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Topic: Ok, since there are a couple topic's...
DestinysDream's photo
Thu 07/10/08 10:32 PM
That definitely would go into the suspicious category. Some people do weird things.

I met three people all of whom did something similar to what you're talking about. Each said they were from Ghana after we talked on Yahoo. I played around with the first two a little bit for fun but as soon as the third one said Ghana I went offline to them without saying goodbye.

Another woman went straight from a message to IM to a phone number and then a meeting. There is no telling what to expect.

DestinysDream's photo
Thu 07/10/08 10:49 PM
Edited by DestinysDream on Thu 07/10/08 10:51 PM

About emails, i thought i share this.

When you send an email and you get a reply saying my name is such n such and i'm looking for my other half and then they say. Here is my yahoo messenger. This just happen to me.

What is your first thoughts of this?
And what action will you will take?

You send an email and they send their yahoo address?
Great go talk.
If they offered it and I have not talked to them I would question it. I still may talk to see what's up. What's it hurt but taking some time.

This is the internet it's not a downtown alleyway.

Why are people so afraid of others online? I find it truly hilarious the "risks" people take with others in real life but when on the internet everything changes. People are inherently good for the most part. Yes there are some whacked people, but you can spot them on the forum and you can spot them on Yahoo. Block them, delete them, move on. It's not hard to do.

Here, You may want to think twice about I.M so soon.
Just copy and paste in address bar.
Just do a search on I.M hacking..

With due respect, that is the kind of fear-mongering I am talking about. Never ever click on things sent to you as attachments. Download them to disk and run a virus scan. The only things you should download to your computer from another user are multimedia files most of which end in .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .avi. .rm, .mpg, .mp3.

That news report appeals to business owners whose employees may open a trojan horse allowing entry onto their networks by others. The average hacker is not interested in you they want into business networks.

What information do you keep on your computer for that matter? Can I find your credit card number and the security code? How about your bank account numbers? Social security number? Your address? If you have that personal info on a computer delete it and empty the trashcan. That info does not belong on a personal computer.

I have been using computers for over 20 years and never been infected. I was in the computer industry for over 15 years. Its ok to interact with strangers but you need to use your head.

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