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Topic: has anyone heard this
alicat4213's photo
Tue 08/19/08 11:21 PM

I heard about it today on the news.. I don't think it's smart but then again I don't agree with going into the military at 18... If we expect our 18 yr olds to die for their country then they should be able to drink as well.. If they can't then they should change the age to join the military to 21 as well....

I agree with this too I just lost a friend who was in the army and he just turned 21 about 2 months before he died and he had been in afghanistan for much longer than that...

Goofball73's photo
Wed 08/20/08 01:37 AM
Can they pass a law that says you have to be 25 to reproduce? And that you have to pass a "common sense parenting exam" as well?:wink: laugh

IndnPrncs's photo
Wed 08/20/08 01:39 AM

Can they pass a law that says you have to be 25 to reproduce? And that you have to pass a "common sense parenting exam" as well?:wink: laugh

I'd vote for that hands down!!!!

maryelizabeth10's photo
Wed 08/20/08 06:01 AM
dude i posted this last night and 90% responded and liked the idea.

im so glad your post ended up with some more nos.

the military reason i dont think is fair to use because they have a choice if they want to go to war at 18 or not. no ones telling them they have to sign up.

so if they sign up at 18 its their choice and its not like it matters because you know the men in their unit buys them alcohol anyways.

but im 20 and i dont see where its going to be a good thing. so many of you think it will be and dont see how its going to cause more accidents.

its going to cause more alcoholics too. look what happened when smoking became 18 so many are addicted to it now.

i know im in medical school i see it every day and i see the stats.

eh oh well.

no photo
Wed 08/20/08 06:04 AM
i don't believe the "legal" drinking age has any effect on teenage drinking.....if they want to drink they do and will....regardless of legalities

livelife68's photo
Wed 08/20/08 06:06 AM
Not a good Idea. raise the age to join the military to 21 and keep the drinking age at 21. 18 is too young to be making either decision. imo.

RoamingOrator's photo
Wed 08/20/08 06:20 AM
I bet I could tell which of you are parents and which aren't just by reading responses here!!

Alrighty, my two cents:

At age 18 you are a legal adult, you are held responsible for your actions by the state, you can serve or be drafted into the military, you can do a full prison sentence for any misdoing you might be found responsible for, you can vote for the leader of our country (for all the good it will do you).

Now if we are willing to hold a person accountable for his/her actions, put them in harms way or incarcerate them, I think it's okay to let them have a beer. I'm old enough to remember being able to buy at 18. You know what I don't remember? Being able to buy drugs in my school. There weren't any, seniors could buy alcohol. So we discovered drugs the same way you are supposed to, in college.

If you think minors can't get alcohol right now, you are just fooling yourself. I listen to the high school kids that work at my office, they're getting it. Now would you rather bail your child out of jail for minor in possession, or just pay a small fine for drunk in public? We are only fooling ourselves if we think we are "protecting" anyone. The best way for anyone that age to learn responsibility is from their parents, short of that, it's just going to have to be trial and error, just like how we "adults" learn things.

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