Topic: THE TEN - (10) WHAT???
tribo's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:03 AM
Is the christian god really who they claim him to be???
the 10 commandment's for example" now keep in mind these are just my wondering's on the subject as to how these sound more like man made rules than command's from an infinitely intellegent being. time for some dissecting of the thing's put forth as "the god" speaking.

1) - I am the lord thy god, which have brought you out of the land of egypt, out of the land of bondage, ""thou shalt not have any god's before me"".

hmmm?? - let's start here - would not an all knowing infinitely wise god really have stated something like thus : I am the ""only "" GOD - worship me and no one or nothing else or i'll kill you! (remember he's a jealous god tolaugh) - the writer continues -

" though shalt not make unto thee any graven images, or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven (not heaven's - hmmm???) or that is in the earth beneath ( got that one right)or that is in the water under (under?) the earth"

hmmm?? - again just how infinitely wise is this being? isn't the water for the biggest part above the ground/earth?? ok - maybe i'm just seeing thing's, and i can't walk on water so i sink - to me it's not a firm type of substance as ground is,laugh to continue:

" Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them (them?? - is he admitting there are other god's here?) For I the lord "thy" "GOD" am a "jealous" god, visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the third and forth generation's of those who hate me" - WoW!!!

hete is such a strong word, i dont hate the religious god of the jew's - i just think he is not real - a mean's to an end for those men who desired power and control - i feel sorry for him - bad men!! shame on you!!:cry:

bottom line for me is - an infinitely wise,intellegent,all knowing, creative being, could have made a much better statement if he was looking for loving obedience from the people he chose to lord over.

baroosie's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:09 AM
"Look.... i took me forever to create my own universe... if you dont like it, scr*w it!... go to another universe!" Godglasses

tribo's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:12 AM

"Look.... i took me forever to create my own universe... if you dont like it, scr*w it!... go to another universe!" Godglasses

hahaha - planning on it - just haven't saved enough OU currency yet - laugh

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:13 AM

"Look.... i took me forever to create my own universe... if you dont like it, scr*w it!... go to another universe!" Godglasses

hahaha - planning on it - just haven't saved enough OU currency yet - laugh

Think they will take credit?

baroosie's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:14 AM
"I'm glad you see my point"smokin The Big Man Upstairs

tribo's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:36 AM

"Look.... i took me forever to create my own universe... if you dont like it, scr*w it!... go to another universe!" Godglasses

hahaha - planning on it - just haven't saved enough OU currency yet - laugh

Think they will take credit?

RATH,RATH,RATHIL, - yu know better than that, "in god" we trust all other's cash only.

tribo's photo
Mon 06/23/08 11:08 AM
Edited by tribo on Mon 06/23/08 11:09 AM

"I'm glad you see my point"smokin The Big Man Upstairs

one point though baroosie or is it BM- upstair's?

Eternity? you said only 6 day's?? hmmmm???


no photo
Mon 06/23/08 11:33 AM

Is the christian god really who they claim him to be???
the 10 commandment's for example" now keep in mind these are just my wondering's on the subject as to how these sound more like man made rules than command's from an infinitely intellegent being. time for some dissecting of the thing's put forth as "the god" speaking.

1) - I am the lord thy god, which have brought you out of the land of egypt, out of the land of bondage, ""thou shalt not have any god's before me"".

hmmm?? - let's start here - would not an all knowing infinitely wise god really have stated something like thus : I am the ""only "" GOD - worship me and no one or nothing else or i'll kill you! (remember he's a jealous god tolaugh) - the writer continues -

" though shalt not make unto thee any graven images, or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven (not heaven's - hmmm???) or that is in the earth beneath ( got that one right)or that is in the water under (under?) the earth"

hmmm?? - again just how infinitely wise is this being? isn't the water for the biggest part above the ground/earth?? ok - maybe i'm just seeing thing's, and i can't walk on water so i sink - to me it's not a firm type of substance as ground is,laugh to continue:

" Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them (them?? - is he admitting there are other god's here?) For I the lord "thy" "GOD" am a "jealous" god, visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the third and forth generation's of those who hate me" - WoW!!!

hete is such a strong word, i dont hate the religious god of the jew's - i just think he is not real - a mean's to an end for those men who desired power and control - i feel sorry for him - bad men!! shame on you!!:cry:

bottom line for me is - an infinitely wise,intellegent,all knowing, creative being, could have made a much better statement if he was looking for loving obedience from the people he chose to lord over.

Exodus 20:2-3

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; Do not have any other gods before me.

There is no threat included with this commandment. So your argument is a strawman.

Exodus 20:4

You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Heaven is a word with three meanings.
a) Sky
b) space
c) The city of New Jerusalem

Now taking the scripture and looking at the word "Heaven" in context, we can see that God is talking about the sky, since ancient Israelites had never been to space and they had never been to the city of New Jerusalem.

"Land" is "'erets", which means: land. Land, as opposed to "sea". Even today we don't say "land" when discussing the ground under the water, we say "sea floor" or "lake bed". So saying the water under the land makes sense for every body of water on the planet, because for a for a body of water to be a body of must be surrounded by land, right?

Exodus 20:5

You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me,

The word "god", in it's most simple form, means an object of worship. A god can be money, sex, self, possessions, power, etc.

It's important to remember that the meanings of words have changed over the years. 200 years ago, if someone had called you "nice" it would have been the equivalent of being called "moronic".

baroosie's photo
Mon 06/23/08 11:43 AM

"I'm glad you see my point"smokin The Big Man Upstairs

one point though baroosie or is it BM- upstair's?

Eternity? you said only 6 day's?? hmmmm???

That didnt include blueprints and planning...

tribo's photo
Mon 06/23/08 01:54 PM

Is the christian god really who they claim him to be???
the 10 commandment's for example" now keep in mind these are just my wondering's on the subject as to how these sound more like man made rules than command's from an infinitely intellegent being. time for some dissecting of the thing's put forth as "the god" speaking.

1).I am the lord thy god, which have brought you out of the land of egypt, out of the land of bondage, ""thou shalt not have any god's before me"".

hmmm?? - let's start here - would not an all knowing infinitely wise god really have stated something like thus : I am the ""only "" GOD - worship me and no one or nothing else or i'll kill you! (remember he's a jealous god tolaugh) - the writer continues -

" though shalt not make unto thee any graven images, or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven (not heaven's - hmmm???) or that is in the earth beneath ( got that one right)or that is in the water under (under?) the earth"

hmmm?? - again just how infinitely wise is this being? isn't the water for the biggest part above the ground/earth?? ok - maybe i'm just seeing thing's, and i can't walk on water so i sink - to me it's not a firm type of substance as ground is,laugh to continue:

" Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them (them?? - is he admitting there are other god's here?) For I the lord "thy" "GOD" am a "jealous" god, visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the third and forth generation's of those who hate me" - WoW!!!

hete is such a strong word, i dont hate the religious god of the jew's - i just think he is not real - a mean's to an end for those men who desired power and control - i feel sorry for him - bad men!! shame on you!!:cry:

bottom line for me is - an infinitely wise,intellegent,all knowing, creative being, could have made a much better statement if he was looking for loving obedience from the people he chose to lord over.

Exodus 20:2-3

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; Do not have any other gods before me.

There is no threat included with this commandment. So your argument is a strawman.

Exodus 20:4

You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Heaven is a word with three meanings.
a) Sky
b) space
c) The city of New Jerusalem

Now taking the scripture and looking at the word "Heaven" in context, we can see that God is talking about the sky, since ancient Israelites had never been to space and they had never been to the city of New Jerusalem.

"Land" is "'erets", which means: land. Land, as opposed to "sea". Even today we don't say "land" when discussing the ground under the water, we say "sea floor" or "lake bed". So saying the water under the land makes sense for every body of water on the planet, because for a for a body of water to be a body of must be surrounded by land, right?

Exodus 20:5

You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me,

The word "god", in it's most simple form, means an object of worship. A god can be money, sex, self, possessions, power, etc.

It's important to remember that the meanings of words have changed over the years. 200 years ago, if someone had called you "nice" it would have been the equivalent of being called "moronic".


There is no threat included with this commandment. So your argument is a strawman.


correct that was my doing anyone can see it does not say i'll kill you - that was not the point, that was my humor spider - but the fact - still stands that its written "I am the lord thy god, which have brought you out of the land of egypt, out of the land of bondage, ""thou shalt not have any god's before me"". still if i wanted to make that point i would have said as i stated - I am " THE ONLY GOD" settles it once and for all - no room for misunderstanding dontcha think? dont matter if word's have changed - which bring's up another point -

Why if the languages of origin are so extremely important as to knowing the exact meaning of what was supposedly really said did not the writer's of the myriad of translations keep the updated new version's right on track and up to date with the meaning's? or are we doomed for the real meaning's to become like latin in court where only their member's of those allowed in by the bar can understand the meaning's? The bible is not a mystery - it's supposed to be understood on it's face value by all - or is it spider? If not then it's not worth the paper it's printed on, probably less. won't one of you desperately concerned christian's who worry for my soul and other's look into this and see if god will do us a favor and make a book we can all understand now so we don't have to try and reincarnate to 2000 yrs. ago to know what he really said? Otherwise it will keep on appearing to new reader's that it was meant for a specific time and to a specific people that it was intended for - not revelent to now. Oh wait - come to think of it - that is the case. Your god talks like an ancient man would and say's things a man would say in a way that man then would understand, his embodiment is there not here - otherwise an infinitely wise god would have made provisions to make it easily understandable for "ALL TIMES" and all place's for all people. It doesnot - so it is not timeless only for a certain time and only to a certain people or others who have been taken in by it's messages through out history. your god's to small for me spider.

no photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:37 PM

correct that was my doing anyone can see it does not say i'll kill you - that was not the point, that was my humor spider - but the fact - still stands that its written "I am the lord thy god, which have brought you out of the land of egypt, out of the land of bondage, ""thou shalt not have any god's before me"". still if i wanted to make that point i would have said as i stated - I am " THE ONLY GOD" settles it once and for all - no room for misunderstanding dontcha think? dont matter if word's have changed - which bring's up another point -

This is a completely baseless argument, which is specious to the core. Attacking the way the commandment is worded isn't a valid argument. God used a more poetic and dramatic language, one which the Hebrews would relate to. The Hebrews believed in other gods and the Bible is clear (and so was I) that other gods exist. A god is an object of worship and devotion. If you are devoted to money, then money is your god. This shouldn't be a foreign concept to you, because these same concepts exist in the English language. I think it's terrible when I see someone make such a foolish argument. It's this kind of post that really tries my patience and provokes my anger. I don't believe for a second that you thought this was a reasonable argument, it's like you are calling me stupid. It's very very disappointing.

The bible is not a mystery - it's supposed to be understood on it's face value by all - or is it spider?

No, the Bible should not be taken at face value. The Bible is a narrative and should be read as such. There are metaphores, similies and other linquistic devices.

Oh wait - come to think of it - that is the case. Your god talks like an ancient man would and say's things a man would say in a way that man then would understand, his embodiment is there not here - otherwise an infinitely wise god would have made provisions to make it easily understandable for "ALL TIMES" and all place's for all people.

The first rule to writing is to know your audience. God was speaking to primitive people, so God couldn't explain things in modern terms. The Bible can be understood today, just like it could when it was first complied. A lot of the Bible can be understood by just picking up the Bible and reading it. Some parts need to be explained, which is why Christians are told to congregate together. Some Christian with more knowledge can help those with less.

your god's to small for me spider.

I have been respectful towards you, are you incapable of doing the same for me? You through in little insults and jabs at my beliefs and I think it's completely unnecessary. It's entirely possible to disagree with someone without arguing, insulting or being rude.

tribo's photo
Mon 06/23/08 03:19 PM
sorry spider i see no poetry or drama - i see wording that is archaic in terms and meanings not clearly defined - that doesnot sound like an infinitely wise being to me - it sounds like ancient man talking to ancient man. you take my remarks as insults personally -not so - they are towards the biblical god - not you - your understanding is what it is in faith in these word's, mine are not, simple thus the contention.

again - an infinite god with infinite wisdom stating things like they are stated does not sound infinitely wise. if so then he would have made it infinitely understandable for all times, for all people,without a need for special knowledge of ancient languages being necessary. Either that, or it was meant for mankind of a cetain point in history and for them alone.

tribo's photo
Mon 06/23/08 05:10 PM

"The first rule to writing is to know your audience. God was speaking to primitive people, so God couldn't explain things in modern terms. The Bible can be understood today, just like it could when it was first complied. A lot of the Bible can be understood by just picking up the Bible and reading it. Some parts need to be explained, which is why Christians are told to congregate together. Some Christian with more knowledge can help those with less."


as to your first part of the reply -

" the first rule of writing is to know your audience."

Are you saying that an infinitely wise god did not know his audience was going to be one that would run throughout history or at least as far as it has? If yes, then he knew and foreknew, who his entire audience would be and should have made the language inclusive and conclusive for all time! Though a writer of modern literature may know his present audience, he has no way of knowing if his work will last a score of years let alone eternally. This is not the case with an infinite god. "god was" speaking to a primitive people, but that does not negate the present fact that it is to be read and understood by those who wish to look into or learn what it say's in a language they redily can comprehend. Thus it appears on it's surface to be written only for people of that time in that culture in those circumstances.


"Some parts need to be explained, which is why Christians are told to congregate together. Some Christian with more knowledge can help those with less."


and that's the point spider - it has only been able to survive because new christian's were led by the biblical teaching to gather themselves together to be "shown" by those who started it the knowledge as you say, (i say indoctrination), into the "deeper" meaning's they wanted to get across as god's teaching's. The problem is that every sectarian arm of your belief system has different teaching's on these not readily seen and easily understood truth's that are in the book.That's why there are dispensationalist, pre-trib, post-trib, mid-trib,A millennial. and preterist and then comes the further break down of partial and divergent sects also. eastern ortodox, roman orthodox, and it keeps going and going and going. Yet christianity want's outsider's to look at what those who believe are doing, in the name and faith of god and say to themselves, wow - i wanna be like them! - i don't think so spider. Until christianities upper echelon's can come together as a single unit - presenting the body of christ as a whole and sound entity based on a totally agreed upon base of writing's that be understood clearly and easily by the least of us. your religion lays mute to the need's or desires of what man seek's as "truth".