Topic: Continue the story....
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Mon 09/01/08 07:22 AM
This was a dream I had of a lawless world. Add a little and continue the story... tell about the world and what it is like.

The lawless world...

It was a dog eat dog world, and just to survive you had to do things your grandmother wouldn’t approved of. If you weren’t good at your job, sometimes they’d just kill you and put your body in a grinder.

They knew it was wrong, but who would stop them?

Nobody cared.

There was no law anywhere. No police, no courts, no jails.

People just took care of business.

You would think everyone would be carrying a weapon, but it wasn’t like that. Those who carried were considered dangerous and they did not last too long. If you lived by the sword, you died by the sword all too soon.

Some neighborhoods were worse than others.

somewhatshy2's photo
Mon 09/01/08 07:43 AM
Then one day, a young man decided enough was enough. He stood up to those that wanted to harm and kill people just for fun. Some people thought him crazy, so they were rather intimidated by him and left him alone.

He then starting protecting the young and the elderly from their villainous neighbors.......