Topic: what am i
s1owhand's photo
Wed 07/09/08 10:18 AM
i am a creator
i am an analyst
i am contemplative
i am at peace
i am a lover
i am a friend
i am a father
i am a son
i am part mechanical
i am part spirit

all that and even more am i


my response to that interesting
topic on the religion forum


Wed 07/09/08 10:26 AM
i would say i don't know give me a hint

LAMom's photo
Wed 07/09/08 10:29 AM
Humble Human am I.. with a touch offffffffff

((( Harold )))) flowers

s1owhand's photo
Wed 07/09/08 10:31 AM

i would say i don't know give me a hint


"i'll accept that" flowerforyou

s1owhand's photo
Wed 07/09/08 10:32 AM

Humble Human am I.. with a touch offffffffff

((( Harold )))) flowers

"i see the sparks" bigsmile

d4tc's photo
Wed 07/09/08 10:45 AM
I am Irish
I am Hungarian
I am Romanian
I am German

Don't let the 'ski fool you
I'm not polish
Might be part Russian
Definetely incognito


no photo
Wed 07/09/08 11:14 PM

i am a creator
i am an analyst
i am contemplative
i am at peace
i am a lover
i am a friend
i am a father
i am a son
i am part mechanical
i am part spirit

all that and even more am i


my response to that interesting
topic on the religion forum


I personally tend to stay AWAY from religous forums but from your words, i can only imagine what was said.

This as always, is excellent....((((H)))):heart: :heart: :heart:

s1owhand's photo
Thu 07/10/08 03:48 AM

I personally tend to stay AWAY from religous forums but from your words, i can only imagine what was said.

That is a sound policy, Alpha. laugh
Jenniebean posed, in an elegany way,
the title question. A question that I
think is very profound. That is why
artists are often drawn to self-portraiture.


I think.

(((A))):heart: :heart:

no photo
Thu 07/10/08 05:23 AM
what are you not?:smile:

great write Haroldflowerforyou flowerforyou

s1owhand's photo
Thu 07/10/08 06:05 AM
i'm not sure....

flowerforyou (((pkd))) :heart:


no photo
Thu 07/10/08 06:06 AM

i am a creator
i am an analyst
i am contemplative
i am at peace
i am a lover
i am a friend
i am a father
i am a son
i am part mechanical
i am part spirit

all that and even more am i


my response to that interesting
topic on the religion forum


I find it brilliant!:smile:

s1owhand's photo
Thu 07/10/08 06:14 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 07/10/08 06:39 AM
thank you...

so, i will add a personal comment.
this response was based in part
on a comment i received from a
former teacher of mine. an exceptional,
truly exceptional man. he taught
philosophy. i was one of his students.
his reading list was well over a
hundred books...but he would direct
us to know pgs 321-344
etc. the principle coursebook was
Will Durant's - Story of Philosophy.
but there were many many references
to Durant's other small laugh work the
Story of Civilization which he coauthored
with his wife Ariel. I was 17.

my instructor had a wonderful amazing talent.
he was a superb teacher. at the
end of each year - it was a year
long class - he would give each
student in the class a personal note
along with their grade for the
class. it was private - i still have
mine. he only wrote three words on
my note.

"Analyst or Creator?"

i will remember him always.
he was a retired chemist whose
personal love was his hobby -
Philosophy. He taught this class
unpaid out of the generosity of
his own heart and for the love
of Philosophy. One of the finest
individuals and instructors I
ever met...and I've met some
good ones.