Topic: Fighter
SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Wed 08/20/08 06:29 AM
The infection that pulls two apart
His skin is different
She is blind..
On they walk alone in this journey of life
He can make her smile like no one ever has
But ignorance is the mask that hides his eyes,
She is strong and will not be defeated
They simply weren't meant to be...
Its the razor that severs the bond of friendship
She is always there for him
The best she can be anyway
Still she feels like nothing
Like maybe she belongs on Mars
Self-pity is a hopeless road one must never travel
And so she won't chair or no chair it shouldn't matter
Yet it does,
Ignorance is the disease that kills what might have been
No tears will fall tonight
Pity will not keep her up
After all it is not her loss
It's his
That tug on her heartstrings
Is not sadness but strength
Ignorance is her greatest challenger
It knocks her down at times,
The love of friends and family heals the wounds though
To all you who have been blinded by yourselves I say
Bring it on
I will live to fight another day

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 08/20/08 06:36 AM

no photo
Wed 08/20/08 06:54 AM