beachbum069's photo
Sat 06/14/08 08:12 AM

jmobut I think 30 yr old men and 18 yr old women are at 2 totally different stages in their life! Most likely the 30 yr old man is really immature...noway

Marry Meflowerforyou

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 08:13 AM

jmobut I think 30 yr old men and 18 yr old women are at 2 totally different stages in their life! Most likely the 30 yr old man is really immature...noway

Marry Meflowerforyou
how old are you???laugh laugh laugh laugh

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 06/14/08 08:34 AM

jmobut I think 30 yr old men and 18 yr old women are at 2 totally different stages in their life! Most likely the 30 yr old man is really immature...noway
I beg to differ haha...If it was a 22 year old man and a 14 year old girl then yes, 2 different stages in life because the girl is in high school still cared for by her parents and the guy is out in the world dealing with life but if you are both adults then you are both out in the world dealing with life on life's terms.

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 08:36 AM
and you dont see a 30 year old man and a 18 year old girl at different stages???? Ive been through many different stages in my life.....youre still young and havent gone through as many and I have......but you are allowed to beg to differ......Im just Right!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 08:55 AM

for 29-30 year old men to date 18 or 19 year old women? Or even if the men are older. In my opinion, age is just a number and you have to assess the person; not how old they are. As long as the woman is an adult it's ok in my opinion. What do YOU think??:smile:

Card her. That way at minimum, you wont be placed prominently on

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:18 PM

and you dont see a 30 year old man and a 18 year old girl at different stages???? Ive been through many different stages in my life.....youre still young and havent gone through as many and I have......but you are allowed to beg to differ......Im just Right!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh
I think it depends on the 30 year old man but I'm 29 and I JUST TURNED 29 but sure I've changed since 18 but the changes have been pretty subtle compared to going from 15-18 when you go from being a school boy living with your parents to an adult out in the you can think you are right...but you aren'tlaugh laugh laugh

burgundybry's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:32 PM

for 29-30 year old men to date 18 or 19 year old women? Or even if the men are older. In my opinion, age is just a number and you have to assess the person; not how old they are. As long as the woman is an adult it's ok in my opinion. What do YOU think??:smile:

I think it's insane that sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many threads are written about this subject.

Date who you want. BE HAPPY :wink:

BRAVO!! right on, fade!!

feistybaby's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:38 PM
18 - 19 year old female = adult This does not compute will robinson.....Seriously Not discounting those that have had to grow up fast, I did, but most 18-19 year olds don't have a clue about where they are or what that want out of life. And if a 29 year old isn't past that stage I would worry. If you are looking for a play mate fine and dandy keep right on dating that age bracket. If you are looking for a real relationship at least find someone in your own age range.

Lily0923's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:42 PM

for 29-30 year old men to date 18 or 19 year old women? Or even if the men are older. In my opinion, age is just a number and you have to assess the person; not how old they are. As long as the woman is an adult it's ok in my opinion. What do YOU think??:smile:

Do whatever you want to do.flowerforyou

IN MY OPINION... BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE... MY THOUGHTS ON THE MATTER ARE... Just wanted to make sure that was clear.

You are in two totally different places in your life. You're dating arm candy, and if that's what you want great... I can say this because I was an 18 and 19 year old girl once. I did not have the emotional stamina for a 30something year old guy.

tim20721's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:44 PM
It's legal but I wouldn't do it. I have kids that age, and have found that whats important in that age group doesn't really matter to people my age. Nothing in common, nothing to talk about=nothing of a relationship. Can't spend all your time in bed.

Lily0923's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:47 PM

for 29-30 year old men to date 18 or 19 year old women? Or even if the men are older. In my opinion, age is just a number and you have to assess the person; not how old they are. As long as the woman is an adult it's ok in my opinion. What do YOU think??:smile:

Do whatever you want to do.flowerforyou

IN MY OPINION... BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE... MY THOUGHTS ON THE MATTER ARE... Just wanted to make sure that was clear.

You are in two totally different places in your life. You're dating arm candy, and if that's what you want great... I can say this because I was an 18 and 19 year old girl once. I did not have the emotional stamina for a 30something year old guy.

Wait. let me clairify, I STILL DON'T HAVE THE EMOTIONAL STAMINA FOR A 30 SOMETHING YEAR OLD GUY...laugh laugh laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:54 PM
Hmm, if I date 2 19 year old girls then together they would just about be my age, I love it when a plan comes togeterdevil

oldsage's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:57 PM
It is really funny to me, the way youth so often thinks that the experience most gain with age, means nothing.
Hopefully time will educate the young as it did us.

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:57 PM

Hmm, if I date 2 19 year old girls then together they would just about be my age, I love it when a plan comes togeterdevil

laugh laugh

Lily0923's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:57 PM

Hmm, if I date 2 19 year old girls then together they would just about be my age, I love it when a plan comes togeterdevil

Or one, 26 year old...she'd rock your world Pats...laugh laugh laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 06/14/08 01:00 PM

Hmm, if I date 2 19 year old girls then together they would just about be my age, I love it when a plan comes togeterdevil

Or one, 26 year old...she'd rock your world Pats...laugh laugh laugh

devil I'm up for thatdevil

Lily0923's photo
Sat 06/14/08 01:02 PM

It is really funny to me, the way youth so often thinks that the experience most gain with age, means nothing.
Hopefully time will educate the young as it did us.

You know it will... it comes with age though.

I've always said it's too bad we can't go backwards in life... gain our knowledge, and have fun with it in our youth...:wink:

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 06/14/08 01:03 PM

Hmm, if I date 2 19 year old girls then together they would just about be my age, I love it when a plan comes togeterdevil

Or one, 26 year old...she'd rock your world Pats...laugh laugh laugh

devil I'm up for thatdevil

you sure?

Lily0923's photo
Sat 06/14/08 01:06 PM

Hmm, if I date 2 19 year old girls then together they would just about be my age, I love it when a plan comes togeterdevil

Or one, 26 year old...she'd rock your world Pats...laugh laugh laugh

devil I'm up for thatdevil

you sure?

SHhhhhhhhhhh. he knows not what of he speaks... let me have that huh?

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 06/14/08 01:07 PM
blushing ................Lily..............................devil