Topic: broken english
gina22's photo
Thu 03/01/07 10:03 PM
does some one speaking broken english bother you

no photo
Thu 03/01/07 10:06 PM
Not really, not so long as I can figure out what they're trying to
say....the message is more important than the structural propriety of
the medium....

lma's photo
Thu 03/01/07 10:07 PM
Nope... I come from a large ethnic family. I'm used to it.

lma's photo
Thu 03/01/07 10:07 PM
Very well said, Lex! :smile:

LAMom's photo
Thu 03/01/07 10:09 PM
Nope, Doesn't bother me, My Daughter in Laws family is from Germany you
should here us all together at family gatherings,, it can be very
comical at times,, The Acient does not make the person...its what is
inside that matters

no photo
Thu 03/01/07 10:11 PM
Thank you, Ima -- I try to look at this from the other side -- I took 4
years of Russian in high school, and I can speak it well enough to get
by, but I'm sure if I went there today, and started a conversation, I
would make a lot of truly laughable mistakes.

lma's photo
Thu 03/01/07 10:17 PM
That's pretty cool Lex. I'm Portuguese and can barely speak it.

TheShadow's photo
Thu 03/01/07 10:20 PM
Nope i know a few people that do and have no problem understanding them