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Topic: Who did Jesus die for?
Redykeulous's photo
Fri 03/23/07 07:46 AM
Some questions for the Christian populace of JSH.

Did Jesus die for only the humans that existed after him or did he die
for all humans that ever existed?

Now when we think of humans on this plantet are we talking only about
those whose DNA exactly matched Jesus or would that be impossible since
God was his father and had no DNA to contribute?

Also, what if the modern human of Jesus time, actually had DNA from
cross breeding with other human species, way back when. Then did Jesus
will they also be saved and their spirit sent to heaven?

And finally, what about lifeforms on other planets. If the has a finite
numer of material, particles, atams, black matter and the like and if in
fact all life AND all matter consists of the same basic material than
would Jesus life here on earth be a saving or redeeming grace to
intelligent life on other planets?

Would like to know what you all think about these things.

madline123's photo
Fri 03/23/07 08:07 AM
jesus dıdnt dıe only god taken it to next to hım

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 08:08 AM
Jesus died for all humans before and after him.

We can only benefit from his ransom sacrifice if we believe in him and
what he did for us. But believing in him requires more than just
acknowledging that he existed. We must do what he asked us to do. We
must do God's will.

If not, then we wont be saved.

infidelguy's photo
Fri 03/23/07 08:19 AM
Don't ponder too hard. It's all make-believe. hee-hee :)

Here are two oldies but goodies.

Why haven't we seen God reattach a severed head or restore someone who
was burned alive? Surely this would be an easy feat to accomplish. -
Adam Majors [Note: The typical answer is that man doesn't dictate God's
actions. The conundrum here however is that, if God wants us to "know"
him, then surely feats such as those mentioned above would be happening
all over the world. Until they do, I'll remain an atheist.]


If God is all-knowing past, present and future as many Christians
assert, why would God place the Trees of Life and Knowledge in the
Garden? I mean.. he would have known that they would be convinced by
Satan (whom he also let in the Garden) trick them into eating the fruit.
Deeper than that... why create humans at all if he new that he'd need to
wipe us out with a great flood eventually? Makes no sense.

More here:

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 08:38 AM
That is a hard one. "Did Jesus die for people before him, or after him?"
I do not think that(or dont know if) there is a direct question like
this in the Bible so we could have received a straight quick answer. But
people B4 him, got their sins washed through the ritual of having the
Priest kill, on U behalf, an approved animal,with U sins confessed,
burning with it sprinked with salt, and eating it's lean parts. Also one
day called day of atonement, another ritual 4 d whole assembly. THAT
SEEMED TO BE FINAL 4 them. That was until the REAL SACRIFICE (Jesus)
DIED. BUT IF YAHSHUA (JESUS) DID NOT COME? If people received food on a
promissory note or cheque, and the person did not pay later, did they
get the food? So the BC people got the forgivess and that seems final.
But they are in their grave waiting on a resurrection, which can only
happen when the first one (Jesus)for the salvation process is
ressurected. So I'm afraid, it looks like if HE did not come the whole
World would have perished. But I do not know. This one is too hard.
When I am literally saved in the future, I will be sure to ask him this
question. In the meantime, I will try to hearn how to behave myself and
try 2 bhave myself.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 08:59 AM
Infidelguy. I believe in God (Yahweh Elohim) because the book (Bible)
that speaks of Him also predicts accurately, some major World events
relevant to the Israelites and their grafts (Judeo-Christianity) Not
only that!! It reveals things that happened before. Not only that!! It
reveals some formulae for success. I believe the rest just like U
believe in vitamin D from the sun, that U cannot see, and the atom could
split. It speaks of a Creator being responsible for the 'created'.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 09:04 AM
and it tell me the Creator exists!! And that I should not pray to statue
I made or the clouds or say that the sun is my brother and my sister is
the moon. It tells me a person is practising folly if that person says
that there is no God.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 04:58 PM
madline.. Jesus most certainly did die. then he arose after 3 days, just
as he foretold. Jesus died for sin. if you have ever sinned against God,
then he died for you.

rsaylors's photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:32 PM
1 Peter Ch 3... towards the end:

18For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the
unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but
made alive by the Spirit,

19through whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison 20who
disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while
the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were
saved through water, 21and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves
you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good
conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
22who has gone into heaven and is at God's right hand—with angels,
authorities and powers in submission to him.

sushi's photo
Fri 03/23/07 06:20 PM
I'm not going to start a great theological debate here, complete with
big words or Biblical quotes no one understands. Jesus died to save his
chosen people--the Jews. Since they didn't take too well to the idea of
His being the Messiah, he offered his death for the salvation of all
people. First the Greek, then the Romans, head on to all of Europe, and
the New World, and much of Africa. East and Mid-East weren't
interested. And that's the truth. Read your history books as well as
your Bible.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 07:08 PM
huh? who killed jesus sushi? the sanhedren, or the ruling jewish of
thier day. doesent say moch for organised religion, huh?

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 03/23/07 07:13 PM
Nice sushi, Thank everyone for your thoughts. Rambill asked what DNA
had to do with it. there ya go Rambill, if you really
want an answer from me on why DNA has anything to do with it, then read
what DNA is first and how it traces us back to a single source and how
other species can still have enought of the same DNA to mate and create
babies and still be called two seperate species.. Then ask yourself -
Did Jesus die to save only those within the species his form seems to
represent and if so, how do we know we all have the CORRECT DNA? Don't
get scared, you can still take biblical text out of context and depend
on others to interpret it for you till you find one that you want to
claim - heck a lot of poeple do that, so don't feel back if you need to
find some comfort in doing the same thing.

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 03/23/07 10:20 PM
OOOOH I love a quiz!

Jesus didnt die for "anyone". He recognized himself as the fullfilment
of the Messiah prophecy, which itself foretold his death.

The Messiah was the sign that the law of Moses had run its course, and
that all beleiving Jews, upon recognizing the Messiah, were free from
the Law (given as a fixed-term punishment for worshipping the golden

The last words Jesus said were " is done". What did he mean by "IT"
? I say the Law. The Law was Done. Jews were free of the Law. The
Gentiles always had the grace to be free of the law, but now that the
law was done, the wisdom of the law (restrained from the Gentiles) was
to be spread to all peoples.

Since the scope of Jesus' mission was pretty focused and specific, I
sidestep your question on DNA and so on.

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 03/24/07 05:45 AM
Awe Mike, you are a good dancer. Have to work now, get back later.

no photo
Sat 03/24/07 05:08 PM
DNA DONT MATTER ONE BIT. Faith and love are where the action is. Your in
when you give yourself to Jesus. It helps to actually walk the walk
too.... LOL
havent seen a scripture about thou shalt have my DNA YET. Mabe in the
next new and inproved version....

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 03/24/07 07:20 PM
Ram, look who's talking about walking the walk? The way you talk you
should be totally Amish and live without electricity, wouldn't that be a
more humble existance for you. Then you would never have to read
another text book or science magazine or even be involved in the
political system. OH MG - do you vote?

no photo
Sat 03/24/07 07:23 PM
only when thers someone worth voting for, so, not usually.

no photo
Sat 03/24/07 07:28 PM
i do live without electricity.well i dont have a powerline hooked to my
house.... Ill bet my stereos louder than yours, though. my toilet
flushes, my shower works, i can play on the puter all i want. I have in-
floor heat ..... a 25.00 gas bill for heat in the winter.... I dont have
an electric bill though. whose "evolved" here?

no photo
Sat 03/24/07 07:31 PM
Jesus died for you and I so that we could be forgiven for our
sins.:smile: :smile: :smile: Thank you JESUS!!!!!!!

Droxfo's photo
Sat 03/24/07 08:17 PM
I believe he died for sins of all men, but will he forgive the sins you
cannot forgive yourself for?

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