Topic: what is a conscience
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Thu 09/14/06 11:38 PM
is your conscience merely knowing the difference between right and wrong
or is there more to it. i know people that know right from wrong but do
not have a conscience, they can do the evilest,dirtiest things and not
feel bad ever.

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Fri 09/15/06 12:55 AM
a coscience is much more than knowing the difference between right and
wrong, it is what keeps a person awake at night, what nags at you that
you have done something wrong and need to set it right, and keeps us
from doing things we know we shouldn't

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Fri 09/15/06 01:22 AM
do you believe that you can be a good and well rounded person if you do
not have a conscience?

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Fri 09/15/06 04:24 AM

no photo
Fri 09/15/06 04:58 AM
can you elaborate on that will?
i am a well rouded person and a cery good person but i don't have a
conscience whatsoever.

no photo
Fri 09/15/06 04:59 AM
unfortunately not a very good speller lol
that was sipposed to be very, not cery

unsure's photo
Fri 09/15/06 05:31 AM
I think you do have a conscience King...its like your inner self telling
you what to do, and if you don't do the right thing, it bothers you! You
seem to caring not to have a treat people with way to
much respect not to have one, and if you didn't have a conscience you
would care how anyone felt or how much you hurt them. Sorry KING I think
your a softy :)

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Fri 09/15/06 06:50 AM
see that's the thing, i am a super nice person but i really don't care
if someone gets hurt because i don't do mean things unless it needs to
be done. if someone took something the wrong i will try to clear it up
to keep things civil(because i know where it tends to lead bit i really
don't give a shit and if they want to go there, i will.
i have been in situations where i did not do the right thing and it does
not bother me. i don't do them often but i could care less. people get
confused sometimes because i do know right from wrong and i try to do
right they think that i do care which puts me in messed up situations
because some people think they can treat you bad because they think you
won't do something and then something bad happens and they try to blame
it on me because i hurt them

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 09/15/06 08:20 AM
I think it all depends on who yer doing it to King, and what yer
bullshit tolerance level is. I'm the same way, I really am a nice
guy..but if someone wants to fuck me over, friend or not, I'm gonna give
it back to them times 10 and not give a rat's ass. Now on the other
hand..if I inadvertantly hurt someone, I do feel bad about it and try to
make it right. I'll give you a perfect example, 2 yrs ago a friend of
mine since the 4th grade got a hold of me in a panic, cuz he was gonna
get kicked out of his place cuz he was short on his rent. He was married
with 3 kids and asked if he could borrow the money for his rent and when
he got his vacation pay he'd pay me back. Now, I know everyone here is
gonna say never lend that kind of money to friends, well the only reason
I did lend it was because of the way we grew up. At one point him, his
brother and me had gone in on renting a house. I've left hundreds
sitting around and it never went missing, and he did pay me back, but
then 2 months later he asked again, then again til he owed me $5,000.
Now, he worked at Ford's so it's not like he don't have the scratch to
pay me back. And everytime he would use the kids to hot my soft
spot..they were gonna get kicked out, or some other nonsense. Well, a
year and a half later and no payment back of any kind and I got ugly. I
knew they dealt drugs out of their home and had quite a bit of stolen
property. So, I called the cops with an anonymous tip. He lost his job,
they lost their home and the kids went to live with family. How did I
find out about this?..the fuckin idiot actually had the nerve to call me
and asked me to post his bail. I laughed like hell and hung up on him.
Do I feel bad about it? FUCK NO

no photo
Fri 09/15/06 08:53 AM
that's kinda what i'm talking about though because if i inadvertently
hurt someone i will try to make it right because it is the right thing
to do not because i feel bad. i could just as easily tell that same
person to fuck off and it would not bother me one bit. this is where my
topic comes in because i am a genuine person and i want to treat people
right but it doesn't bother me if i don't, i know it doesn't make any
sense to me either but it's true.

MynDLash's photo
Fri 09/15/06 09:18 AM
good afternoon everyone, i think a conscience is what other people
consider to be a split personality. U know better to do things(most of
them) but, u end up doing them anyways. like with many things there's
always another side to em'. good conscience/bad conscience doesn't
matter, it's just how u decide to be and concieve the matters at hand.
that's what makes us us. (self will)