oldsage's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:01 AM
Romee, do what you need to, but don't let some small minded person run
you off. STAY to be a pain in their backside.
That kept me going thru a lot of hard times.
Wouldn't give the miserable bastards the pleasure of me not there.
Make them want to leave & help them do it.

romee's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:05 AM
your right oldsage this was in the phone last night, i thought this girl
was going to be a friend but she got mad out of nowhere cused me out,
and said i'm not sexy and other stuff so i didnt say anything.

oldsage's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:07 AM
Lot more fish in the sea.
Some people are one way on sites & then different on phone.
Two faced, forget them, thier loss

romee's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:12 AM
thank's oldsage but i'm kinda thinking to take down my pic's.

oldsage's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:14 AM
Like I said, do what you feel right.
Take a break, but you have a bunch of FRIENDS that will miss ya.

romee's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:16 AM
thank's oldsage

oldsage's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:17 AM
Just the FACTS man, just the FACTS

romee's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:23 AM

kojack's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:28 AM
Dang Romee, move on, plenty of fun and caring women in here

daniel48706's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:31 AM
Hey Romee Do not worry about what opne girl says.. There's plenty more
out there.

And as far as being sexxy, she dont know what she's talkin about do she

buttons's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:35 AM
laugh laugh romee sorry but why would u care if a psyco said that
stuff,, i would hope u wouldnt want a psyco?laugh laugh come on your
better than that!!!:wink:

karmafury's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:36 AM
Stick around Romee. Don't sweat it. There's lots of ladies here and
you've got lots of friends here as well.

romee's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:37 AM
thank's button's' but this girl said some nasty thing's that mean alot
to me my singing and my look's.

romee's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:38 AM
thank's kar.

buttons's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:46 AM
but romee? uhhh hello she called u to tell u that that is psyco i
say...why bother to call someone for that?

romee's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:49 AM
yea she alway's called me for some reason, and she has a boyfriend why
call me.

buttons's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:52 AM
well if her having a bf bothers u why did u give her your number romee?

buttons's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:52 AM
or did she not have one when ya gave it to her?

romee's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:53 AM
because she was talking about just being friend's that's all.

buttons's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:54 AM
yea... and that is not a friend bashing ya like that!