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Topic: Where do you stand in...
Wed 06/25/08 06:19 PM

Truthfully, I have a couple of lingering issues from the past that I haven't dealt with well at all, and still need to address. But it's a lot better than it was five years ago....

Thats kinda where I'm at too but always learning and trying to move forward !Life can and will be good again .drinker bigsmile

Wed 06/25/08 06:20 PM
I've learned from most of it and moved on....but I keep just enough on the top of my head to keep me from making mistakes again

Marie55's photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:21 PM
I agree with what you said Dreamz and Shadow.

I have a couple of issues I am still working on, but don't let them stop me from moving forward in my life. I think everyone has some issue lurking around in their past and we all deal with things at our own pace. The problems start when people don't deal with the issues.

TheShadow's photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:26 PM
Reading over everyones post i read some good things. What i seen is that most, even though your going through some things. Your still trying to going forward and thats what matters the most. It's when you stop trying is when ill say. i get lost and fall back into the same old patterns.

Have i delt with my issues? Yes and even though 5 months ago my relationships ended. it's didn't stop me from being me and moving on. yes i have some added things to it and one of them was my son that was born, but it's not an issue that stops me in anyway. Am i ready for a relationship. No and i'm not looking. I want to make sure things are some what stable before i let somone in my life.

Wed 06/25/08 06:27 PM
Can I say this ? It's so refreshing to see some honesty for a change ! I'm so tired of reading things like must have no baggage or no drama .Life is what it is and everyone has feelings you will never forget .It's a matter of learning when it's appropreate to share them and sometimes it takes another to help with the healing process . Even if its just to alow a vent once in awhile .And I'm not talking about an everyday thing but for those rough spots we all hit .:smile: bigsmile flowerforyou drinker

HMontana's photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:30 PM

Can I say this ? It's so refreshing to see some honesty for a change ! I'm so tired of reading things like must have no baggage or no drama .Life is what it is and everyone has feelings you will never forget .It's a matter of learning when it's appropreate to share them and sometimes it takes another to help with the healing process . Even if its just to alow a vent once in awhile .And I'm not talking about an everyday thing but for those rough spots we all hit .:smile: bigsmile flowerforyou drinker

Nicely said. We all have issues. Life is so much easier for ourselves and those with whom we interact if we will just admit that, try to grow from it, and become better people.flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:32 PM

My bitter past was my teacher that molded me for who I am now.

I live my life now as easy and happy as I can be for I know I am loved and I continue loving as well love

And like {{{{{Shadow}}}}}, I let my hair grow too! laugh :tongue:

TheShadow's photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:42 PM

My bitter past was my teacher that molded me for who I am now.

I live my life now as easy and happy as I can be for I know I am loved and I continue loving as well love

And like {{{{{Shadow}}}}}, I let my hair grow too! laugh :tongue:

I think, it's more that you let your hair down:smile:

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