Topic: if you could dinner with someone anyone on earth who would i
buttons's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:39 AM
sluggo is that dinner with him or breakfast?:wink:

Marie55's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:46 AM
Good one Buttons.

Name dropping?? My cousin was the cop in Officer and a Gentleman - the
one who walked into the motel after the soldier had hung himself. That
is my closest claim to fame.

Oh, not really, actually saw a famous inmate while I worked in the
prison system, She was the copycat strangler, the one who tried to
strangle a woman to draw the guilt away from the (can't remember his
title) was it the hilltop strangler or one of them, think her name was
Virginia Compton. Was the guy she was trying to protect Kevin Coe, or
Bianci, can't remember, sorry.

Talked to a psychiatrist who talked to Charley Manson.

mistyblue2012's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:48 AM
My kids........they are always first......
Then I would have to say George Clooney...have always thought he was
Finally, Larry the Cable Guy........laughing makes you live longer and
at least if I had to pay the dinner, it wouldn't be expensive!!!!

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:53 AM
My closest claim to fame is this guy that I am talking to that "SAYS"
that Vin Deasle (sp sorry) was his babysitterlaugh

buttons's photo
Sun 02/25/07 11:00 AM
I would say with the awesome gentleman I met on here that I've been
talking on the phone with. Since he's the only one I've done that with
he knows who he is:smile: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched :wink:

Marie55's photo
Sun 02/25/07 11:09 AM
Oh Misty, you like Larry the Cable Guy too??? Isn't he the funniest??
I just love him, he is so down to earth and just plain funny.

mistyblue2012's photo
Sun 02/25/07 11:11 AM
Marie he is awesomme. Saw him at the rodeo here last year. I was
devasted when he got married because I can say beyond a shadow of a
doubt that I would have married him.

Marie55's photo
Sun 02/25/07 11:15 AM
Oh man, he is married??? Bummer, what a cutey, like a little boy next
door you would like to have come visit. Almost an innocence about him.

Did you hear that the Air Force asked to use his logo "Git-R-Done"? -
and he told them they could use it for free, didn't ask for any money
for it. Said he was sorry that it was only the Air Force, that he would
like all the forces to be able to use it.

He is just a boy next door type and just too funny.

LAMom's photo
Sun 02/25/07 12:33 PM
My Parents if thier were still here,,,

The most incredible man in my life Terry and all of my incredible
friends here on JSH,,

Dinner, Friends, Drinks and a whole lot of funnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 12:45 PM
*peeks in *
where's the party mombigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

LAMom's photo
Sun 02/25/07 12:46 PM
Hey,,, Silly I thought we could all meet at my house before i move out
to Indiana,,,. flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 12:47 PM
*checks the airlines*
that would be a hoot for sure, oh the laughs we would haveflowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Sun 02/25/07 12:48 PM
We would have so much fun,,, lots of laughs,,,, lots of tears of
joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One day we so have to make this come to
life,,,,drinker flowerforyou :heart:

LrgIceCoffee's photo
Sun 02/25/07 01:00 PM
I would say paris hilton so hopefully she would choke on something and
leave this planet for good!

angel2113's photo
Sun 02/25/07 07:45 PM
with my daughter yanirett in puerto rico have not seen her in years.

terisa's photo
Sun 02/25/07 07:50 PM
i would have to say angelina jolie....i think she is so awesome...she is
a great person for doing all she is doing for third worrld country
children..i want to see if she is truly for real or just putting on an

Morena350's photo
Sun 02/25/07 07:51 PM
awwww angel, get a ticket and go man, go see her and spend a weekend
with her!!!

DANE1973's photo
Sun 02/25/07 07:53 PM
I have 5 that I would like to have dinner with.
And Songbirrd.
aww hell all of them.

tallandtttanned's photo
Sun 02/25/07 07:54 PM
hey morena what time do u want breakfast

buttons's photo
Sun 02/25/07 07:57 PM
oooh well i could do thatsmooched smooched smooched