Topic: For David
no photo
Wed 08/06/08 09:52 PM
My words offer no comfort
Nothing I say now will heal
So I hold you tightly as you weep
Crooning softly comforting sounds
You ask me over and over again
"Why ,why Momma, why"
I stutter trying to find an answer
Nothing comes to mind
Other than the usual platitudes
So I remain silent holding you
Again you ask why, looking me now in the eye
Quietly I reply " I have no answers, I don't know why
It just happens , nothing we can do
Just hope and pray that the next one will be
Sometimes Momma just doesn't know everything"
I continue to hold you, your weeping now subsiding
You reach for my hand, holding it tight
Whispering now to me softly
"Momma,I'm glad you're here
I don't think I could do this alone"
That tug at my heart, tugging strongly
The urge, the need to fix it for you
So strong, but the knowledge that I cannot
Filling my soul, so here on the couch
Your hand in mine , we sit silently
The healing slowly begins

LAMom's photo
Wed 08/06/08 09:55 PM
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou
Simply Beautiful,,,

s1owhand's photo
Wed 08/06/08 09:57 PM
:cry: flowerforyou :heart:

alicat4213's photo
Wed 08/06/08 09:59 PM
that is beautiful it gave me goosebumpsflowerforyou