PM
no pay lol just the pleasure of his very special company hahahaha

izzie's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:41 PM
thats figgen hillarious!!

cinderlu57's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:44 PM
And I bet your friend is very lonely!!!!!

nikki_cole's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:48 PM
nah...he was just lookin for a laugh lol and seeing the kinds of answers people would come up with hahaha he doesnt seriously want it to be honest it was just for a laugh

darkowl1's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:48 PM
well, ditto it out, and get it around! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh make someone fill it out at gunpointlaugh laugh

no photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:50 PM

1. Full name (You want me to know right now)
2. Age
3. Height
3a. Is it in proportion to a medically acceptable body weight? (Y/N)
4. Eye color
5. Natural hair color
6. Current hair color
7. Have you ever had a sex change?

8. City of Residence
9. Best Contact Phone Number
10. Cell Phone (if different than above)
11. Open to text messages (Y/N)
12. AIM:
13. Email:

14. Do you have any siblings?
15. What is your religion?
16. What is your political persuasion?
17. Do you have a history of mental illness?
18. Have you ever cheated on a partner?
19. How many piercings (not including ears) do you have?
20. How many tattoos do you have?

MULTIPLE CHOICE Answer the most fitting answer

21. Do you currently have a source of income?
A. Parents, I'm going to school and they help
B. Parents, I'm a trustafarian.
C. I'm unemployed and waiting for my gov't check
D. I got a job til I find a career.
E. I got something pays my bills.
F. I got something that pays my bar tab.

22. Furthest level of education?
A. I dun dropped out of skool.

B. I learned enough to make a living.
C. I went to college and I still work at a gas station.
D. I'm actively furthering my education.

23. What kind of car do you drive?
A. I prefer people power (walk/ ride bike/ rollerskate)
B. I take the bus
C. It gets me to where I need to get to.
D. It gets others out of the mud and snow drifts

24. How many past sexual partners have you had?
A. None
B. Very Select Number
C. A number I personally find acceptable
D. Unacceptable amount

25. Do you smoke? (please choose from following)
B. No/ Not anymore
C. Seldom
D. Only when I drink
E. About one or two a day
F. +5 a day

26. Do you drink? (Please choose from the following)
B. No/ Not anymore
C. VERY Seldom
D. Only at Sunday dinner
E. Just a couple when I pop down to the pub.
F. I get tipsy weekly
G. I get drunk monthly
H. Only on days that end with "Y"

27. Do you have kids?
A. Never Ever Ever
B. Not yet but maybe
C. Yes, they live with me most always
D. Yes, they live elsewhere sometimes
E. Yes, they live elsewhere most always

28. Do you workout?
B. Walking to fridge, tires me
C. I do progressively easier 12ounce curls
D. I just try to eat healthy and avoid exercise
E. Jumping to conclusions, running my mouth, and backstabbing while climbing the corporate ladder is enough for me.
F. Once a month
G. Once a week
H. A few times a week
I. Daily

29. What kind of sense of humor do you have? (Choose ALL that apply)
A. Baby's doing baby stuff.
B. A picture of a cat and a garbled mispelled phrase
C. Knock knock...
D. Knock knock.... Someone just got hit in the balls
E. Knock knock... That's the sound Knoxville's balls made when he got tasered.
F. I like a witty turn of phrase
G. A man walks into a bar....
H. A Kike, A Spic and a Dothead walk into a bar
I. A dead baby walks into a bar....

30. Whom do you currently reside with?
A. By Myself
B. With the parents/ parent types
C. With a roommate or two
D. My kids.
E. My cat army

31. Do you cook?
A. I burn water
B. I stop at toast and coffee
C. Frozen Dinners
D. I can pair my EZ Mac with some Tuna Helper
E. I can follow a simple recipe
F. I can take raw veggies and meat scraps to make a tasty stew
G. The Iron Chef has me on speed dial.

32. Favorite book & subject matter?

33. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

34. Do you have any irrational fears? How irrational?

35. What is your current favorite movie of all time?

36. List your favorite few genres of music:

37. What is your idea of a perfect date in three sentences or more?

38. Explain why I should pick you as my partner:

39. List any special skills that you may have that are relevant to this position:

40. What do you want out of a relationship, specifically one with me?

List the details of your past three relationships starting with the most recent.
Were you in love?
Reason for breakup:

Were you in love?
Reason for breakup:

Were you in love?
Reason for breakup:

I hereby certify that the information given by me in this application is true to my knowledge and I give you the authorization to verify it using any means you deem appropriate. I understand that by filling out this form and submitting it for review does not guarantee that I will be chosen.

Date Applicant Signature

Do not write below this line, this area will be used to take notes when conducting interviews.
i failed all the above, so where sahll we meet?:banana: rofl rofl rofl rofl