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Topic: Profile views
DestinysDream's photo
Mon 06/23/08 08:24 PM

It's so you know people looked and walked away!! laugh laugh laugh
BINGO! flowerforyou

Cinderella75's photo
Mon 06/23/08 08:25 PM

It's so you know people looked and walked away!! laugh laugh laugh

Yea sadly that happens alot..alot more views than e-mails..men don't be afraid..I don't bite...

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 06/23/08 08:27 PM
In some ways it's a reality check!!

Max_Darkling's photo
Mon 06/23/08 08:30 PM

It's so you know people looked and walked away!! laugh laugh laugh

Yea sadly that happens alot..alot more views than e-mails..men don't be afraid..I don't bite...

If I was younger I would Email you even if you did bite. IT would be worth the pain flowerforyou flowerforyou

popcornncoke's photo
Mon 06/23/08 08:55 PM
It is one way to learn about the JSH Family,There was alot of very sweet/good-hearted/funny people on it. I enjoy reading about people from all around the world.If I read your profile and don't write to you.It could be that you are to young,your life style is different than mine or I might think that you wouldn't waste your time on me.Just The Way I See It.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 06/23/08 09:05 PM
He is gone,
like the dew on yesterdays early dawn.
Like the love that you and I once shared.
In to the cold empty void that is the internet.
Only to return, De-deactivate, when life's sorrow
become to much, to heavy to bear alone.

no photo
Mon 06/23/08 09:22 PM

It's so you know people looked and walked away!! laugh laugh laugh

Yea sadly that happens alot..alot more views than e-mails..men don't be afraid..I don't bite...

Well that's no fun. :wink:

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