Topic: love
Fri 08/29/08 09:39 AM
what is love really

well i was just at work and my computers are down so i thought i would write to myself.

i have wondered and pondered the question is there such a thing as love you know the old kind that actually last ,the true kind the kind that can weather any storm the kind that most people dream of.

I have experenced a love in my life that i never thought possible ,when you wake up and the day is brighter even when the sky's are grey and the clouds are crying you seem to smile a smile that will not go away at the mear mention of his name ...people always dream of a love like that but seldom do people get to experiance that and if you do you wonder
"my god am i allowed to be this happy" the answer was only for a short while .well i think that everyone talks about how happy life will be in heaven and how there will be no more pain ....i dont understan why i have {to die} to be happy ...kinda sounds backward dont it ....any way i have found the love that only comes once in a life time the kind of connection where you dont have to say a word just think really hard and the other person will look over at you and say what did you say ?

i concider myself lucky for i have known that kinda love where you cant seem to pull yourself off the phone for fear of missing a word that might have been spoken or when you are together stairing into their eyes the whole time your together just so you can remember the way they look or they way their eyes crease when they laugh ....or even they way they lay curled up like a baby when they are sick and you walk in they smile a grin that you know takes a lot to muster but they do it anyway ...the kinda love that when you see this person or their car your heart stops dead in the tracks or when they talk and you hear thier voice in the distant wind it is like lightning threw your veins it gives your body such a jolt or at just the slightest touch of their hand on yours sends chills down to your very core if you in life get to experiance a third of that you should concider yourselves lucky for i have experianced all of this and so much more but with all that when it ends and you arent ready or see it comming it will take the very breathe from your chest so my lesson from all of this i am still unsure but i am sure of one thing i would not replace it for anything .....

RKISIT's photo
Fri 08/29/08 09:45 AM
i think love is just a word that falls out of peoples mouths when they really like someone, or its something you make(lets make love)never did understand that one.

notboring111's photo
Fri 08/29/08 09:48 AM
"A greater love has no man than to lay his life down for his brother"

Also for his wife and children.

lilith401's photo
Fri 08/29/08 09:49 AM
I thought the computer was down?