Topic: help
tammy2166's photo
Sun 03/04/07 01:48 PM
I have 2 daughter still at home one is 11 the other is 23..Heres the
problem I haven't dated in a long time now that i am my 23 yr old is
freckin out...treating me like shes the mother and I am the daughter. We
fight all the time...HELP

oldsage's photo
Sun 03/04/07 02:18 PM
DOn't buy into her problems. You have a right to a life. As long as
you are not being inapproiate in frt of the little ones, NONE of her
business. She doesn't like your house rules, 23 she can move out & run
her own house. ck. your local YWCA for a counselor or your church.
Just don't buy into her, YOUR MOM that's why. Your way, you raised her.

tammy2166's photo
Sun 03/04/07 02:24 PM

mistyblue2012's photo
Sun 03/04/07 05:26 PM
I agree with Oldsage......she is 23 and needs get on the ball with her
own life and move out! It's perfectly ok for her to be concerned about
you, shows that she loves you!:smile: But you have a right to be a woman
and interact with others in that way too! Maybe she is just scared of
losing you.......

So tell her you love and then she can babysit your younger one while you
are out stargazing with your new man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nurjoyce's photo
Sun 03/04/07 07:51 PM
I agree.
I have been divorced three years, separated for two years prior to that.
It was not until recently that I started dating
because I had to get over feeling guilty.
You are entitled to happiness.

lulu24's photo
Mon 03/05/07 04:25 AM
if we were talking about a younger child, i would say that her emotions
and feelings come before any relationship you might be considering, and
to wait until she was ready.

but seriously, at 23, she should be able to recognize that it's mom's
turn to live.

tammy2166's photo
Mon 03/05/07 07:23 AM
Thanks for ur help. Whats everyone feelings about a bf spending the
night..My 11 yr old really likes him and is cool with it my 23 yr old
think it is not right...

newguy's photo
Mon 03/05/07 08:15 AM
thats a whole different area there. What would you be showing your 11
year old if you did that? Think about it.

nurjoyce's photo
Mon 03/05/07 03:02 PM
That would depend.
If you have a LTR or not with the bf.
I talk openly with my children.
I am divorced and not necessarily
wanting to get remarried, but
find someone to grow old with.

lulu24's photo
Mon 03/05/07 03:24 PM
gotta agree with newguy on this one...

in fact, i have to date someone for at least six months before he even
gets to meet my kids.

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/06/07 09:17 PM
I am a 21 year old single mom of a baby girl (2 months old) my b.f and i
broke up when i was three months pregnant. I am living with my mom who
is going through a divource. We are more like roomates than anything i
pay for half the rent and pay half for everything. I pay for everything
for my daughter and i have a good paying job i am a production tech at a
saw mill. I would never tell my mom who to date that is just not fair to
her and wouldnt be fair of me to try n run her life. But Tammy if you
are happy wiht ur 23 year old daughter living at home maybe u can work
things out just tell her how u feel. Many ppl are fast to judge about an
older child living at home. Than again if your not happy with her being
at home let her know that maybe it is time to move on. But if she is
chippin in and paying rent and stuff and ur happy with her being there
than just talk to her about how u feel and how you want to date and it
isnt up to her to choose who u can date or not. I dont know where her
father is but maybe she is hurting over that? My mom and dad split when
i was 4 than my mom and step dad are divourced after 15 years of
marriage he cheated on her. I was really upset and acted out alot but
now i know it is for the best. I really hope all works out for you and
your family I know what I said isnt exactley the "right" thing or the
perfect thing but i am just trying to help.. It is only fair of u to be
happy in life :smile: I wish u the best

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/06/07 09:20 PM
And for ur b/f to spend the nite how long have u 2 been together? and if
you think that is the next step than be happy with yourself. Yes u have
a 11 year old and a 23 year old but that doesnt mean u cant have a life
and have a b.f... if u guys are really serious than whats the prob with
spending the nite? YOu cant shelter your 11 year old for the rest of
his/her life you have a rite to be happy and fall in love all over again
you should feel ashamed or guilty