Topic: Do you believe......?.
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Thu 07/17/08 04:15 PM
Do you believe Jesus was a man in a body of a man ?. If not what was his body then ?.

Thu 07/17/08 04:15 PM

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Thu 07/17/08 04:19 PM


How ?. Please explain .

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Thu 07/17/08 04:19 PM


How ?. Please explain .

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Thu 07/17/08 04:43 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 07/17/08 04:44 PM
I believe he was a man in the body of a man. His name was Joseph Ben Panthera. He was a Jewish Rabi and he lived to the age of 65, had many children, and was stoned to death along with five of his disciples. This is according to Jewish historians, and secret societies.

He was not a god, nor the only son of a god. He did not die on the cross for our sins. That part of the story is legend and myth.


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Thu 07/17/08 04:44 PM
Edited by Wolf19 on Thu 07/17/08 04:44 PM
havent you seen that movie,"oh god" god is a little old man with huge glasses

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Thu 07/17/08 04:45 PM

havent you seen that movie,"oh god" god is a little old man with huge glasses

That was George Burns. He just thought he was god because he was older than dirt. LOL laugh laugh

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Thu 07/17/08 04:53 PM

I believe he was a man in the body of a man. His name was Joseph Ben Panthera. He was a Jewish Rabi and he lived to the age of 65, had many children, and was stoned to death along with five of his disciples. This is according to Jewish historians, and secret societies.

He was not a god, nor the only son of a god. He did not die on the cross for our sins. That part of the story is legend and myth.


Thank you very much JB : What can I do without you ?.waving

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Fri 07/18/08 07:45 AM

Do you believe Jesus was a man in a body of a man ?. If not what was his body then ?.

I believe he was a man in a man's body .
No one said otherwise .
It is very clear according to all historians .

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Fri 07/18/08 07:45 AM
Edited by paul40 on Fri 07/18/08 07:46 AM
Douple post .

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Fri 07/18/08 01:12 PM

Do you believe Jesus was a man in a body of a man ?. If not what was his body then ?.

I am surprised all the fanatics kept away from this thread........laugh laugh laugh .

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 07/18/08 02:03 PM
Apparently, Jesus was the result of a spontaneious ovum division within the woman Mary. Now, while this is extrememly rare, it has apparently been noted, from time to time, to have happened, both prior to and after the birth of Jesus. Hence the many immacculate conception stories we've heard.

Science has proven that the ovum can be forced into reproduction without a sperm. The result, however, will always be a female child who is not unlike the mule in that this child will be incapable of normal reproduction.

So Jesus was actually a trans gendered person, and unfortunately for all those who would like to think he had offspring, sorry as a shemale he would have been unable to reproduce.

You see, there's no reason to get mystical or attribute such things to a god, sometimes science just needs time to find the simplest answer instead of falling for the magical one.
pitchfork :wink:

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Fri 07/18/08 04:26 PM
Why do we not just accept the fact that he was a man in a man's body ?.

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Fri 07/18/08 04:26 PM
Edited by sam53 on Fri 07/18/08 04:27 PM
Double Post .

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Fri 07/18/08 04:34 PM

Apparently, Jesus was the result of a spontaneious ovum division within the woman Mary. Now, while this is extrememly rare, it has apparently been noted, from time to time, to have happened, both prior to and after the birth of Jesus. Hence the many immacculate conception stories we've heard.

Science has proven that the ovum can be forced into reproduction without a sperm. The result, however, will always be a female child who is not unlike the mule in that this child will be incapable of normal reproduction.

So Jesus was actually a trans gendered person, and unfortunately for all those who would like to think he had offspring, sorry as a shemale he would have been unable to reproduce.

You see, there's no reason to get mystical or attribute such things to a god, sometimes science just needs time to find the simplest answer instead of falling for the magical one.
pitchfork :wink:

That is only a possibility IF you believe in the so-called story of a VIRGIN BIRTH.

There is also another explanation. Mary was abducted by non-human life forms (yes aliens) and raped and she was given a drug that caused her to forget the incident.

This is also a common experience in UFO circles.


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Fri 07/18/08 05:52 PM
I do not believe in the virgin birth : look around the world and see how many millions of single mothers we have .

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Fri 07/18/08 07:07 PM

I do not believe in the virgin birth : look around the world and see how many millions of single mothers we have .

What does the amount of single mothers have to do with a virgin birth?


Redykeulous's photo
Fri 07/18/08 07:21 PM
JB - you are, of course, correct. The possibilities are actually quite numerous. I used to wonder if we were actually some kind of alien experiment, long since abandoned to our own evolution.

That would actually make us the creations of another species altogether. Of course how they sprang into being is strictly speaking 'conjecture'. laugh