Topic: urine test for smokers
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Tue 06/24/08 11:34 AM
I don't know if anyone seen this on fox news but i think it was like last week they had a segment on a company they didn't name in California who was trying to implement a urine test for smokers to which if they found nicotine in it the person would be fired. This being so that the companies health insurance would be lower..

What does everyone think of this?

I personally think this is horrible to me a company shouldn't be able to do this I am a non smoker, however, i believe if we let companies continually create all these new policies pretty soon are freedom definitly won't be in existance. They also had callers ask what about obese people they reaise insurance.. so i'm a chubster and i was like hmm they have a point but at the same time that would be against the law because companies are not allowed to chose you based on race, gender, age, etc the only way they can do that is if its in need for the company which is how airlines get away with having weight requirements for stewards and stewardess' saying its a risk if they cannot fit through the isles properly. I think a company should have the right to say no smoking on company grounds.. but i don't think they have the right to limit what you do in your own free time... also why haven't they thought to do this to people who drink then since drinking is proven to be linked to other diseases...

jtip1977's photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:37 AM
That's the most ridiculous thing I ever read. Next thing you know they'll impose a urine test to see how much red meat you've been eating

Stockdog6's photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:41 AM
In Kentucky, it is against the law to fire any employee for being a smoker, even if you have a no smoking policy in the site. Now from my understanding, Cal. is so liberal they can get away with this, which would explain why I have never visited Cal.

rush2001's photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:41 AM
That is wrong they shoulden't be allowed to do that.

bigsullivan54's photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:43 AM
yea thats rtarded
ima big fat ass and i still bust ass at work
y does me being obese have anything to do with my ability to work... cause i am hired to work right?

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:45 AM
the news caster was for it or maybe just being the devils advocate.. not sure then they had a woman on that was a gainst it i think they had like 3 callers and the first caller was for it saying that she hates having to go into places and hold her breath and smoking affects her blah blah blah, however she didn't do anything nor did the newscaster to support why this is necessary... not to mention wouldn't they have to test everyone covered under the insurance like say if a woman works there and shes a non smoker but her husband and son smoke whom are covered under her plan... would they to have to be non smokers to have the company's insurance premium go down? i dunno i found it outrageous though my only thought was how many rights are we going to give up until we have none left.

kitcat87's photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:45 AM
personally i'm a non smoker but i think this takes it a little too far...i'm all for making the people who choose to smoke to go outside to do it like they do in my building (fire hazard thing) but to tell them they're not allowed to period..seems a little too overbearing to me

bigsullivan54's photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:49 AM

In Kentucky, it is against the law to fire any employee for being a smoker, even if you have a no smoking policy in the site. Now from my understanding, Cal. is so liberal they can get away with this, which would explain why I have never visited Cal.

god bless kentucky
i miss it so much

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:51 AM
i just don't agree with it because smoking is legal... if its that bad for you why isn't it illegal????

astrosfan's photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:52 AM
if they fired me beacuse o f that reason id walk in the office weeks later and smoke in the damn building and make the damn fire alarms go off....

guyguy1225's photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:54 AM
going a bit extreme for lower insurance rate noway ...there are many other ways for a company to lower there insurance rates..once a week safety meetings is a start !! drinker

adj4u's photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:59 AM
why not if they can do test for other things why not tobacco

noway noway noway

kinda remind me of the old saying

when they came for the blacks i did nothing for i was not black

when they came for the wiccans i did nothing for i was not wiccan

when they came for the 9insert anything here) i did nothing cause i was not .....

then when they came for me there was no one left to help because i did not help when they came for them

enjoy your nicotine test


no photo
Tue 06/24/08 12:05 PM
I have read somhere that in one of the countries study showed that the overal healcare cost is much cheaper for smokers. They die earlier so the bill is smaller.

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 12:05 PM

actually thats a pretty pessimistic way to look at it and I would say a wrong way..

many blacks had white supporters, many men joined in for the women's movement ( when women couln't speak at meetings they had a black man stand up and speak for them)... every movement in history was not done by only those who created it, and if you honestly feel this way i would think you were depressed... or emotionally unstable.. as i stated before every movement, every cause is not just helped by those it pertains to ....

why not if they can do test for other things why not tobacco

noway noway noway

kinda remind me of the old saying

when they came for the blacks i did nothing for i was not black

when they came for the wiccans i did nothing for i was not wiccan

when they came for the 9insert anything here) i did nothing cause i was not .....

then when they came for me there was no one left to help because i did not help when they came for them

enjoy your nicotine test


dae11x's photo
Tue 06/24/08 12:07 PM

That's the most ridiculous thing I ever read. Next thing you know they'll impose a urine test to see how much red meat you've been eating
And genetic testing to see if you're predisposed to certain diseases.

cdanny47's photo
Tue 06/24/08 12:08 PM
Remember that if you get stopped by a cop and are smoking with a minor in the car you get a ticket!!!!!! Even if it is your own child...

adj4u's photo
Tue 06/24/08 12:09 PM

actually thats a pretty pessimistic way to look at it and I would say a wrong way..

many blacks had white supporters, many men joined in for the women's movement ( when women couln't speak at meetings they had a black man stand up and speak for them)... every movement in history was not done by only those who created it, and if you honestly feel this way i would think you were depressed... or emotionally unstable.. as i stated before every movement, every cause is not just helped by those it pertains to ....

why not if they can do test for other things why not tobacco

noway noway noway

kinda remind me of the old saying

when they came for the blacks i did nothing for i was not black

when they came for the wiccans i did nothing for i was not wiccan

when they came for the 9insert anything here) i did nothing cause i was not .....

then when they came for me there was no one left to help because i did not help when they came for them

enjoy your nicotine test


looks like you missed the point

be well