Topic: Kum by ya .. DRAMA
Fade2Black's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:46 PM

i took drama in high school and got a F

exactly my point .. ugh eh?

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:47 PM

Just go with the flow if things get to bad I just back to my 4 agreements !! one being not to take things personal:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

oh I don't take anything personal .. it's just annoying as all get out frustrated

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:49 PM

My life has been drama since my early teens, and I didn't really understand how bad it was until after my dad died of cancer 4 years ago. I'm trying to eliminate all the drama from my life, but some of it is taking longer than others to come to closure without hurting anyone... Some of the drama I have posted on here as my only outlet. If any of you are tired of it, then I'm sorry. This is sort of a family though, isnt it? If we can't help out eachother then why are we here? I try to help others when I can... flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

now see hon, your kind of drama we want to embrace and love you thru the pain or struggle .. that's NOT the drama I'm talking bout flowers

we ARE a community .. it's what we do best

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:50 PM

how many of you really looked into the banana's eyes????? hmmmm???what what what now look!!! dammit!!!!-------->:banana:


no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:52 PM

frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

Does anyone else evaaaaaaaaaaah get tired of the drama on forum communities?

I mean I am sooooooooooooooooooo not a drama person, and even though I love the threads, it's just too much to stomach sometimes.

Just wondering. Does it ever invade anyone else's 'space'?



Meh......... it happens... Chaos before peace is restored... The ebb and flow of society. Because I think things start off peacefully.......

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:55 PM
I agree Faust ..

but I guess what I mean is how things are taken so seriously on here. Geesh.

GET OVER IT yanno?

people get their panties in a bunch over pretty much NOTHING ...........

(((((((((((( RELAX ))))))))))))


no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:58 PM
Yeah, I avoid lots of threads, or look and say not for me.
Sometimes I go into WTF mode,
but I got rid of the STFU hat, that just feeds into it.

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:00 PM
^^ true .. lol

toreybelle's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:01 PM

My life has been drama since my early teens, and I didn't really understand how bad it was until after my dad died of cancer 4 years ago. I'm trying to eliminate all the drama from my life, but some of it is taking longer than others to come to closure without hurting anyone... Some of the drama I have posted on here as my only outlet. If any of you are tired of it, then I'm sorry. This is sort of a family though, isnt it? If we can't help out eachother then why are we here? I try to help others when I can... flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Very well put (((Alterego)))....I do feel like those who have become my friends are like family to me. I trust their input and opinions and I seek their wisdom and knowledge about situations. Maybe I shouldn't. I don't want to be a burden NOR DO I WANT TO BE A DRAMA QUEEN!!! I hope that I have not been one to do so....if I have...I'm sorry.

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:05 PM

My life has been drama since my early teens, and I didn't really understand how bad it was until after my dad died of cancer 4 years ago. I'm trying to eliminate all the drama from my life, but some of it is taking longer than others to come to closure without hurting anyone... Some of the drama I have posted on here as my only outlet. If any of you are tired of it, then I'm sorry. This is sort of a family though, isnt it? If we can't help out eachother then why are we here? I try to help others when I can... flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Very well put (((Alterego)))....I do feel like those who have become my friends are like family to me. I trust their input and opinions and I seek their wisdom and knowledge about situations. Maybe I shouldn't. I don't want to be a burden NOR DO I WANT TO BE A DRAMA QUEEN!!! I hope that I have not been one to do so....if I have...I'm sorry.

(( KIM ))

Again .. that's NOT the drama I speak of. It's the 'imagined in the brain' drama. The "oh you hurt my feelings cuz you sniffed .. drama"

To that I say ........... SUCK IT UP.

But to you ladies, we are here for you!!

I just mean the ones that get all butt hurt over NOTHING. (((((((((( RELAX )))))))))))

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:05 PM

I agree Faust ..

but I guess what I mean is how things are taken so seriously on here. Geesh.

GET OVER IT yanno?

people get their panties in a bunch over pretty much NOTHING ...........

(((((((((((( RELAX ))))))))))))


I got crazy myself today..... Sleep deprived and it really bothers me when people are not honest.

I know that it is selfish of me, just because I believe in balance, to push my thoughts. But it appears that there are others who I wouldn't expect to agree with me that did today... I felt like a monster, but at the same time, it felt good to get that out there. So that even though my issue with the topic continues, at least now those who did agree, gave me an idea of how I can tell if we are all on the same page with how we deal with it.

I actually feel at peace now and closer to those people, even though we do not talk as much. Yeah.... bigsmile

I just grow upset though when people lie just to make others feel good. I myself do not like that and I can tell when people lie to me. I know what their intentions are when they say things to me, but I do not say anything. I let them be until I cannot handle it any more and I call them out on it. But not always, because sometimes people are just like that. Even if they are your friends and you just let it slide. We are not perfect.

darkowl1's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:06 PM
we need jeff goldblum on here, he would be a hoot.....writing...likethishere......yousee?? .....well........itwouldbe..more fun. ..see...?

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:09 PM

I agree Faust ..

but I guess what I mean is how things are taken so seriously on here. Geesh.

GET OVER IT yanno?

people get their panties in a bunch over pretty much NOTHING ...........

(((((((((((( RELAX ))))))))))))


I got crazy myself today..... Sleep deprived and it really bothers me when people are not honest.

I know that it is selfish of me, just because I believe in balance, to push my thoughts. But it appears that there are others who I wouldn't expect to agree with me that did today... I felt like a monster, but at the same time, it felt good to get that out there. So that even though my issue with the topic continues, at least now those who did agree, gave me an idea of how I can tell if we are all on the same page with how we deal with it.

I actually feel at peace now and closer to those people, even though we do not talk as much. Yeah.... bigsmile

I just grow upset though when people lie just to make others feel good. I myself do not like that and I can tell when people lie to me. I know what their intentions are when they say things to me, but I do not say anything. I let them be until I cannot handle it any more and I call them out on it. But not always, because sometimes people are just like that. Even if they are your friends and you just let it slide. We are not perfect.

I agree Faust. But then I shoot straight. All the time. You know you'll get it straight from the gate from me.

I don't agree with sugar coating but then if you don't some poor touchy sensitive person gets their feelings hurt. I'm not mean and I'm not cold. I just say it like it is.

If they want it coated they should say so. I would rather people be upfront with me. I want TRUTH and nothing less.

toreybelle's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:09 PM

My life has been drama since my early teens, and I didn't really understand how bad it was until after my dad died of cancer 4 years ago. I'm trying to eliminate all the drama from my life, but some of it is taking longer than others to come to closure without hurting anyone... Some of the drama I have posted on here as my only outlet. If any of you are tired of it, then I'm sorry. This is sort of a family though, isnt it? If we can't help out eachother then why are we here? I try to help others when I can... flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Very well put (((Alterego)))....I do feel like those who have become my friends are like family to me. I trust their input and opinions and I seek their wisdom and knowledge about situations. Maybe I shouldn't. I don't want to be a burden NOR DO I WANT TO BE A DRAMA QUEEN!!! I hope that I have not been one to do so....if I have...I'm sorry.

(( KIM ))

Again .. that's NOT the drama I speak of. It's the 'imagined in the brain' drama. The "oh you hurt my feelings cuz you sniffed .. drama"

To that I say ........... SUCK IT UP.

But to you ladies, we are here for you!!

I just mean the ones that get all butt hurt over NOTHING. (((((((((( RELAX )))))))))))

Thanks..... I needed to hear that!!!!:smile:

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:09 PM

we need jeff goldblum on here, he would be a hoot.....writing...likethishere......yousee?? .....well........itwouldbe..more fun. ..see...?

<--- I think you need a bigger wagon .. you see?

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:09 PM
Some thrive on it so even when it's not happening they just try to create it around them.
Ignore it...they go away and try to irritate someone else eventually.
I don't even acknowledge it or see it flowerforyou

See no evil
Speak no evil
Hear no evil

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:10 PM

My life has been drama since my early teens, and I didn't really understand how bad it was until after my dad died of cancer 4 years ago. I'm trying to eliminate all the drama from my life, but some of it is taking longer than others to come to closure without hurting anyone... Some of the drama I have posted on here as my only outlet. If any of you are tired of it, then I'm sorry. This is sort of a family though, isnt it? If we can't help out eachother then why are we here? I try to help others when I can... flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Very well put (((Alterego)))....I do feel like those who have become my friends are like family to me. I trust their input and opinions and I seek their wisdom and knowledge about situations. Maybe I shouldn't. I don't want to be a burden NOR DO I WANT TO BE A DRAMA QUEEN!!! I hope that I have not been one to do so....if I have...I'm sorry.

(( KIM ))

Again .. that's NOT the drama I speak of. It's the 'imagined in the brain' drama. The "oh you hurt my feelings cuz you sniffed .. drama"

To that I say ........... SUCK IT UP.

But to you ladies, we are here for you!!

I just mean the ones that get all butt hurt over NOTHING. (((((((((( RELAX )))))))))))

Thanks..... I needed to hear that!!!!:smile:

(((((( KIM ))))))flowers

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 10:50 PM
Hey everyone thats questioning her "invading my space" quote, she doesnt mean are space, she means people for no reason what so ever starting dram in one of her threads or in a thread concerning her, "around" her. This is what she is talking about! all you guys know exactly what she meant just wanted to possibly cause a scuffle.

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 10:52 PM
I get enough drama at work!!!explode

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 07/09/08 05:18 AM

Hey everyone thats questioning her "invading my space" quote, she doesnt mean our space, she means people for no reason what so ever starting drama in one of her threads or in a thread concerning her, "around" her. This is what she is talking about! all you guys know exactly what she meant just wanted to possibly cause a scuffle.

thanks Tyler .. pretty much :wink: