Topic: MILES | |
thank you sweet tribo-master........and amazing amazing weekend filled with confirmation and God's Love.
Shalom tribo.
Yahshua spoke of these things coming to pass before some die. The transformation was a look into the future of Yahshua's return as i have written before. The things in the account in verse 3 the believers were fighting for to save. I do not see anyone claiming to be the messiah in this. Also the priests are said would flee to the mountains. Here they did not as i would expect them to fight till the death. The temple in 70ad was not the temple made without hands but the Temple the priests boasted of. The temple of the jews. These believers were trying to save something they did not understand.thier was no need of a temple as direct communication with Yahweh was always at hand. No need to go through anyone or sacrafice a burnt offering as the Jews still held so dear. I can see where the people could see this as fullfillment of the prophecies. John though wrote of a fullfillment in the future. Daniel wrote of this time knowledge would be greatly increased. Which has greatly at the least. Yahshua spoke of the Evangel being spread throught the whole world the 2 witnesses with all power doing this. I see none of this in the above writings. You speak of armengedon. It says in Zech 14 that thier faces will melt. It soulds more like a make over of the Maccabbean revolt where the Pagans took a statute of Zues and put in the temple claiming this was the son of yahweh. They also saw armies in heaven in 165bc. That frightened thier enemies so that they turned away. Yahshua when speaking of this generation not passing away before all be fullfilled. Is speaking of the generation of the time before his coming. daniels prophecies. The whore who controls the whole world and makes her rich with her delicies. The U S fits this perfectly as the world looks for everything from us. It is said this whore would be destroyed in one hour and the smoke of her burning would go around the world and be heard when she is disstroyed. This again fits as the time cycle for Yellowstone to erupt is now. It has risen of late which if it blew would destroy N America very quickly and the world would morn her death. This centering about 70 ad i believe Daneil may be speaking of yahshua's death. The taking away of the daily sacrafice as his life was around 33 years and the destruction from 67 to 70 ad. This is speculation on my part as when Daniel says that the daily sacrafice is taken away in the midst of the week as Yahshua was also on a weds. afternoon and then the fullfillment of that week of Yahshua's life to the physical fulfillment at the end of 67 years giving us 70 year timetable with the sacrafice ending in the same. Now I know it speaks of a 1000 years as a day. But we can see other time tables.. Israel for thier fefusal to let the land rest every 7 years they were given 1 year in captivity for every land sabbath missed. Missed total years 490 they were taken into exile for 70 years 70 x 7 = 490 The 1000 year plan has always been known as the 7 days of creation where Yahweh worked for 6 and the 7th he rested. This would corrolate with 6000 years coming to an end and Yahshua bring us rest and our inheritance a new beginning.. shalom..Miles |
Shalom tribo. Yahshua spoke of these things coming to pass before some die. The transformation was a look into the future of Yahshua's return as i have written before. The things in the account in verse 3 the believers were fighting for to save. I do not see anyone claiming to be the messiah in this. Also the priests are said would flee to the mountains. Here they did not as i would expect them to fight till the death. The temple in 70ad was not the temple made without hands but the Temple the priests boasted of. The temple of the jews. These believers were trying to save something they did not understand.thier was no need of a temple as direct communication with Yahweh was always at hand. No need to go through anyone or sacrafice a burnt offering as the Jews still held so dear. I can see where the people could see this as fullfillment of the prophecies. John though wrote of a fullfillment in the future. Daniel wrote of this time knowledge would be greatly increased. Which has greatly at the least. Yahshua spoke of the Evangel being spread throught the whole world the 2 witnesses with all power doing this. I see none of this in the above writings. You speak of armengedon. It says in Zech 14 that thier faces will melt. It soulds more like a make over of the Maccabbean revolt where the Pagans took a statute of Zues and put in the temple claiming this was the son of yahweh. They also saw armies in heaven in 165bc. That frightened thier enemies so that they turned away. Yahshua when speaking of this generation not passing away before all be fullfilled. Is speaking of the generation of the time before his coming. daniels prophecies. The whore who controls the whole world and makes her rich with her delicies. The U S fits this perfectly as the world looks for everything from us. It is said this whore would be destroyed in one hour and the smoke of her burning would go around the world and be heard when she is disstroyed. This again fits as the time cycle for Yellowstone to erupt is now. It has risen of late which if it blew would destroy N America very quickly and the world would morn her death. This centering about 70 ad i believe Daneil may be speaking of yahshua's death. The taking away of the daily sacrafice as his life was around 33 years and the destruction from 67 to 70 ad. This is speculation on my part as when Daniel says that the daily sacrafice is taken away in the midst of the week as Yahshua was also on a weds. afternoon and then the fullfillment of that week of Yahshua's life to the physical fulfillment at the end of 67 years giving us 70 year timetable with the sacrafice ending in the same. Now I know it speaks of a 1000 years as a day. But we can see other time tables.. Israel for thier fefusal to let the land rest every 7 years they were given 1 year in captivity for every land sabbath missed. Missed total years 490 they were taken into exile for 70 years 70 x 7 = 490 The 1000 year plan has always been known as the 7 days of creation where Yahweh worked for 6 and the 7th he rested. This would corrolate with 6000 years coming to an end and Yahshua bring us rest and our inheritance a new beginning.. shalom..Miles thnx for getting back miles, your input is appreciated. I dont agree with it, but it was very informing. You did not waste your time with me, all knowledge is usefull. sincerely - tribo shalom. ![]() |