Topic: would you...
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Sun 08/24/08 02:37 PM
Edited by Wolf19 on Sun 08/24/08 02:37 PM
be able to save a complete and total stranger(man,woman or child) even if you know you`ll lose your life in the process?

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:38 PM
No simply because I have children who depend on me.

jnbuglady's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:38 PM
Yes!!!!!!!! No question about it.

adirtygirl's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:38 PM
my kids ask me that all the time.... better yet they ask me if i had to save one of their lives who would i pick>>>>WTF

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Sun 08/24/08 02:39 PM

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:41 PM
and, quite honestly, even if I didn't have kids I probably would not. Maybe for a child. It's one of those decisions that is made at the time and I bet no one really knows what they would choose.

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Sun 08/24/08 02:44 PM
i wouldnt

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Sun 08/24/08 02:45 PM
it would have to depend on the circumstances. if it's an arrogant wall-street investor or some jerk-wad trust-fund millionaire (like Donald Trump), then tough cookies. If it's a single mother or the daughter of a single mother needing the help, then i probably would.

why? because the investor type will more-than-likely not appreciate the grand gesture that is "giving up your live to save someone else's"- in fact, the investor will probably go back to swindling little ol' grandmas out of their investment money. the single mother or daughter of such will (hopefully) appreciate my actions more.

Then again, i HAVE been known to be wrong.

merlin2525's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:46 PM

I'm a single father and I'm not depriving my little girl of the only parent she has.

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:46 PM
not sure. have to go through it to find out.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:48 PM
Stranger, nope, i'd walk away,

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:48 PM
remember that it is a complete and total stranger,you dont know if your saving a good,innocent person or you might be saving a murderer,child molester,robber,etc.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:49 PM
Humanity really scares the S*** out of me
sometimes. What ever happened to selfless
acts of heroisum?

I would without a doubt save someone if I
could, I would react so fast I would'nt have time to think about the repercussions.

VladTheInhailer's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:50 PM
umm self sacrifice is a thing of the past...i think people quite enjoy misery anymore...its what we are fed from womb to tomb from media, religion and politics...we all are an instant gratification society...

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Sun 08/24/08 02:50 PM
Edited by moofooga on Sun 08/24/08 02:50 PM

remember that it is a complete and total stranger,you dont know if your saving a good,innocent person or you might be saving a murderer,child molester,robber,etc.

if THAT's the case, then screw that... i'll be at the Hooters getting pestered by the failed high-school cheerleaders waitressing the joint while said person-in-danger gets turned into road pizza.

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:52 PM

Humanity really scares the S*** out of me
sometimes. What ever happened to selfless
acts of heroisum?

I would without a doubt save someone if I
could, I would react so fast I would'nt have time to think about the repercussions.
i respect your choice. however I feel that this is a choice that will end up being made instinctivly. one just cant say for certain until you are faced with it.

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:52 PM

remember that it is a complete and total stranger,you dont know if your saving a good,innocent person or you might be saving a murderer,child molester,robber,etc.

if THAT's the case, then screw that... i'll be at the Hooters getting pestered by the failed high-school cheerleaders waitressing the joint while said person-in-danger gets turned into road pizza.
laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:53 PM
:heart: NO-ONE "truly knows what they MIGHT do at that real time.
But I have risked mine,,but was blessed to not lose mine.
And as I get older I would still say PROBABLY....:wink:
Because NOW I feel my fifes MORE over,,,than,,beginning.
So if it was a stranger younger than I,,I would WANT to see THEM here longer.:wink: :heart: drinker

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:54 PM

Humanity really scares the S*** out of me
sometimes. What ever happened to selfless
acts of heroisum?

I would without a doubt save someone if I
could, I would react so fast I would'nt have time to think about the repercussions.
i respect your choice. however I feel that this is a choice that will end up being made instinctivly. one just cant say for certain until you are faced with it.
that is true,remember,actions speak louder than words

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 08/24/08 03:01 PM

Humanity really scares the S*** out of me
sometimes. What ever happened to selfless
acts of heroisum?

I would without a doubt save someone if I
could, I would react so fast I would'nt have time to think about the repercussions.
i respect your choice. however I feel that this is a choice that will end up being made instinctivly. one just cant say for certain until you are faced with it.

I have rescued a person and put my life at
risk before. I did not think for one second
before I responded. I know what I am made of
and how I will respond.

I agree there are some people who may not really
know how they will respond. Some that would think
they would- may freeze up, others that think they
would not- may be the first one to react to the

By the way people... Our police, firefighters,
and abulance crews do this on a daily basis.
drinker Heres to them! drinker