Topic: Adam and Eve...
Hoss34's photo
Thu 03/01/07 03:51 PM
Adam and eve were in the Garden of Eden, and Eve had not been there long
and Adam was trying to get a grasp on the female thing, so he asked God
if they could have a talk. God replied, sure your my son and I love you
can ask me anything.
So Adam asked, God you have given me the beautiful flowers and the
sunset....But I look at Eve and she is so beautiful it takes my breath
away... Why God, did you make eve so beautiful? God replied, my son that
is easy, I made her that way so you would love her, Adam replied well,
it worked but I have another question... I touch the cool water and rub
the furry animals and they feel so good to me but I touch Eve and it is
so wonderful my heart almost stops... God, why did you make her that

God replied well Adam that is easy I made her that way so you’d love
her...well Adam replied, it worked, I do, but God I have one more
question and I don't mean to question your wisdom or anything, but God
she is stupid, why did you make her stupid? God replied my son that is
easy I made her that way so she would love you.