Topic: Anyone else hear of the recent find of yellow cake in Iraq
willy_cents's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:10 PM

WTF kind of scientist names something, as scary as enriched uranium, after my favorite kind of cake!? It boggles my mind. Is there a chocolate cake version of uranium? Or maybe a corn bread muffin uranium?rant
it was named that after the color and the shape after refining it. And...they knew it was such a harmless itemlaugh

baroosie's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:12 PM
It USED TO BE chocolate cake.... they left it in the sun too longlaugh

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:13 PM

WTF kind of scientist names something, as scary as enriched uranium, after my favorite kind of cake!? It boggles my mind. Is there a chocolate cake version of uranium? Or maybe a corn bread muffin uranium?rant
it was named that after the color and the shape after refining it. And...they knew it was such a harmless itemlaugh

laugh laugh laugh laugh

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:15 PM
i'm surprised theres not a strawberry shortcake bomb out there somewhere O_O

baroosie's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:17 PM

i'm surprised theres not a strawberry shortcake bomb out there somewhere O_O
No... that's Afghanistan!laugh

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:21 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 07/12/08 09:24 PM
So anyone have thoughts on how this old knowledge became a new story?

willy_cents's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:28 PM

So anyone have thoughts on how this old knowledge became a new story?

\yeah, the media picked up on it after the stuff was completely removed from Iraq and delivered to Canada last week. They appeared to be shocked that the US flew it out over the last 8 months and sold it to a private firm in Canada. Must have been a new reporter who had no sense of reading news from 15 years agolaugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:53 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 07/12/08 09:54 PM
The story here,

Is pretty clear of the facts!

I guess the Blog sites are just desperate Republicans anxious to spread propaganda! Even though they know it is a lie!
Just like Crooks and Liars pointed out!

That's why as an Independent I refuse to believe a word that comes from a Republicans mouth unless I check it myself, and why it will be a long time before I'll vote for one again!
Esp. a flip flopper, Bush sound alike like McConfused.
He and every Republican is obviously controlled by a higher more complex power than they!
I dont trust a single one!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:56 PM
Man you guys really need to get control of your Party. They are way out of line and very dangerous to our country!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:03 PM

So anyone have thoughts on how this old knowledge became a new story?

\yeah, the media picked up on it after the stuff was completely removed from Iraq and delivered to Canada last week. They appeared to be shocked that the US flew it out over the last 8 months and sold it to a private firm in Canada. Must have been a new reporter who had no sense of reading news from 15 years agolaugh laugh

Arent you an Independent willy?

willy_cents's photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:11 PM
yeah...independent, but a quite conservative one in most respects. Used to be a democrat until they started wanting to take away our rights and make us dependent upon the gov't for everything. They lost me when Clinton made the statement about ppls individual rights not being a high priority for the gov't back in '92.

Chazster's photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:19 PM

This article from the AP was posted yesterday, reporting the sale and transport of 550 metric tons of yellowcake uranium from Iraq to Canada. Some of the leading right wing blogs were quick to hail the find as a significant victory for the Bush administration and proof of Saddam’s WMD program..


You can't call that a lie since you can't be sure what its for. I am not claiming it is truth either. The point is that we don't know what its for but it would be nice to investigate this. The media seems to almost want to ignore it all together. You may say the rebus are quick to hail it as a victory, but you as a dem are just as quick to claim it a lie.

Like I said we really can't be sure what it was gonna be used for since they would have no need for it at all. It can, however, be a vary dangerous substance and the iraq government agreed which is one reason they decided to get rid of it.

Crooks and Liars have already done the leg work.
Its a lie!! The material was in the IAEA inventories since 1992. Believe it Chaz. Its well documented!

I never said I didn't believe you. My point was that you try to act like they waited to say something about this until it would do something for Bush. My point is Clinton had 8 years to do something about it. Also if this was a ploy to help Bush it would have been better to do it 3-4 years ago. Saddam is out of the way so we can do it now.

And yes, they did think Saddam was trying to build bombs in 1992, maybe the yellow cake had something to do with it.

I am being open minded on both ends of the argument and you are playing political allegiance.

willy_cents's photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:25 PM
agreed with the opn mind. Difference is 1. Clinton did not have to deal with 9-11. and Clinton would have cared less if someone had tried to kill his father. Clintons reaction to a 9-11 would have been like Obama's will be, shoot a few missiles, kill a couple camels, flatten a few empty tents, and file a lawsuit in the international court of justice. All lawyers know how to do.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:19 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 07/12/08 11:23 PM

This article from the AP was posted yesterday, reporting the sale and transport of 550 metric tons of yellowcake uranium from Iraq to Canada. Some of the leading right wing blogs were quick to hail the find as a significant victory for the Bush administration and proof of Saddam’s WMD program..


You can't call that a lie since you can't be sure what its for. I am not claiming it is truth either. The point is that we don't know what its for but it would be nice to investigate this. The media seems to almost want to ignore it all together. You may say the rebus are quick to hail it as a victory, but you as a dem are just as quick to claim it a lie.

Like I said we really can't be sure what it was gonna be used for since they would have no need for it at all. It can, however, be a vary dangerous substance and the iraq government agreed which is one reason they decided to get rid of it.

Crooks and Liars have already done the leg work.
Its a lie!! The material was in the IAEA inventories since 1992. Believe it Chaz. Its well documented!

I never said I didn't believe you. My point was that you try to act like they waited to say something about this until it would do something for Bush. My point is Clinton had 8 years to do something about it. Also if this was a ploy to help Bush it would have been better to do it 3-4 years ago. Saddam is out of the way so we can do it now.

And yes, they did think Saddam was trying to build bombs in 1992, maybe the yellow cake had something to do with it.

I am being open minded on both ends of the argument and you are playing political allegiance.

Yes I believe that's exactly what happened.
They knew it was there all along. They knew it was harmless, and they made it seem as if it was something new.

Lets look at the second story I posted a little further,

The IAEA placed a seal on the nuclear materials in November of 1992. From then until the fall of Saddam, the agency attempted to make sure that Iraq did not use the yellow cake to reconstitute its nuclear program, something the IAEA acknowledged could be done if the Iraqis were able to rebuild its centrifuges and gain access to additional fissile material. Keeping track of the material was made extraordinarily difficult by the Iraqis who regularly impeded IAEA officials from carrying out even the most routine inspections.

Flash forward to 1999 when British intelligence found out through multiple sources that representatives of the Iraqi government had met with officials from the Niger government.

This fact is not in dispute. The mystery is in what they talked about. A memo obtained by the British — later proven to be a forgery — purported to show the Iraqis were interested in purchasing 500 tons of yellow cake uranium from Niger's mines. Forgery or not, since Niger's exports are extremely limited, consisting largely of uranium ore, livestock, cowpeas, and onions, one doesn't have to be an intelligence analyst to figure out in which one of those items the Iraqis might be interested.

If you think about it, what they did when they forged the documents and before Wilson told the truth (remember his wife Valerie Plame and scooter Libby) was plan to invade Iraq and then mysteriously produce this material (useless as it was) as proof that they were right all along!

Well that plan went to hell in a hand basket, but then last week the stuff was shipped to Canada. So, they conveniently let a BS story leak on their blog sites and let the blind sheeple take it from there.
It didn't have to be real, because most Americans dont check, and few republicans doubt their almighty leaders.

Soon as in this instance (right here, tonight) the propaganda is spread around the country from one web site to another, and from water-cooler to water-cooler.

Before long, not all, but many Americans are praising the Republicans and giving credence to the BS war in Iraq. Many will never be convinced it wasn't true.
If nothing else their new Candidate, their Bush alike, Mr McConfused numbers go up in the polls.

Why not they think, at least 72% of the country already know they are liars and doing a lousy job of running the country! Their election hopes are weak! What do they have to lose, they think!

The most they have done in my mind is prove what they did they did with intent, and give me a deeper look at how far they were willing to go in lying to the American people about their reasons for ILLEGALLY invading Iraq in the first place.

Chazster's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:33 PM
Again you are playing political alliance. There is no propaganda here. No one in this post ever said Bush was right. You are the only person giving a definite. You are the only one claiming to know all the answers. You are the one stating that it IS the same ore from 1992, but how would you know this for sure? You say it IS a plan by the republicans and if so and if iraq hates us so why would they go along with it? I do not pretend or claim to have these answers.

The whole point of this post was that I found out about this last night and thought it was actually significant news and was surprised that it was hardly mentioned at all.

No matter how much you complain or accuse in this forum you will not change the outcome of the election what ever it may be.

It saddens me that you and other people on this forum stereotype and hate on people because of their political party. You don't know their political believes or why they chose them. This country would have a lot less problem if people had mutual respect for one another, and it starts with all of us.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:50 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 07/13/08 12:00 AM
Your wrong!
See, I voted for Bush in 2000! I have never voted for a Democrat in my life although I have always been an Independent!
I despised Clinton and voted for GH Bush the first time he ran. The second time I voted for Dole! I didn't like Gore because that's how much I despised the Clintons, so I voted for Bush. Unlike you and many others I saw through his BS early on.
As a vet it was obvious to me that, a.- His response in Afghanistan, he had no idea how to conduct our military,
and B.- I saw the lies involved in his reasons for invading Iraq as a slap in the face of my service to this country!

I was not a Sheeple, never have been, and will not vote for a Republican again until I see they have an ability to think as individuals instead of a whole block led by a higher organized power than Bush, McConfused, or any single person in the Party.
IMO, they are all controlled and guided by an organization with a single cause and a single objective in mind!
The only way to stop that organized, premeditated plan is to kick their arses out of the government. I dont think any one of them has the balls or the power to act individually.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 07/13/08 12:26 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 07/13/08 12:28 AM

Again you are playing political alliance. There is no propaganda here. No one in this post ever said Bush was right. You are the only person giving a definite. You are the only one claiming to know all the answers. You are the one stating that it IS the same ore from 1992, but how would you know this for sure? You say it IS a plan by the republicans and if so and if iraq hates us so why would they go along with it? I do not pretend or claim to have these answers.

The whole point of this post was that I found out about this last night and thought it was actually significant news and was surprised that it was hardly mentioned at all.

No matter how much you complain or accuse in this forum you will not change the outcome of the election what ever it may be.

It saddens me that you and other people on this forum stereotype and hate on people because of their political party. You don't know their political believes or why they chose them. This country would have a lot less problem if people had mutual respect for one another, and it starts with all of us.

I dont believe you posted the story as any more than an unwilling participant in the NeoCons game, an unwitting participant as I pointed out. The speed at which the propaganda spreads is coincidental and unimportant. What is important is the planting of the original seed.
It will gain speed and grow as it goes along. Its inevitable, this is American, and most Americans get their news from gossip. Most dont read newspapers, or even watch the evening news! If they do they catch snippets from FOX!

As for trying to change peoples minds and defeat the NeoCons, I dont have to do much. They will defeat themselves. All I try to do is tell the truth. To point out the lies and inconsistencies they present! They will do the rest, and people are perfectly able to make up their own minds!
The NeoCons have already lost!

Chazster's photo
Sun 07/13/08 02:39 PM
Edited by Chazster on Sun 07/13/08 02:40 PM
Again here you go hating on other people and accusing them of things they never did. All I wanted was information on the subject and people opinions. To tell you the truth, the Iraq War is not a big political issue with me. There are other things on my mind than that.

Unlike me what? You don't know me. You have no idea of my beliefs. I was barely 19 when Bush took his second term and I have barely followed politics until recently.

I have always made my own opinions about everthing, which I why I try to seek out information.

I would really appreciate it if you quit accusing me of things. I am pretty sure its against forum rules.

mnhiker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 05:59 PM
Next time I eat yellow cake, hold the radioactivity please.laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Mon 07/14/08 01:01 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Mon 07/14/08 01:14 AM

Again here you go hating on other people and accusing them of things they never did. All I wanted was information on the subject and people opinions. To tell you the truth, the Iraq War is not a big political issue with me. There are other things on my mind than that.

Unlike me what? You don't know me. You have no idea of my beliefs. I was barely 19 when Bush took his second term and I have barely followed politics until recently.

I have always made my own opinions about everything, which I why I try to seek out information.

I would really appreciate it if you quit accusing me of things. I am pretty sure its against forum rules.

Unlike you? Let me explain,
Unlike you, and many more who have fallen for or believe the NeoCon Propaganda.
But, since it was you who I was talking to, and this is a debate forum where you stated your opinion, and I stated mine, it was "unlike you." Not an insult, as you suggest, and I can not see how you can twist it to be one.
Three times in a row you have refered to my opinion as that of a hater and I have not responded with anything more than my honest opinion.
I didn't mention your age, or directly make you the topic of my posts! but since you've made it a part of the debate your self (several times) I will comment.
Age=19. Perfect age to know of nothing other than life under Bush, as you've pointed out, and to be easily convinced of the propaganda, esp if your parents are Bush supporters and that's all you've heard! I see it all the time. Shall I give you an example? (I have a visual one with audio, just ask!)

The perfect age to believe that anyone who disagrees with the NeoCon's are unAmerican, and to believe America is the perfect creation of good as told in story books..
Your right I know nothing about you, but your views and opinions are here.
None of this is meant as an insult either, just an observation based on your support of this NeoCon/anti-American Administration's policies, and your own confession to being a new participant in the electoral process.

Sorry you feel the way you do chaz!drinker