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DeadlyAddiction's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:53 PM

DeadlyAddiction's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:57 PM
anyone home ?

yeahitsmeok's photo
Thu 06/26/08 12:56 AM
yeah im still heredrinks whoa

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 02:19 AM
asleep asleep

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 02:29 AM

andreajayne's photo
Thu 06/26/08 04:45 PM
hey y'all, just stopping by to say hi! got lots of stuff to do tonight, just takin a break! think

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 05:37 PM

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 01:57 AM

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 04:55 PM
Its Friday! What are the big plans?
Scout is looking like an old roadkill.laugh And it was only 80 today!

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:54 AM
Poor Scout, did you ice him down laugh laugh

andreajayne's photo
Sat 06/28/08 10:55 AM
I want to say thank you to all of you that have been my friends. Friendships are often taken for granted until something bad happens. You all mean the world to me. I know I have never met any of you face to face, but all of the advice you have given me, and all of the nights you all have just let me vent mean more then words can say.

I've had time to think about things over the last 12 hours, and am realizing how precious these relationships are.

My best friend (who's 1500 miles away from me) called me about midnight last night to tell me she loved me and goodbye. She had just taken a bottle of thyroid pills, and various others that she got her hands on, then slammed as many beers as she possibly could. I didn't know what to do, I plead with her to call 911 and get herself help. Unfortunatly I couldn't convince her to do so. I sat there crying on the phone with her trying to figure out how to call 911 for her. Being 1500 miles away, not knowing her address, or any other information to try to get help, I just sat there with her on the phone until she finally passed out and the phone went dead. Her boyfriend was home, and I asked her to give him the phone, when she did, he hung up on me. He didn't give a sh!t if she lived or died. I just wanted to ask him to call 911 for me.

I layed awake for hours before I finally cried myself to sleep. I just didnt know what to do. There was a text on my phone this morning when I woke up, it was from her. Thankfully her attempt was unsucessful, and she woke up, but now I'm at a loss as to what I can do. I can't afford to fly or drive down there to be with her. I don't know what to say to her on the phone. I'm mad at her, so very mad, but at the same time, I know that this is when she needs me most, she has hit rock bottom.

I'm sorry to say this isnt the first time, and unfortunatly probably won't be the last. She has made 6 prior suicide attempts. Obviously something is keeping her alive, but what is it? It hurts me to see her going through this.

Growing up, I always thought she was the strong one, and I looked up to her. I'm starting to realize that I've been the glue thats held her together, not the other way around.

If any of you know of any hotlines that are 100% anonymous for her to call, please give me the number! She needs help, and I just don't know what to do for her!

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 11:21 AM
You might check with a local hospital or a religious leader. Priest, preacher.Sorry you and your friend are going through this.flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 11:27 AM

What a horrifying experience for you, I'm so sorry. Just about every community has a suicide hotline and they are all anonymous and confidential.

Hun, you can give her a number but it's up to her whether or not she uses it. The hardest thing you will be able to do is accept there is nothing you can do for her except be her friend and try to prepare yourself for her death. I'm sorry to say that but you cannot save her until and if she is ready to save herself. She obviously wants help but she has to got to accept the responsibility of helping herself, otherwise she would have given you her address, etc. Not last night, but at some point when she's sober and not as depressed. She needs the kind of psychological help (and probably meds) that she can only get from a professional. And she needs to ditch the boyfriend but she won't do that until she feels she deserves something better.

I know what you're going through, I went through this for years with my best friend. Sadly to say, I finally had to almost completely sever ties with her, I couldn't keep going through it and she wouldn't accept my help, or anyones. I had to finally accept that her life was her own, to do with as she would and I had no control over it. It was the hardest thing I ever did.

I know this isn't much help to you, except for you to know that you're not alone, I've been in your situation before and I know what you're feeling. I'll be here when you need me and love ya, my friend flowerforyou flowers

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 12:00 PM
Aj, you have mail.flowers

andreajayne's photo
Sun 06/29/08 11:40 AM
all is well on my end of things. i talked to her this morning. she called to appologize to me for scaring me like she did. i basically told her that no appology was going to be accepted on my end, and that she was very lucky it didnt work. i told her that i love her and she will always be my friend, and me hers, but that what she is doing to herself needs to change. i told her that i can not sit back and watch her self distruct.

she knows i'm here for her, but now she also knows that i won't be the one to call next time she has already attempted suicide. i told her that it's not fair to me to have to sit on the phone with her helpless until she passes out no knowing what happened.

i'm still mad and hurt, but i feel better telling her what i did.

thanks guys for helping me yesterday, i really needed people to talk to me!

oh and btw, dinner was a huge success last night. everything turned out awesome. the best part was everyone showing up wanting to know what the special occasion was. the parents were either expecting a SURPRISE... andrea's pregnant, or SURPRISE... we are getting married. LOL it was great having them sit there wondering when the surprise was going to happen. really alls dinner was, was that we felt things have progressed enough, it was time for the parents to meet each other. LOL!

no photo
Sun 06/29/08 11:49 AM
That is good to hear AJ!:thumbsup: On both items!happy Glad things worked out!

andreajayne's photo
Sun 06/29/08 11:53 AM

how was your weekend?

no photo
Sun 06/29/08 11:55 AM
Hey girl long time no see
Missed you

andreajayne's photo
Sun 06/29/08 11:57 AM

it has been a long time! i aint been on much the last 5 months or so!

andreajayne's photo
Sun 06/29/08 11:58 AM
sad2 i clicked, but no naked pics, i'm sueing for false advertisement!rofl

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