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Topic: Am. Idol sucks!
kirk443's photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:54 PM
American idol stinks, now

whos w/ me..


KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:55 PM
always has, what you mean "now"? =)

FaithfulOne78's photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:56 PM
Hey I like American Idol...I was just in Detroit on Thursday for the Idols Live concert.drinks

DTHRomeo's photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:57 PM
Edited by DTHRomeo on Sat 07/26/08 09:57 PM
Now???frown laugh laugh laugh

I mean yeah it is great! :tongue: laugh laugh laugh

FaithfulOne78's photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:59 PM
rofl I feel so alone in a room full of haters!rofl rofl rofl

egoodrich's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:00 PM
sorry darlin,but i'm agreeing with the crowd, the show has always sucked balls. grumble

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:01 PM
It stunk from the word go!!

elwoodsully's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:01 PM

always has, what you mean "now"? =)

YUP, what KG said.. I know Kalamazoo, and Ann Arbor too..

kirk443's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:02 PM
hell yeah nintendo super mario brothers 3 is better although more challenginglaugh

him_2008's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:06 PM
yea that show suxs omg how many more r&b singers do we need god that crap all sounds the same it worse then rap.die idol die explode

him_2008's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:07 PM
o yea i almost forgot dude is it gay for a man or woman to watch am idol? ding ding ding your gay laugh

FaithfulOne78's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:08 PM
tears will no one side with me I forced to bear this room of haters alone!?rofl

elwoodsully's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:09 PM

tears will no one side with me I forced to bear this room of haters alone!?rofl

okay, Val.. exclude the opinions of us over 35, and that might help a bit..

FaithfulOne78's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:09 PM

tears will no one side with me I forced to bear this room of haters alone!?rofl

okay, Val.. exclude the opinions of us over 35, and that might help a bit..


msmyka's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:10 PM
Sorry val but I have never liked American Idol. ohwell

FaithfulOne78's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:12 PM

Sorry val but I have never liked American Idol. ohwell

tears Noooooo Myka...say it isn't so!! Please tell me your joking!!! :tongue:

him_2008's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:13 PM
see no one likes am idol.dam i must say this again if your a guy and u love am idol u need to have your man card revoked and you sack removed too you homo you laugh

msmyka's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:13 PM

Sorry val but I have never liked American Idol. ohwell

tears Noooooo Myka...say it isn't so!! Please tell me your joking!!! :tongue:

Sorry my friend sad I am not joking. That show has always sucked lol.

FaithfulOne78's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:15 PM

Sorry val but I have never liked American Idol. ohwell

tears Noooooo Myka...say it isn't so!! Please tell me your joking!!! :tongue:

Sorry my friend sad I am not joking. That show has always sucked lol.

tears tears tears I feel so alone!! Will no one agree with metears tears tears

msmyka's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:18 PM
I watch stuff like CSI, Dexter or MMA fights LOL

I do not like reality TV at all slaphead

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