Topic: The Day of the Sea Gulls
writteninstone's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:38 PM
The search of a friend
Such was the day
I scribbled a college address on a paper
placed it in my purse, it might be a way!

Each time I come here I look a different place
I wandered to the beach our twenty years or so ago
I pondered the journey ahead, would I find him
The smell of the sea, Gods hug from a wind would blow

Near the waters edge I stayed
recalling his words to my mind to align
in sync with the wind I turned away from the ocean mist
to capture the what possibly was our Lords will of design.

A sea gull landed on my blanket, purse close by
The gull looking directly at me, lulling a song
Seem to capture the moment, and stop time in the midst
The sea gull open my purse pulled out the paper, then I knew all along

I could only sit in amazement, and tears filled my eyes.
I came this far to find him, could this possibly be real.
my heart skipped a beat, am I closer than I thought
In the worst scenario, my friend was all that I could feel.

This day of the sea gull was filled with magic
To the college library sifting through the yearbooks I would sit
Where in hope for a name and a photo of the friend I didn’t find
There were the words written in our conversation than seem to be the fit

Twenty years of forgotten time, but never forgotten words
The courage to look without all the clues, the yearbook to remind
Maybe all wasn’t lost in the adventure, more what it was suppose to mean
Maybe it wasn’t about losing a friend, but knowing what to find.

Today As I watch the sea gulls now as they fly overhead.
I often do remember that day
And wonder about the journey and the purpose
Was it a calamity of nostalgia, or did God have something to say?

TAB 07/18/08 True story...

wink1080's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:49 PM
awesome, I love it!

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sat 07/19/08 09:14 AM
Wow! Really great!
flowers :heart:

writteninstone's photo
Sat 07/19/08 03:47 PM
Hi guys,

thanks for the reply today seem to be a creation of something very similiar. Think it will ever stop.

Take Care I going to try to create some poem to make it go away... lol