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Topic: Hillary in the white house
Duffy's photo
Sun 03/11/07 11:39 AM
I think that Hillary will do a very good job, and if she does not get
what she wants, she will cry and get it that way. It works every time.

verbatimeb's photo
Sun 03/11/07 11:42 AM
Duffy! Honey, you are going to start WWIII in here like that. The men
and women have a hard enough time getting along in threads with "what do
you think of birds" as the statement!




no photo
Sun 03/11/07 12:19 PM
Whom you elect as a president is none of my business. That being said,
what goes on in the largest and most powerful nation in the world,
matters to the of world. For what it's worth, here is my take on your
brewing presidential election process, with respect to the 'Hillary'

In electing Hillary Clinton as their president, the US would set the
stage for a badly needed political, and moral 'balancing act'!!!

Hillary Clinton's unique mix of 'way above average brilliance', 'don't
mess with me experience', and compassionate rigour, is everything
'doubleya' lacked.

In my opinion, Hillary is the providencial presidential candidate who
can fully restore US integrity and credibility from the wreckless, out
of control, and embarassing state the 'Butch' massacre era has left

Not that we can do much about it, but the rest of the world is watching

karmafury's photo
Sun 03/11/07 07:33 PM
Hillary may indeed bring a much needed change to the American political
scene. Look at the Thatcher years in England. Could be what is needed.
Only time will tell.

Voileazur, pice of information. The US may be the most powerful nation
in the world but they are third largest. Canada is Second and I believe
Russia or China is in first place.

Duffy's photo
Sun 03/11/07 07:47 PM
okay so what do you think of birds there verbie....i think that birds
cheep, eat, ****, and lay eggs. And i will get bleeped, so what. i still
will say that hillary will get her way, not like bill did, but maybe if
she can't cry, she will try flat on her back, like bill. okay so you
want to discuss, discuss, chew it and spit it out.

gina22's photo
Sun 03/11/07 07:52 PM
lets face weather i like her or not could not do any worse then bush

newguy's photo
Sun 03/11/07 08:23 PM
The "Hilderbeast" for president? HELL NO!

Duffy's photo
Sun 03/11/07 08:27 PM
hilderbeest would do a good job. she is woman.

jp4023's photo
Sun 03/11/07 08:42 PM
lol I wonder if she'll do a male intern like her hubby? might run in the

gardenforge's photo
Mon 03/12/07 11:21 PM
Hillary for president, wow we need someone in the oval office that is so
oblivious to their surroundings that they can walk right by a bunch of
FBI Files laying on the end table in the living room for 2 1/2 years and
never see them. But then again she could take $1000 and invest it in
porkbelly futures and ballance the budget in 6 months.

gary86's photo
Tue 03/13/07 01:44 AM
i want vote her i,m voting for john edwards takes a lawyer to fix the
crap bush started

no photo
Tue 03/13/07 10:39 AM
I just felt compelled to slip a couter balancing comment for good
debating sake 'gardenforge' !!!

About your pass at Hillary 'oblivion state',
... would you say this could compare to G.W. having no clue (like
oblivious) of the manner in which Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and
friends, have been playing 'Dr.Strangelove' with his Presidency over
the past 7 years!

For the love of debating,

Very respectfully...

Duffy's photo
Tue 03/13/07 10:57 AM
reply to jp....something or another about hillary and an intern. i would
like to tell you a story about a very naive 4-H advisor who sent a young
woman to Wn DC on a 4-H scholarship. The young woman came back with all
kinds of stories about what they were doing at the white house, and on
capital hill. The 4-H youth advisor could not believe her ears, that
such fornication could occur during working hours. well, there was no
war going on to speak of, so what. they got the job done, and well, the
4-H advisor voted for Nixon,and lost her job, so what did she know?
the point is sex has nothing to do with how our country is run. we are
finding out about something that has been going on for at least as many
years as they could figure out how to do it without getting caught. The
4-H advisor, well, she has changed her attitude, Nixon is dead, and well
who really gives a ship.*****

Duffy's photo
Tue 03/13/07 10:58 AM
reply to jp....something or another about hillary and an intern. i would
like to tell you a story about a very naive 4-H advisor who sent a young
woman to Wn DC on a 4-H scholarship. The young woman came back with all
kinds of stories about what they were doing at the white house, and on
capital hill. The 4-H youth advisor could not believe her ears, that
such fornication could occur during working hours. well, there was no
war going on to speak of, so what. they got the job done, and well, the
4-H advisor voted for Nixon,and lost her job, so what did she know?
the point is sex has nothing to do with how our country is run. we are
finding out about something that has been going on for at least as many
years as they could figure out how to do it without getting caught. The
4-H advisor, well, she has changed her attitude, Nixon is dead, and well
who really gives a ship.*****

gardenforge's photo
Tue 03/13/07 06:00 PM
voilazur you seem to confuse fact with conjecture. The fact is that
there were a pile of FBI Files on people that the Clintons were not
supposed to have. They were missing for 2 1/2 years and could not be
found. When they did turn up Hillary said she found them sitting on an
end table in the First Familys private quarters. The conjecture is what
you said about President Bush, that is merely your opinion and while you
are eititled to it, it does not make it fact or true. The other fact is
Hillary supposedly took $1,000 and invested it in porkbellies on the
commodity futures market and ran that $1,000 into $100,000 in a short
time. The porkbellies market is the single most volatile investment in
the U.S. The chances of an expert trader doing this are slim and none.
The chances of a novice doing this are nonexistent.

no photo
Tue 03/13/07 06:22 PM
I think Hillary should move to Canada. Become a citizen there and get in
their goverment. She'll do wonders for them. After all what do they know
about freedom and their rights.

dwhitesd's photo
Tue 03/13/07 06:29 PM
Hilary for Presglasses

Greyhound's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:02 PM
And what is that suppose to mean MysteriousMan? huh

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:17 PM
I thought that Hillary was already preasdent once. LOL
But on the paper side, I think that she might make a good president, BUT
not yet. My opinion.

no photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:18 PM
You Canadians seem to think they're so great. Let them lead your

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