Topic: LEPERS THE FOURTEENTH - part 29 | |
I know how ya cook Steve.....get busy alreay!!!
oh hell,, its bout to be on
well.... i'm waitin
ifin i'm gonna moon ppl, I guess I need a bit more butt back there |
lmao,,, im so bad
Hey you all! How is your world?
Hey Chevy! Starting to dry out from the flood yet?
lol, i never got wet !
Good deal! Ya get flood insurance yet? Sounded close there for a while!
not yet flooding is over until next summer ,
All Right! Did you sell your truck yet?
sneaks in and slaps chevy and pat on the ass and runs like hell
hi, all my peooples............did i spell thet in trouble tonite think.......pat checv an mommo
Hey! Who hit my brain? What! Do you want me to think AGAIN!
Yeah, I hear ya! Someone made me stay up too late watching a Jeff Dunham video last night and now I'm so tired I can't think straight. I had one attorney who asked me to do something and he walked away and I completely blanked on who it was.
did they hold a gun to your head,, then it was your choice,, so there