Topic: Any Wiccan or Pagans in here
ShadowEagle's photo
Sat 03/10/07 11:13 AM
Come join with us in our rune tonight
And feel the circle spin
Let your spirit soar in the lunar light
As the Spiral Dance begins

Come with us speeding through the night
As fast as any bird in flight
Silhouettes against the Mother Moon
We will be there soon

When the spinning ceases you can dance no more
Kiss the silent earth
We will tell our children of the Ancient Lore
At the moment of their birth

Isis Astarte Diana Hecate Demeter Kali Inanna

Darksome night and shining moon,
East, then south, then west, then north
Hearken to a Wytches Rune,
Hear we come to call ye forth!
Earth and water, air and fire,
Wand and pentacle, and sword,
Work ye unto our desire,
Hearken ye unto our word!
Cords and censer, scourge and knife,
Powers of the Wytches blade,
Waken all ye into life,
Come ye as the charge is made!
Queen of Heaven! Queen of Hell!
Horned hunter of the night,
Lend your power unto our spell...


Blesseth Be!!!!!

theflame68's photo
Sat 03/10/07 11:27 AM
Blesseth Be.

DANE1973's photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:10 PM
Hailsa, and Blessed be.

ShadowEagle's photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:26 PM
Hecate Cerrydwyn
Dark Mother, take us in
Hecate Cerrydwyn
Let us be reborn

karmafury's photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:27 PM
Blessed be.

ShadowEagle's photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:30 PM
Draw near, closer now
Into my painted wings
What man can resist
When the Siren sings
Let not your ears be deadened
By the ocean’s roar
Just hear my sweet lament
And I’ll ask no more
Give up your will to me!
You’ve travelled far, my love
And the sea’s been cruel
Come rest with me awhile
Why act like a fool
For I will guide your ship
To my welcome shore
So give your soul to me
When you hear the call
Upon this crimson rock
Your body lying still
And from your broken veins
I will drink my fill
Your love has given me
Meaning to my song
Within my empty heart
Is where your blood belongs

Duffy's photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:51 PM
well last week i said i did not believe in satan, and this week it is
the same. i do not believe in witches either, maybe except my neighbors.

karmafury's photo
Sat 03/10/07 01:07 PM
Not all pagans are witches.

Dallas228808's photo
Sat 03/10/07 01:17 PM

no photo
Sat 03/10/07 01:26 PM
Blessed Be

Thndrghost's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:58 PM
~Blessed be & Merry meet~

ShadowEagle's photo
Sat 03/10/07 09:50 PM
He is coming through dust, sea and sand
And he is coming from the Ancient Lands
Angel of Light, and Lord of the Sacred Flame
A liberator to free you from your shame

Ride out and set the slaves all free
Fill our souls with your love and with your ecstasy
He is Osiris, and he is also Pan
And he is god, but he is also man
He has come from Heaven and of Earth
A god of lust, of music and of mirth

Ride out and set the slaves all free
Fill our souls with your love and with your ecstasy
Break the chains of the last two thousand years
save us from pain, save us from fear

Oh great Horned God, we have not forgotten you
Oh great Horned God, we have not forsaken you
Oh great Horned God, we have not denied you
Oh great Horned God, we have not defied you.

With a kiss of pure steel I pierce the skin
With a wish it sinks within
With the red of your blood and the red of mine
Its flesh will stain as wine
Our love is greater than we two
And stonger than our lives
And though our bodies may decay
Our love will survive

With threads of pure silk and scarlet in hue
I join, in love, we two
Your life you have offered freely to me
And mine I give to thee
The Earth shall hold our lovers wish
And keep it from the day
And as the soil grows richer now
My Love, it shall stay

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 03/10/07 10:07 PM
Wow, I just love a diversified culture. Thanks for being here all! Can
I come in and listen sometimes?

venusrose's photo
Sat 03/10/07 10:09 PM
Beautiful words, song and prayer ShadowEagle.

ShadowEagle's photo
Sun 03/11/07 10:39 AM
Thank you venusrose and blesseth Be!!!