Topic: Melting Clock
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Sat 08/02/08 09:58 PM
Tick tock tick tock
Running faster and faster
Before her eyes
Slowly she begins to realize
It is not time that moves so quickly ahead
It is simply the thoughts that swim in her head
Trying to slow them down, catch up with her own mind
Its like she is constantly falling and tumbling behind
Tick tock tick tock
Echoes the clock, so loud so brash
Her thoughts now begin to clash
She picks the discarded seconds off the floor
Hoping against hope that she can buy more
Time, ever elusive, cannot be boughten
This simple fact she has forgotten
Her thoughts now built up inside
Slowly slowly time begins to slide
T i c k t o c k t i c k t o c k
Oozing and dripping, she sees the melting clock
Time has now stopped..........

s1owhand's photo
Sun 08/03/08 02:19 AM
something familiar here...
time flows
