Topic: Red Cross Toothache
Amberdee29045's photo
Thu 07/03/08 03:30 PM
I just got this at the IGA because it's almost 2 bucks cheaper than anbesol or oragel.....and all I have to say is:

WOW drool

i used this right after i got back from the store (five hours ago) and the pain HAS NOT COME BACK YET!!!!!! oragel only lasted 5 minutes with me.....

I highly recommend this to anyone with a cavity....BUT ONLY THOSE WITH A CAVITY.....

it's 85% clove oil in a carrier oil (seasme) and it comes with tiny cotton pellets and a pair of tweezers. all you do grasp the cotton pellet with the tweezers, dip in the clove oil, SQUEEZE OFF THE EXCESS, stuff the soaked pellet into the cavity for ONE MINUTE and then take the pellet out.....

but there is a drawback....TRY NOT TO GET THE OIL ON YOUR GUMS, TONGUE OR CHEEK (it burns like hades if you do).....amazin stuff!

burgundybry's photo
Thu 07/03/08 03:31 PM
lol, ive known about that for years...still got it in the medicine chestlaugh laugh

Amberdee29045's photo
Thu 07/03/08 03:39 PM

lol, ive known about that for years...still got it in the medicine chestlaugh laugh

my dad knew about it too......he was just wanting to be cruel and not tell me about it.....

burgundybry's photo
Thu 07/03/08 04:40 PM

lol, ive known about that for years...still got it in the medicine chestlaugh laugh

my dad knew about it too......he was just wanting to be cruel and not tell me about it.....

best stuff in the world, till you can get to a dentist..but like ya say..gota watch the gums..stuff tastes nasty, lol