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Topic: OPINION.....
Mon 06/16/08 06:25 PM
If a mans child support is removed from his pay thru a court order and his boss takes the money out, but neglects to send it for 5 weeks. Is he current on his child support or behind??

DestinysDream's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:26 PM

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:26 PM
Somebody is going to jail. devil

Bornnaked's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:26 PM
Behind I would think.

sissy181's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:26 PM
he is in arrearage but if he has his check stubs then its bosses problem .

livelife68's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:27 PM
probably behind, it's his responsibility it gets paid not the employers

crazysillygirl's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:27 PM
behind until its sent in then....caught up !!!

radiance's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:28 PM
he is behind and his boss is in hot water. Both of them need to get their act together.

kerbear73's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:28 PM
As long as you can show that it is being garnished, You still might be behind, but you have to show the proof and then they can look whether your boss is not paying it.

willy_cents's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:28 PM
In Wyo, the man is behind, but, the employer is liable for ten times the amount withheld but not submitted to child support enforcement. There will be no repercussions on the man.

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:30 PM
doesn't sound right about the boss taking it out and not sending it, the state should be directly deducting it, just like the government does.

Mon 06/16/08 06:31 PM
Edited by MAKE_ME_GIGGLE on Mon 06/16/08 06:33 PM
OK.... why i asked is...
divorce papers state... the ex gets to claim my son on taxes as long as he is current... as off January 1 he was 5 weeks behind. The state is now saying, if his boss took the child support out then he was current, because it wasnt his fault the boss didnt send it,and I was wrong in claiming my son.. If they didnt take it out, then he was behind, and i had right to claim my son

Mon 06/16/08 06:34 PM
Edited by MAKE_ME_GIGGLE on Mon 06/16/08 06:34 PM

doesn't sound right about the boss taking it out and not sending it, the state should be directly deducting it, just like the government does.

the state is taking it... but his boss can pay 1 weeks support every 21 days and they cant say a word.. day 22 they can write a letter making threats

Jules0565's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:36 PM

If a mans child support is removed from his pay thru a court order and his boss takes the money out, but neglects to send it for 5 weeks. Is he current on his child support or behind??

depends.. did the employer send the full amount?

willy_cents's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:37 PM
not knowing your particular state laws, logic says that is correct. The man in fact has "submitted" his cs to the system. Any delay to it in that system is beyond his control, therefore rendering him faultless. Same with any payroll withholding. If the employer withholds but does not send in the payroll taxes, the employee is not at fault with the IRS, but, the employer is in deep doodoo

Mon 06/16/08 06:37 PM

If a mans child support is removed from his pay thru a court order and his boss takes the money out, but neglects to send it for 5 weeks. Is he current on his child support or behind??

depends.. did the employer send the full amount?

yes he did... but i went 5 weeks without anything.. thats why i went thru the courts to begin with

Mon 06/16/08 06:39 PM

not knowing your particular state laws, logic says that is correct. The man in fact has "submitted" his cs to the system. Any delay to it in that system is beyond his control, therefore rendering him faultless. Same with any payroll withholding. If the employer withholds but does not send in the payroll taxes, the employee is not at fault with the IRS, but, the employer is in deep doodoo

see i disagree... its not beyond his control. he can ask his boss... hey...did you send my support in?????

willy_cents's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:40 PM

depends.. did the employer send the full amount?

does not matter in Wyo. If the emplyer withheld the correct amount, but failed to send it in, the withholdee is faultless because it is considered "beyond his control." The employer can be held liable for fraud, in that case

Marley's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:40 PM

If a mans child support is removed from his pay thru a court order and his boss takes the money out, but neglects to send it for 5 weeks. Is he current on his child support or behind??

What do you think? You are responsible.

Mon 06/16/08 06:42 PM

If a mans child support is removed from his pay thru a court order and his boss takes the money out, but neglects to send it for 5 weeks. Is he current on his child support or behind??

What do you think? You are responsible.

If it goes to court... i could be wrong in claiming my son on taxes

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