Topic: Big G.'s Place
daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:13 PM
what kinda beer ya want luv?

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:13 PM
Awesome had a long drive to Alberta it was only gonna take 2 days it
took us three and a half you know driving with a baby lol gotta stop
lots. but i love it here sooo much

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:14 PM
here is that newest poem I wrote tonight for ya...

seeing asnoone else is here right now :wink:

laying my head down to go to sleep,
I stop to think, and then I weep.

I have missed you again and so I'm sad,
so off to bed I go, to dream of you, and be glad.

I dream of you, day and night,
I dream of days bathed in golden light.

should a thunderstorm in the sky appear,
I swear to you, you'll always be dear.

Someday I will see you, standing there,
with sweet Mystery, just don't know where.

Laying my head down to go to sleep,
for you my dear, my heart will beat.

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:14 PM
I am glad you are there safe and happy.
How is Mystery doing?

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:15 PM
You are such an awesome writer you write from the soul!!! Its beautiful
:)... hows everyone else been? I feel like im outta the loop lol. any
new exicting news? LOL

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:16 PM
Mystery is doing Awesome!!!! she just turned 4 months like 3 days ago
*sniff* lol

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:16 PM
well a lot of news and its exciting but not in a happy sense frown

We almost had what I have termed "civil war" here in jsh yesterday.

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:17 PM
Oh Oh thats not a gooder :( I wish i had damn yahoo on this pute. Oh
well i will soon be getting mine hooked up

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:18 PM
its better now butyesterday was a madhouse.

right after you left we received a mass inflow form anopther site. and
since then some people have been trying to divide us into two groups
"oldies" and "newbies"

tempers falred yesterday, a couple people left onthere own (twostepper
being one of them) and a couple people were suspended.

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:18 PM
is everyone still here or did anyone delete thier accounts lately that
always sucks when ppl leave

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:18 PM
is everyone still here or did anyone delete thier accounts lately that
always sucks when ppl leave

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:18 PM
I wish you had yahoo too luv, I have missed talking ot you regularly

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:20 PM
i know it sucks eh... and i have to go soon :( But i made it back to jsh
to say Heyy Wazzz up LOL.. Missed talking to u too

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:20 PM
twostepper and another biker (cant think of his name) deleted

I have twostep on im and he told me to invite you earlier when I got
your eamils earlier but without yahoo I didn ot know how togo about it.
Plus Ithought I had missed ya.

let me ok it with twostep and I will pass his meai lonto you if you

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:21 PM
do you know when you are getting a phone yet? Mine is down temporarily,
but I would love to calll you :wink:

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:21 PM
yeah for sure :)

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:23 PM
he says to pass it on to you so I will email it to you later on tongiht

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:25 PM
So what have you been doing in Alberta since you got there?

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:25 PM
Awesome :).... Well i better get my ass off the pute lol and get my lil
one ready to go. It was nice talking to u even tho is was brief :( I
will be back tomorrow hope to catch u than.. Miss ya smooched

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:26 PM
what time tomorrow? I will make sure I am here