BlueskyJ's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:29 AM

I just had a disturbing message from someone asking me my bra size and if i had shaved... down there...
What the HELL???
Do you men actually think this is what we want? To talk dirty online at 9am? Get REAL and get A LIFE!!!!

would 10 am have been better?....

and if you would expose them breasts we wouldn't have to ask your bra size....

Maybe he is taking a survey....

Maybe u are confused... this is a dating site... not a porn site... maybe if you exposed your penis, we would all know your I.Q.

He was joking with you, he's really not like that...

oh, sorry, its hard to hear sarcasm online ya know...
I was just joking with you....I don't take things on here too seriously....its about the 'fun''re gonna get all types whether online, message boards, or on the real relationships on here are first started on the boards & then goes to personal emails....and then...

thumper95's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:32 AM
anyone that wants to be an asshead and a buttmunch,, i say have no mercy,, tear them down and beat them about the head with a big ugly stick. not that they really need help in that department

samauribaby's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:40 AM

anyone that wants to be an asshead and a buttmunch,, i say have no mercy,, tear them down and beat them about the head with a big ugly stick. not that they really need help in that department


thumper95's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:41 AM
i know i know,, im mean,, but im funny about it

samauribaby's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:45 AM
Mean and funny are a good combo... kinda like pickles and ice cream! HA!

thumper95's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:47 AM
now dont be saying that to me,, means someones pregnant,, and i know i aint do it,,, could be like french fries and frostys

samauribaby's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:03 AM
ooohhh... dont u like to dip the fries in the frosty??? ha!

thumper95's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:06 AM
nah,, but i like pickles and cheese sandwiches

samauribaby's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:06 AM
with mayo?

thumper95's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:10 AM
nah sorry mayo to me is like trying to eat spoiled nut,, it just dont work for me

samauribaby's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:13 AM
fried dill pickles are the best...

Mrtap's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:13 AM
rant rant rant rant

thumper95's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:14 AM
you must be from a southern state,, kickass!!!!!!!!

samauribaby's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:14 AM

samauribaby's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:15 AM

you must be from a southern state,, kickass!!!!!!!!

Im in WV but i lived in GA near Atlanta for 7 years.

kojack's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:15 AM
To all the Vulgur men go here

thumper95's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:15 AM
not too many people know about deep fried dill pickles,,, hehehe,, you ever had fried coke?? how bout a fried reese cup?

DQ66's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:16 AM

I just had a disturbing message from someone asking me my bra size and if i had shaved... down there...
What the HELL???
Do you men actually think this is what we want? To talk dirty online at 9am? Get REAL and get A LIFE!!!!

I think these guys are "on line flashers" noway
Except even sicker. At least a "real life flasher" can see the reaction on the victims face......mad

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:16 AM

I just had a disturbing message from someone asking me my bra size and if i had shaved... down there...
What the HELL???
Do you men actually think this is what we want? To talk dirty online at 9am? Get REAL and get A LIFE!!!!
devil Do you?:tongue:

samauribaby's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:17 AM

not too many people know about deep fried dill pickles,,, hehehe,, you ever had fried coke?? how bout a fried reese cup?

no, but i am sure they are delicious! if it ain't fried, it ain't food, right???