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Topic: I just found out
Lily0923's photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:47 PM
My friend cheated on her boyfriend, and used me "covertly"

I'm kinda pissed, I'm friends with him too.

He asked her, she denied it, then cried to me "how could he think I did that to him"

I don't get people... I'm so disappointed in her, not for cheating so much as going to the lenghts to actually cry because he accused her.

grumble grumble grumble

izzie's photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:48 PM
been there.. some people just dont have a clue.. and its sad because we luv them anyway...
im sorry you got stuck in that position..
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

willy_cents's photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:48 PM
I would cut her heart out and hand it to her on a stick for cheating and dragging my name through the dirt:angry:

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:49 PM
smokin Never trust anyonesmokin

HMontana's photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:49 PM
Oh, boy. Girls. Lily, I hope you called her out on it. Right?

dbad111's photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:49 PM
that doesnt sound like a real friend
they should have the gulls to stand up and say ya i cheated
it was/nt a mistake
not try and hide behind ure friends into taking your side

HMontana's photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:52 PM
Lils...did you tell her "If you don't straighten up, I'm gonna pull your treachea out and eat it like a pixie stick" ?????

I love that. Can I use it, btw?

No1sLove's photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:52 PM
I know how that feels Lily. About 10 years ago a friend of mine did that to me. Her boyfriend called me and asked what movie we were going to.

Ummm... I'm not going to a movie hon!

End of friendship and end of their relationship. I guess she took her chances on that one. I guess she already knew better than to ASK me to cover for her. noway ohwell

Lily0923's photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:54 PM

Lils...did you tell her "If you don't straighten up, I'm gonna pull your treachea out and eat it like a pixie stick" ?????

I love that. Can I use it, btw?

of course...flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:56 PM
"This is the last time you will use me in this manner. I respect myself, you and our friendship, and I expect the same in return."

Lily0923's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:06 PM
My tolerance of the human race is at an all time low right now. explode explode explode

itsmetina's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:07 PM
there are some messed up people in this world

HMontana's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:10 PM

My tolerance of the human race is at an all time low right now. explode explode explode

I understand completely.

But, I'm not really a guy. I am everything I told you. I swear.:heart:

Lily0923's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:11 PM

My tolerance of the human race is at an all time low right now. explode explode explode

I understand completely.

But, I'm not really a guy. I am everything I told you. I swear.:heart:

I love ya babe...:heart:

no photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:11 PM

My friend cheated on her boyfriend, and used me "covertly"

I'm kinda pissed, I'm friends with him too.

He asked her, she denied it, then cried to me "how could he think I did that to him"

I don't get people... I'm so disappointed in her, not for cheating so much as going to the lenghts to actually cry because he accused her.

grumble grumble grumble

Then start going out with her boyfriend, then. That oughta teach her. bigsmile

Lily0923's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:12 PM

Then start going out with her boyfriend, then. That oughta teach her. bigsmile

Oh God no... Def. not my type.

no photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:16 PM
Then start going out with the fella your friend cheated on her boyfriend with. That oughta teach her. bigsmile

Lily0923's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:27 PM

Then start going out with the fella your friend cheated on her boyfriend with. That oughta teach her. bigsmile

He is my type...bigsmile

no photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:43 PM

My friend cheated on her boyfriend, and used me "covertly"

So she didn't give you a heads up first. I get it.

grumble grumble grumble

My sentiments, exactly. I can handle being a friend to someone who isn't really one themselves, but when the lying starts, the friendship ends.

no photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:44 PM

My tolerance of the human race is at an all time low right now. explode explode explode

If given the chance, I could take it lower and introduce you to a new friend. laugh laugh laugh laugh

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