Topic: 10 improvements women need to act upon...
no photo
Wed 09/13/06 07:38 PM being attractive loyal honest appreciative attentive good
sense of humor easygoing intelligent independent kind

............... to keep from getting another divorce !!
true or false

unsure's photo
Wed 09/13/06 07:43 PM
I am sure that it is not just the womans fault if a divorce should
happen. The women that I know are attractive, loyal, honest,
appreciative, attentive, have a very good sense of humor, easy going,
intellegent, independent and are very kind. Do you know why they all
come with a sense of humor? To put up with the guys they are I
am going to say FALSE to you blaming women for all of the divorces there
I think any man out there would be lucky to get with one of my friends don't need a man...they would like a man...big

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 09/13/06 07:51 PM
Your right about all those qualities-but you left out "forgiveness".
Because holding onto anger is one of the most harmful things to any
realtionship. And may I ask why must these quilities be possesed only by
women. Are there not 2 people in a realtionship(marriage)? Relationships
are not 50/50 they are 110/110.
In my opionion we tend to put the ones we love on a pedestal
and when they make a mistake (as all humans do) the fall is hard and
long.Its easy to put people in compartments and have them be as we think
they should be, feel, act, etc. according to our standards.
We are all different. Love means compassion, loyalty, forgiveness.I
think too many people dont understnad the meaning of the word love and
they go too far too fast before really knowing each other enough to know
whether or not they actually can stay committed to a person.
A true loving realtionship takes work by both parties not just one
demanding things from the other.

tretia's photo
Wed 09/13/06 08:12 PM
hmmmm..well, what if a woman has all of those qualities and more, and
her sig other cheats on her..cuz he cant keep his zipper up..she cant
take the cheating is that her fault?

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 05:15 AM
Tretia, I hear ya. My ex wife did the same on me while I was over the

But others...If the shoe fits wear it...if it doesnt then why in the
hell would one write and be so finger pointy judgemental. Opinions
sometimes aren't worth the paper they are written on. It was a question
that came to mind...from a previous question/answer, thats all. If the
shoe doesn't fit , geeeez, dont be ofended for all women kind, your
insecurities are showing. Everyone doesnt fall in to your category to be
so defensive. But for others, people just need to reflect back to
themselves for a moment and say hey is this me. It wasnt nor is about
pointing fingures like you did and you know who you are.

JusKat58's photo
Thu 09/14/06 06:11 AM

" being attractive loyal honest appreciative attentive good sense
of humor easygoing intelligent independent kind"

I would suggest that everyone be aware of these points, and be willing
to improve themselves accordingly. So many people say, "Take me or leave
me" ~ yet they might be happier with themselves if they made the
conscious effort to improve.

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 06:17 AM
i like your comment kat, i'm always trying to make myself a better
person. that does sound like an ideal friend though whether it is a
sensual relationship or not.

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 06:22 AM
there are defensive people on both sides but i think it may be a
communication problem as well because i have posted topics for the sake
of a discussion(not a personal experience or problem)but it is tough
sometimes when you have to communicate through the written word because
the person reading it doesn't always get where you are coming from. i
just take it all like a discussion rather than someone trying to make a

no photo
Fri 09/15/06 06:07 PM
That is what i was trying to convey and you did a great job of doing it
for all of us....

JusKat58's photo
Fri 09/15/06 06:41 PM
I sure do like you two... Drew (still dealing with that side issue,
remember?) and King.

no photo
Sat 09/16/06 04:12 PM
Hi JustKat58...OOOOHHH Boy..good luck gurl. Glad I could help. And
thanks for the pat on the back ..everyone can use one every now and
then. Your always adorable in my book...(you love animals too and more
kiddo lol)!