Topic: Bills therom
gary86's photo
Tue 03/20/07 02:30 AM
hey glenn go ahead turn it to fox news you need to hear other ringwing
people dont you.

no photo
Tue 03/20/07 09:12 AM
illegal war? for the rich? if thats all the rehtoric you got, your
arguments pretty weak.
gave Saddam chances and warning for years before we went there. We knew
he killed thousands of his own people with WMD. wE KNeW ABOUT THE
TORTURE CHAMBERS AND the rapes and the 200 palaces built while his
people starved. It was probably the most "legal" war in history from the
outset. Get over it.
2. For the rich? Do you A- work for yourselves? or
WONT GET INTO C- collect welfare
The republicans give tax breaks to the wealthy to free up monies in
the economy. this equals what, class?
ARE tax and spend. social programs. social= socialism? theres a clue.
anyway when in office, the last liberal crew is the one that raised our
taxes while shipping our jobs overseas. Problem. When we manufacture
stuff overseas, who does the labor? dont know but its not American
citizens. ifno one has a good paying job, who is going to buy the
widgets? the economy goes into depression,,, as it is now.
besides is it illegal to make more money than you make comerade?

no photo
Tue 03/20/07 05:09 PM comment from the commies?

gary86's photo
Tue 03/20/07 07:16 PM
you got something agiaist commies. i moved hear when i was ten guess
your brainwashing did not work on me. not even i basic training. by the
way in gulf war. i dont recall you being by my side could i be

gardenforge's photo
Tue 03/20/07 08:58 PM
Gary I think you have about ridden the "I don't recall you by my side in
the war" pony to death. You seem to fall back on that argumement
whenever challenged on an issue. About all I can say is do you want some
cheese to go with that whine?

You lament about the Republicans being only for the rich, I am not rich
but I am a Republican. It might interest you to know that the richest
1% of the people in the U.S. pay 37% of the total income tax. The
richest 5% of the people in the U.S. pay a total of 52% of the income
tax. If you do away with those rich people where are you going to get
the money to pay for the socaial programs that liberals are so fond of?

Guess who started taxing social security and other retirement pay that
had already been taxed once when it was earned. Here's a clue, it
wasn't a Republican it was Bill Clinton. Who does that tax hurt the
most, the people that can least afford it, the people on fixed incomes.

gary86's photo
Tue 03/20/07 09:05 PM
sounds like same old line . when u repubicans dont have and answer. you
go back to clinton. very lame, i,m sure you got your facts from fox far as me not being in war with you i was only 9 or 10 years old
at time. but unlike you i new when to put my gun down . in 1991 we had
lots of chances to take over iraq. but are lovely congress men pasted on
the 3000 of my follow soilders have to give there life or
worse in up in walter reeds great rooms with rats.just shows government
dont care boy now that respect right.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 03/20/07 09:07 PM
I agree with rambills first post, Communism moved here, if has two
names; Bush, and Newguy!!! LMAO
Im impressed with gardenforge, I dont agree with him, but at least he
shows signs that maybe there are other ways to solve a problem than his
own. He listened and even complimented a few other peoples suggestions.
You go gardenforge.
From an American (independent)
Otherwise known as Fanta46

Fanta46's photo
Tue 03/20/07 09:09 PM
Thats Independent, in Spirit, heart, and mind!
No sheep here.....

gary86's photo
Tue 03/20/07 09:10 PM
as a young child i came to usa. but that being said i can complain all i
want. still best place in the world.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 03/20/07 09:15 PM
That aint good enough though. To just be the best, with all this
potential, and then just quit because we are the best. Come on, we are

gary86's photo
Tue 03/20/07 09:20 PM
yes we are i dont agree with alot here but when i vist my family and see
one tv in there house then i think i have one in every room.things could
be better hear. but we cant all agree. boths side have there points i
will admitt i voted for reagan twice . but vote for clinton to.

no photo
Tue 03/20/07 09:53 PM
Gary, What Country are you from?

gary86's photo
Tue 03/20/07 10:31 PM
well i,m from hungary but been here since i was ten years old.

no photo
Wed 03/21/07 06:33 AM
Gary, wasent there in desert dust take 1, but spent 6 yrs in the Corps
as a sniper. Was attached to nuclear stockpile security.
Thank you for your service I will always respect our veterans. The
only one who ever shot me was the medics. LOL

ShadowEagle's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:19 AM
rsaylors teaching of christ so you don't believe in wars and yet, you
are contradictory towards both the democratic and republican views. For
a man who doesn't believe in wars you sure talk a hell about it. If the
teaching of christ was about peace then you are saying that religion has
no reason to be in the military faith. Let's see how many wars were
conducted in the name of GOD or of Christ our Saviour. I give you one of
the bloodiest event. The Holy Crusades "The Dark Ages" anyone who didn't
conform to the religious teaching of Christianity were considered
outcast and thus either rotted in prison or were killed. This is what
they called the spread and conquest in the name of western civilization
and teachings without freedom of choice.

Throughout history we have had good and bad presidents but, the reality
of the matter whether good or bad ... Democratic or Republican they all
had a choice to make what was wrong right but, in the end no matter how
many presidents come into office they still follow that same pattern of
destruction... As that old saying goes: " History has a tendency to
repeat itself".

Gary I know where you are coming from I actually served in the Hungarian
war during the time of Occupation of Germany when it was called
Austro-Hungary I have family in Budapest.

I have served in a lot of wars and have be privi to many secret mission
so don't take me lightly about saying i have no idea or truth or even to
say to the point don't believe what you read on the internet....

Fact: 9/10 The Priemer was in town and the musaad were with him. They
went to compusa on 37th and 5th ave too do a little shopping and of
course being a liason i heard them ask where are we going next and he
told them the WTC so what would that tell you and the next day the
majority of the people who died in 9/11 of the WTC were mostly
black,asians,india, or pakistani or arabs,There was the school of
children. Here's the question why not warn everyone and not just your
people of a inpending attack..

gardenforge's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:41 AM
Ah yes, Bill is from Hungary, Gina is from hungary. I wonder if one
were to trace the address of both their computers if one would find them
in the same room.

no photo
Wed 03/21/07 10:43 AM
not christians. Please dont confuse catholic dogma with christian
beliefs or bible facts. They are often in conflict.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 03/21/07 11:49 AM
Legislatures Look at Employer Sanctions

Published: 3/21/07, 1:46 PM EDT

More of what your federal government, isnt doing.

PHOENIX (AP) - Frustrated by what they see as a lack of aggressiveness
on the federal government's part, lawmakers in several states want to
start doing something that has long been Washington's job: cracking down
on employers who hire illegal immigrants.

Legislators in at least nine states - Arizona, Missouri, Montana,
Virginia, South Carolina, West Virginia, Kansas, Mississippi and
Oklahoma - have considered various ideas, including fining businesses
and suspending their licenses, prohibiting violators from obtaining
state contracts, and requiring employers to sign affidavits saying they
do not knowingly hire illegal immigrants.

A few states passed laws in 2006 to confront the problem as well.

A 20-year-old federal law prohibits businesses from knowingly employing
illegal immigrants. And the federal government has launched several
employer crackdowns over the past year. But some state legislators say
Washington is not doing enough.

"The feds are so woefully behind," said Republican state Sen. Chris
Koster of Missouri, sponsor of a proposal that would require many
employers to electronically verify the eligibility of their workers. "To
sit around and wait for federal action on this is like waiting for Santa

Opponents of illegal immigration complain that businesses' use of
illicit labor is encouraging people to sneak across the border.

Critics of some of these proposals say that states are ill-equipped to
enforce immigration laws and are intruding on the federal government's
constitutional powers.

Nevertheless, a bill in Missouri would set fines of $10,000 to $200,000
for three-time violators, while the proposed penalties in Montana would
be $300 for each illegal hiring.

The West Virginia Legislature passed a bill to suspend or revoke the
business licenses of employers with three violations. It is awaiting the
governor's signature.

Proposals in South Carolina and Kansas would require companies seeking
state contracts to verify the eligibility of workers and would prohibit
the awarding of state contracts to businesses that hire illegal

Republican state Rep. Mike Pitts of South Carolina said his bill was
prompted partly by an influx of illegal immigrants into his district who
are seeking jobs in agriculture, construction and the service industry.
The immigrants are bringing their families and putting a strain on
schools and hospitals, he said.

"The flow would stop, and it would reverse the trend," Pitts said.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the federal agency responsible for
investigating illegal hirings, has stepped up its enforcement of the
employer sanctions law in the past year, leading to a dozen major busts.

Federal officials said they are taking a new approach: focusing on
criminal cases against company officials, rather than seeking just civil
penalties, which were viewed by some violators as the cost of doing

A first offense, for instance, carries civil fines from $275 to $2,200
for each illegal immigrant hired. The criminal penalties are fines as
high as $3,000 and up to six months in prison for each illegal hiring.

"We are getting good at focusing on areas where our attention will get
the most impact," said agency spokeswoman Pat Reilly.

Earlier this month, the head of a temporary labor business that used
hundreds of illegal immigrants was sentenced in Ohio to 15 months in
prison and ordered to forfeit $12 million. In November, a man was
sentenced to 1 1/2 years in prison and ordered to forfeit $1.5 million.
Authorities said he operated a contracting business in Indiana that used
mostly illegal immigrants to perform stucco work.

In worksite raids from October 2005 to December 2006, ICE said it made
more than 1,100 criminal arrests, including those of business operators
and the manufacturers of fake work documents. More than 5,200 illegal
immigrants also were picked up.

Reilly said the agency will take all the assistance it can get from
state and local authorities. "We are an effective agency, but the
problem is large," he said.

However, critics say that states should not be creating a patchwork of
rules and that the problem should remain the federal government's

"The state of Arizona is not equipped to address a problem that's a
national problem," said Jessica Pacheco, a lobbyist for the Arizona
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which opposes state legislation that
would fine employers.

Moreover, state penalties against employers could impinge on the federal
government's authority to regulate immigration, said Tyler Moran, a
policy analyst for the National Immigration Law Center, which aims to
protect poor immigrants.

Moran said that states and communities can suspend or revoke the
business licenses of employers after they are punished by the federal
government, but have no legal authority to impose further sanctions.

"The states are certainly getting more creative, but they are really
trying to do the same thing, which is to regulate immigration, and
that's not under their power," Moran said.


On the Net:

Arizona Legislature:

gardenforge's photo
Wed 03/21/07 11:58 AM
rambill was your last comment addressed to me? I don't recall
mentioning anything about the cursades in particular or religions in
general in this thread. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else.

daniel48706's photo
Wed 03/21/07 12:06 PM
You are so correct Ram... Catholism definitely doe sNOT follow Christs
words and beliefs.