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Topic: I'm afraid of 19 out of 73 common fears
mcattygarnett's photo
Sat 06/21/08 09:18 AM
I have 11happy

No1sLove's photo
Sat 06/21/08 09:23 AM

look, it just bothers me that "black people" is at the very pinacle of the list. I mean, come on, you should edit that
I know a man who is terrified of Asian people. So I spose these are real phobias and not just prejudices, but if meant in that manner, they should ask...scared of different races, cultures or religion. Makes you wonder about the frame of mind of the qizzer don't it? ohwell

no photo
Sat 06/21/08 09:25 AM

look, it just bothers me that "black people" is at the very pinacle of the list. I mean, come on, you should edit that
I know a man who is terrified of Asian people. So I spose these are real phobias and not just prejudices, but if meant in that manner, they should ask...scared of different races, cultures or religion. Makes you wonder about the frame of mind of the qizzer don't it? ohwell

that is it, exactly. I needed a little of your eloquence to strengthen my pointflowerforyou

feistybaby's photo
Sat 06/21/08 09:27 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou *waves at Merlin*

poohbearface19's photo
Sat 06/21/08 09:36 AM
it wont let me edit anymore but ill do it over

poohbearface19's photo
Sat 06/21/08 09:37 AM
If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.

If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.

If you get 10-20, you are normal

If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless

I Fear…

[] bad hair days
[] the dark
[x] staying single forever
[] being a parent
[] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[x] heights
[] dogs
[] birds
[] fish
[x] spiders
[] flowers or other plants
Total so far:3

[] being touched by older guys
[] fire
[x] deep water
[x] snakes
[] silk
[] the ocean
[x] failure
[] success
[] lightning
[] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[x] rats
[x] jumping from high places
[] snow
total so far: 5

[] rain
[] wind
[x] crossing hanging bridges
[x] death
[] heaven
[] God himself
[x] being robbed/mugged
[] falling
[] clowns
[] dolls
[] large crowds of people
[] men
[] women
[] having great responsibilities
[x] doctors, including dentists
[x] tornadoes
Total so far:5

[x] hurricanes
[x] incurable diseases
[x] sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[x] ghosts
[x] poverty
[x] Halloween
[] school
[] trains
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[x] being alone
[x] becoming blind
[x] becoming deaf
[] growing up
Total so far:9

[] creepy noises in the night
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[x] needles
[] blood
[] dinosaurs
[] the welcome mat
[] high speed
[] throwing up
[x] falling in love
Final Total: 2

Post it with the subject -
I'm afraid of __ out of 73 common fears

i have 24

No1sLove's photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:52 AM

look, it just bothers me that "black people" is at the very pinacle of the list. I mean, come on, you should edit that
I know a man who is terrified of Asian people. So I spose these are real phobias and not just prejudices, but if meant in that manner, they should ask...scared of different races, cultures or religion. Makes you wonder about the frame of mind of the qizzer don't it? ohwell

that is it, exactly. I needed a little of your eloquence to strengthen my pointflowerforyou
That's ironic ((Mass)) since that may be what comes out when I say something, but what I am thinking and wish I had the guts to say is...what kind of a fricking fracking idiot would write that? explode Wanna trade? laugh laugh

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