Topic: the most annoying but funniest situation
gammalight6000's photo
Mon 07/07/08 06:41 AM
i go to bed sorta early last night and get up at 8 am to go eat with my dad and his bike club. i usually ride to the place and then go home afterwards...

well this morning i get up and take a shower and shave..

i call my dad and he is not going

frustrated frustrated frustrated surprised surprised slaphead slaphead

mcattygarnett's photo
Mon 07/07/08 06:42 AM

ledi180's photo
Mon 07/07/08 06:45 AM
I hate that!!! Go out anyway flowers

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 07/07/08 06:47 AM
If it's a decent day , go for a ride anyway!!

gammalight6000's photo
Mon 07/07/08 06:50 AM
i may, i started my coffee already though

Topsykretts's photo
Mon 07/07/08 06:51 AM
here's a drinker drinker

no photo
Mon 07/07/08 06:58 AM
Oh well. ohwell