Topic: Job Interviews!!!
AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:36 AM
How many of you hire and fire where you work?

If a potential employee came to you with... not a resume of his/her qualifications but a disertation on the failings of all the other applications...


I am sick of politics as they practice it... I view our "NEWS services" as nothing more now than disgusting backfence gossips... they are supposed to be REPORTING news not creating it. (i.e that crud about Oprah vs Palin as but a small example).

I watched both DNC and RNC... No substance in either. Slick promises. The same promises that were made in the LAST SEVERAL PRESIDENTIAL RACES with merely a change in delivery.

OBAMA - pro change with his mouth no action with his pen.

MCCain - pro change with his mouth teter totter on the pen.

the PUBLIC... IS there anybody awake out there.

Both parties got you all talking and argueing about EXACTALLY what they want you to focus on... while they all steal us blind and destroy the foundations of our freedom, our ability to live with quality

lilith401's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:38 AM
And your solution is WHAT????

Lynann's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:43 AM
Perhaps you should read more. Obama's site has info on his policies and positions. There is also a good article I linked here today from Newsday that compares McCain's and Obama's policies.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:44 AM
Just exercising my right of free speach.

lilith401's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:46 AM

Just exercising my right of free speach.

Did you read the 967 other bytching and moaning political threads today? Why whine? Vote, and for all else zip it.

usernamefayou's photo
Mon 09/08/08 10:25 AM
I'm sick of politics, too. That's why we need to eradicate it.

no photo
Mon 09/08/08 10:50 AM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Mon 09/08/08 10:52 AM
vote the bums out. that's the only way to change it. vote out ALL incumbents

but people won't do that. THEIR congressman is okay; it's all the OTHER politicians

the PEOPLE are to blame. everyone is on autopilot and allowing the govt to become a symbiotic parasite feeding off of them

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 09/08/08 11:53 AM

And your solution is WHAT????

I vote...!!!

However I can not fix this problem by my little lonesome...

and between the two parties that control our federal government there are fewer and fewer choices that do not involve choosing one or the other unacceptable 'platform'.

What is left...


jaguar57's photo
Mon 09/08/08 01:15 PM
You're right. Every election most of the dumb public believes the lying politicians and votes for one of the liars. Nothing really changes. same ole **** keeps burying us. This gov't started out good 200 years ago but gradually became fascist; ie they promote the good of big industry because that is who pays them under the table.
Our last chance of maintaining the original ideal was lost in the civil war. That was when States rights lost out and big centralized government won. I won't fly an "American flag" because to me, as a Southerner, is the flag of my oppressors. I'll fly a rebel flag, nothing else.
We southerners were a free country after breaking away from the Union. We had our own president and our own constitution. The constitution did not prohibit States from breaking away. Lincoln declared war on an independent country in order to absorb it into the federalist union.
Big centralized government sucks.
Only ancient Greece had a true democracy. The people voted directly on issues that came up. They didn't have representatives that could be corrupted by money.
We do not have a true democracy.
I think anarchy would be a nice change from this ****.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 09/08/08 06:19 PM
I fly the flag of the United States of America with pride.

It is not representative of the FEDERAL Government but rather is a symbol of my faith in all of you.

as US we are can not be stopped in anything WE set our sights upon.

However WE are all so caught up in each our own world that it takes something large to shake US into responding with the strength WE all have.

Have you been shook up enough yet...?