Topic: Up for vote: Does this rate as "good luck" or "bad luck not
MikeMontana's photo
Tue 03/13/07 09:31 PM
Got to work, boss is fuming angry - ranting and raving about project
costs, attitudes, and of course playing the blame-game on why the
project is late... but not angry at *me* today. I dont know how I
escaped his wrath. It was a very tense day in the office, but, since I
wasnt on the sh1t-list, it wasnt too bad for me.

At lunchtime my roomate called frantically - "you need to come back to
the apartment - emergency! the apartment has been robbed!". I had three
video cameras, a desktop computer, and two laptops - plus the more
"important" stuff like checkbooks, credit cards etc. A huge sinking
feeling overwhelmed me. Despite the missing laptops, cameras and such,
none of *my* stuff was touched. Maybe the robber got more than he could
carry in the other guy's room? Who knows.

Running just over an hour on my lunch break, I was in a hurry to return
to the office. My roomate called to ask some questions about the police
report - well, my lucky day, as I answer the phone, a cop turns onto the
street just behind me. Sigh. He pulls me over, reads off a list of
reasons for pulling me over: No seatbelt, yapping on the phone,
no-inspection sticker (just got the car)... Hand him my paperwork. This
is going to be an expensive day I think. Then he comes back, "wear your
seatbelt 'kay?" and lets me go - no citations.

To round out the day, the camera I am borrowing to do some
video-editting stopped working - the cassette jammed and wouldn't open
[doing this under my desk at work on the sly] So I called Sony - two
hours of dopey tech support - in the end I need to send it in. $300 "fix
it fee" - pay first of course. I called the owner to tell him the
problem and that I was going to send it out for repair (at my cost since
it died on my watch). He was really upset because he was to send a DVD
of his stuff to an MTV-agent - this WEEK. And he needed to encode a
couple more tapes - now he couldnt. Despite his being upset, he was
polite and understanding with me.

At 4:00 one of the other programmers calls me "Hey mike, bad news, I
need to change the server code, you'll need to fully re-engineer how you
get data from me."
"You're kidding right? You mean the code I've got wont work? At all?"
"Sorry - hope that doesnt piss on your day."

verbatimeb's photo
Tue 03/13/07 09:56 PM
Your Today's points:

01) The boss did not yell at you. 1+.
02) Your stuff survived a thief in your abode. oooh 2nd+.
03) A police officer let you off the hook. WooHoo 3rd+!
04) Sony rips you off for $300.00. Big Fat 1-.
05) Have to write a LOT of new code, pissy. Huge #2-.

Three +'s
Two -'s

You come out ahead with ONE+!
That is a decent score card dude.

Would you like to hear about my day?

The only thing that could have made it worse is if I had shot myself in
the foot and that COULD have happened.
I will spare you the details.
But as pissy days go?
I win.



no photo
Tue 03/13/07 10:01 PM
WOW! Now my day doesnt look so bad.LOL.Glad you came out on top too verb! bigsmile

verbatimeb's photo
Wed 03/14/07 04:14 PM
lol nascarcutey! I did not really come out on top but did make through
the day. Barely...



MikeMontana's photo
Wed 03/14/07 06:15 PM
"Survey says.... +1 on the day" Ok, I'll take that.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 03/14/07 07:26 PM
We should have a permanent thread - "How bad was your day".
Everytime I have a bad day I could check in with the thread and see if I
should post how bad it was or if I should just be happy it wasn't any

The good thing about being "mature" is that we know good days will
follow the bad ones - at some point.

OnALark's photo
Wed 03/14/07 07:31 PM
Go for it, Red; I've had MANY bad days, weeks, months, years . . . like
the year my divorce was finally over, my 14 yr old started highschool,
his dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and then died.

Yeh, that was a bad year, considering I had also lost 2 other family
members to cancer.

My experiences have made me more thankful for who I am and where I am; I
could have been one of them . . . 6 feet under. So, count your